Group for people wanting to lose 15 pounds -September



  • joi1407
    joi1407 Posts: 79
    I'm still here.
    And to the TOM issue, all I can say: thank the scientists for the mini pill, no TOM ever :)

    My weight loss is not that great though. I am finally just about under 64kg which is good, but i haven't lost any inches at all.

    But I'm on the 30DS so hoping for a sudden shrink when that is done...
  • arking04
    arking04 Posts: 22 Member
    It's been awhile since I checked in... but the latest results...

    Current weight: 180 - that's 5 lbs. down!
    3 inches off of my waist!
    2.5 inches off of my hips!
    1 inch off of my arms!
    1.5 inches off of my thighs!
    1.5 inches off of my bust!

    (I'll tell you - my hips and thighs are the worst for me... so this is immensely good news!)

    Busting *kitten* in the gym 4 to 5 days a week with a decreased caloric intake DOES get results!
  • RosieGB33nz
    NOT been a good week for me...... infact its depressing!!
    Monday weigh day said 64.1kg's,was sooooo happy. Had a few bad days emotionally and ate the food that goes with it.
    Saturday (today) the scales screamed 66.1!! how is it possible to put 2kgs on in less than a week?????
    I have decided to do a starve for the next 24 hours,try to get rid of some of my bloating, eat light on Sunday and back on my plan Monday.
    Im not getting the jewellery for my wedding anniversary so i feel like my goal has gone but my actual goal is to feel good about myself so i want to be feeling that way on my 22nd birthday. Its a wake up this morning, i wanted to cry!!
  • frankmmafreak
    frankmmafreak Posts: 15 Member
    Time for my Sunday check in. Lost three pounds this week. That's fifteen total.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    As it turned out, I didn't weigh-in on Saturday. I ended up skipping the gym, entirely!! (Which I NEVER do....but, had unexpected family of 5 'drop in', from 1,000 km away, for the weekend!) I did get a 4 km walk in yesterday. My period arrived. I ate sensibly Friday and Saturday, but binged on carbs all day, yesterday (and am suffering the accordant bloat AND even MORE carb-cravings today!!)

    I will get out and walk/run 5km today, and probably every day this week. Am hoping for a promising weigh-in THIS Saturday.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    how can 30 people have jumped on this "topic thread" on the first day and now there's just me??? craziness...
  • RosieGB33nz
    Im here, just been a bad few days, not food wise but exercise wise.
    I have done something to my foot and now cant walk so im not even walking to to work at the moment!!
    I don't know what to do because i dont want to make the injury worse and have to have surgery!
    Food wise i have been great! I DID SAY TO MYSELF NO SUGAR FREE LOLLIES!! But i have been under my calories everyday so i realised its just depriving myself and will lead to me bingeing.

    How is everyone going?
  • RosieGB33nz
    I'm the same!!! I went away over the weekend and some how put on weight and it's so