Do you have a gym "crush"...



  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    Not a same-sex one, but there's a guy at my gym who certainly improves the scenery. ;)

    lol.. i work out at the gym on base... and there's always nice scenery there ...mmmmmmmmm
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    I really wish I could do that without it being awkward. I see people that are my old weight (especially this overweight kid who I saw with his mom). I just want to go up to them and tell them they're kicking *kitten*, but I know if it was me, I'd think that was weird.

    Ya know, you might be pleasantly surprised! I think it would make his day. I think I had every meathead scratching their head in utter confusion when I approached this 6'3" 135lb 17 year old kid at the drinking fountain one day. Told him he had about the same build as my husband when he was the same age (ok, hubs was about 6'1" & 130, but you get the idea) and I got teased by my Commanding Officer for taking a "high school senior" to the Marine Corps Ball (my guy was up to 160 then), but around 25 he filled out just like all the other guys and is now a pretty intimidating 192 with a 48" chest. Just told the kid to be patient, keep at it and it'll happen. He was grinning ear to ear... made his day.
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    Whoops! Internal server error 505 made me double post! Doh
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    I really wish I could do that without it being awkward. I see people that are my old weight (especially this overweight kid who I saw with his mom). I just want to go up to them and tell them they're kicking *kitten*, but I know if it was me, I'd think that was weird.

    Ya know, you might be pleasantly surprised! I think it would make his day. I think I had every meathead scratching their head in utter confusion when I approached this 6'3" 135lb 17 year old kid at the drinking fountain one day. Told him he had about the same build as my husband when he was the same age (ok, hubs was about 6'1" & 130, but you get the idea) and I got teased by my Commanding Officer for taking a "high school senior" to the Marine Corps Ball (my guy was up to 160 then), but around 25 he filled out just like all the other guys and is now a pretty intimidating 192 with a 48" chest. Just told the kid to be patient, keep at it and it'll happen. He was grinning ear to ear... made his day.

    I think the giver of the message will be the difference. lol
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    Not a same-sex one, but there's a guy at my gym who certainly improves the scenery. ;)

    lol.. i work out at the gym on base... and there's always nice scenery there ...mmmmmmmmm

    I thinks that's why my husband bought me the 24hr membership. Didn't want me to go enjoy the scenery at the Buckley AFB gym, lol!
  • bluefever
    bluefever Posts: 93 Member
    I really wish I could do that without it being awkward. I see people that are my old weight (especially this overweight kid who I saw with his mom). I just want to go up to them and tell them they're kicking *kitten*, but I know if it was me, I'd think that was weird.

    Ya know, you might be pleasantly surprised! I think it would make his day. I think I had every meathead scratching their head in utter confusion when I approached this 6'3" 135lb 17 year old kid at the drinking fountain one day. Told him he had about the same build as my husband when he was the same age (ok, hubs was about 6'1" & 130, but you get the idea) and I got teased by my Commanding Officer for taking a "high school senior" to the Marine Corps Ball (my guy was up to 160 then), but around 25 he filled out just like all the other guys and is now a pretty intimidating 192 with a 48" chest. Just told the kid to be patient, keep at it and it'll happen. He was grinning ear to ear... made his day.

    I think the giver of the message will be the difference. lol

    I doubt it. I think that kid would rather have a friend and mentor at the gym that to work out with his mom. Just sayin'.
  • runningfromzombies
    runningfromzombies Posts: 386 Member
    Definitely did when I was first working out in Berkeley. There's something about a Pac-10 school that inspires absurd fitness in all the people who visit our university gym. Weighing only fourteen pounds more than I do now, I would walk in and feel like an enormous fatty (even though I was BARELY overweight for my height!) compared to the nose-breathing runners lining the walls on treadmills.

    Now that I've been home for the summer and working out at a small, off-the-beaten-path gym, something weird has happened...

    I hardly ever see girls in the weight room (in fact, I hardly see anyone in the weight room. True story, it's a small gym, and I purposely go when there's less traffic). But last week there were a pair of them, and my entire workout I could feel these little eyes watching everything I of them would hop on a machine just as I vacated it, and the other would get on after the girl in front had moved on. Were they looking to me to learn how to use all the equipment? I think I might BE their gym "crush". :noway:
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    But last week there were a pair of them, and my entire workout I could feel these little eyes watching everything I of them would hop on a machine just as I vacated it, and the other would get on after the girl in front had moved on. Were they looking to me to learn how to use all the equipment? I think I might BE their gym "crush". :noway:

    Awww... :D That's actually really sweet! Lol.