20in6 DAILY CHAT! [closed] 7/21



  • shelleycolton
    shelleycolton Posts: 400 Member
    Hi all,

    Just done my exercise, well actually its my rest day but I took a walk into town for lunch (about 30mins), had my treat which was a lovely skinny cappuccino from Costa 58 kcals. Yummy :love:
  • katieeweiss
    katieeweiss Posts: 185 Member
    Awesome job guys!!! YAY for getting workouts in today!!

    I just got some news that I'll be seeing hubby before september, but it's... pretty much bad news. I won't get into details.

    But I need extra encouragement today, ladies... I'm going to try to NOT eat my feelings, to WORK OUT, and as a feel good... maybe I'll take a bath? While starting my new book? That would be stealing two of your ideas! :P

    Keep on movin' on, lovelies <3
  • chelbel89
    chelbel89 Posts: 161 Member
    Aw, hun, I am so sorry for whatever is going on! Remember though that this is not a set back, it is just a difference. Whatever it is I am sure it will make things a little more difficult in the beginning, but I know you can overcome it! Good luck to both you and your hubby! If you need anything, just let me know!
  • carolinamandy
    Hi Everyone! My name is Mandy, I am a 33 yr old stay at home mom to three little ones. I am very excited to start my weight loss challenge. I went to Zumba last night and a Centergy class (yoga/pilates). Then this morning I did anothr Zumba class making a total of 4 classes since Tues when I began! :) I have everyone lost 6 pds since starting MFP this past Tues but I have 60 more to go..sigh.. I am looking forward to having others to share this journey with! Good luck to everyone!
  • MaryB2
    MaryB2 Posts: 331 Member
    I'm sorry Katie!!

    Today for exercise I will do my Leslie Sansone walk at home - 30 minutes and play pool for at least 1 hour.

    My feel good for today is going to watch one of my favorite bands that I haven't seen in over a year.
  • butterfly0589
    butterfly0589 Posts: 167 Member
    sorry to hear things aren't fab for you Katie am here if u need to vent.

    well today has been a poop day for me, no real exercise done n over eaten way too much but tomorrow will b better, and it's a full week to lose 3.5lb one day set back shouldn't be too bad yeah? xxx
  • aoifebr
    aoifebr Posts: 92
    Hey Katie,

    I hope your ok - your Friday is nearly over as my Saturday is beginning but evenings for me are a "danger" time.... How did you go today? Do you need to put your little one to bed then get in an extra training session? It's funny how even a good stretch can make you feel so much better or how excercise can help you deal with bad news..

    What was your treat for today I missed it? I was a little naughty & let a lovely guy buy me a drink last night so had 2 glasses of wine instead of 1 but it's was still within my calories because of my run in the morning (yep I've found a reason to love morning excercise!)

    Today I need to figure out my session it's still raining here so the gym I guess but I'll let you know when I know.
  • gooberkn
    gooberkn Posts: 18
    Hi Everyone,

    My feel good moment of today -- I bought myself a magic bullet finally! It was part necessity (had oral surgery yesterday and not eating solid foods yet) and also a craving of mine -- I love making healthy smoothies at home because you can control what goes into it. I made myself a yummy strawberry/blueberry fresh fruit smoothie with a bit of activia strawberry yogurt. It was tasty!

    Hope you are all doing well! Katie -- hang in there! If we didnt have a couple of road blocks along the way, we wouldnt appreciate all the straight roads when we're on them!

    Happy weekend everyone!
  • katieeweiss
    katieeweiss Posts: 185 Member
    Thanks for asking Aoife! (how do you pronounce that, btw?) I've done really well today!! So far. Nights are my snack-y times too. But I took a nice bath for my feel good, and I took a walk (just under 4 miles) with my little man. :D Burned 426 cals! Yahoo!

    Good luck on your Saturday!!!
  • katieeweiss
    katieeweiss Posts: 185 Member

    How did everyone do yesterday?? (Friday) If you made mistakes, today is a new day!!! Don't beat yourself up, just focus on the FUTURE instead of the PAST!!!

    I was so proud of myself yesterday. I'm thiiiiiinking of getting a sundae from Baskin Robbins today... I might go over my "lose weight" calories, but not "maintenance" calories!! Do I deserve it?? It can be a SUPER FEEL GOOD thing. :)

    I WANT EVERYONE TO TELL ME HOW YOU WILL SURVIVE THIS WEEKEND!!!!! I will be a super tracker and play Wii Fit this weekend!!!!

  • aoifebr
    aoifebr Posts: 92
    Oh I get that the whole time with my name (it's actually pretty common in Ireland) pronounced "eefa" to be honest I respon to most versions as the Aussies can be a bit lazy with names some call me ab!!

    Great work I'm super proud of you I'd never had thought of a bath but what a great treat.

    I had a super long lie in the most followed by a run (yep I actually manage to stay upright & my lunges didn't explode!!!) it does mean the majority of my calories will be this evening so fingers crossed!!
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Sorry to hear about the news with your husband Katie- prayers being sent to you and your family.

    Yesterday, I pushed through my pain and was able to get a good-enough work out of about 3 hours, so I was pretty proud of myself for doing it and getting back into the groove of things!

    For my weekend, I'm just going to try to stay as busy as possible. Keep moving-keep burning, right? For my feel good i'm going to dive into a book that I'm behind on (My fiance and I have a mini book club going while he is deployed) ...and yesterday I allowed myself to stay stationary for a bit and watched a movie!

    I hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • chelbel89
    chelbel89 Posts: 161 Member
    hey there Mandy! you are gonna kick some butt girl! my mother in law does Zumba, shes only been doin it for three months and she has already lost 40 pounds!
  • cherrydietcoke1
    Hi everyone day 3 wow!!!

    sorry for my miserable rant yesterday- amazing what sleep depravation does for you! I rang in sick for my night shift and feel tonnes better today so I'm back at work tonight.

    feel so silly getting upset over a wedding dress, I have to keep telling myself it is only 1 dress size to drop in 3.5 months, it IS possible!

    Sorry Katie, hope everything is ok x

    I have to confess that my 'treat' ended up being the curry that hubbie has promised to 'make me feel better' it did as well! completely back on track today, having my shakes and a healthy roast beef dinner before work tonight. My fitness pal said 'if everday were like today you'd weigh 138lbs in 5 weeks' which would be a loss of 19lbs! hardly believable but then we are aiming for 20lbs, I would be over the moon if we could achieve that!

    Now I am feeling better I am determined to complete 30 day shred in 30days, and I hereby promise that if I skip a day I have to do double next day and if I skip 2 then I start back on day 1. Anyone else doing it?

    My treat today is buying brand new cream bedlinen, washing it in a really nice detergent, hanging it on the line to dry, then snuggling in it for an hour or 2 before my night shift!!!!!

    hope everyone is ok xxx
  • butterfly0589
    butterfly0589 Posts: 167 Member
    day three today and I can actually be happy, did my first C25K so that's 120 mins of exercise to still fit in before Thursday but 30 done yay! I have no idea what my treat should be today as don't want to reward with food, any idea ladies? xx
  • katieeweiss
    katieeweiss Posts: 185 Member
    Lyd, your feel good sounds awesome!!!!!

    Jen - Sometimes I feel the same way... but I gotta get out of the "food for a reward" thing!! What about shopping? Or a movie? Or even MAKING yourself take a day off from housework. ;)

    Everyone make sure you're eating at least 1200 calories everyday! And eat your exercise calories! :-)
  • shelleycolton
    shelleycolton Posts: 400 Member
    Hi All,

    Oh , my treat today was a long lie in and a big cuddles from my son (George 5). I will be getting the wii zumba out this evening, I need to burn off some calories had a really really indulgent brunch those Sara Lee homemade criossants, but i ate too many and have wiped out my calorie allowance, rubbish. I'm starving trying to pull it back and not to have a disaster off a day. I have also been sorting out my wardrobe of "big clothes" have loads to sell on ebay.

    Shelley :blushing:
  • nici94
    nici94 Posts: 28 Member
    I have lost 1 lbs since the start of this!! I am now in the 150's!! OK its 159 but I still love seeing that the second number is lower. I haven't been very good at working out since I'm on a stretch of 5 nights but since I'm a nurse that is still 12 hours of running. My plan for work was to go to the therapy room on my break and use their machines but I was so busy I wasn't able to takea break last night. So we'll see how tonight goes.
  • chelbel89
    chelbel89 Posts: 161 Member
    Hey guys! Things are moving along slowly but surely here! I have not been kicking up my workout as much as I could just yet. I am trying to take it slowly and get back into the swing of things! Also, I am finishing up my summer semester of college, my one year wedding anniversary is Monday, and my husband is graduating on this coming saturday! So life is going to be VERY busy for at least the next week! I am going to continue working out and staying on track, but then after the semester is over and the last graduation gift has been opened, I am gonna kick this sucker bad boy style!

    My feel good for today was eating one fourth of the Applebees mashed potatoes that I so desperately love! I got one of their healthy meals and substituted the potatoes to test my will power. I saved most of them for last and made my husband eat the rest lol! I hope everyone has a good weekend and survives the temptation! :smile:
  • katieeweiss
    katieeweiss Posts: 185 Member
    Good job Chelsea!!! I know it's so hard to stick to a calorie goal when eating out. Today I really DID go to Baskin Robbins, but I didn't get that big sundae lol. Just a smaller one, then I only ate about a 4th of it anyway! I did get a coffee drink, though. But THEN I worked by behind off to burn off some calories and have a snack. And THEN (lmao) I realized I didn't put my breastfeeding in today, so I had a salad. :D I could have chose candy, but I didn't. ;)

    IT'S DAY FOUR!!!!!! Are these days going fast for anyone else? KEEP STRONG THROUGH THE LAST HALF OF THE WEEKEND!!!!

    We've done 3/4 days this week so far. How is everyone coming on their exercise minutes?? Since Thursday I've done 271 MINUTES!!!! I am so freaking proud of myself! That includes 85 minutes of constant cleaning today, by the way.

    Remember we're aiming for 180 minutes each week! (Thursday through Wednesday) And REMEMBER your "FEEL GOOD" activities!!

    I'm so proud of everyone!!!! Great job posting and sticking with me!!!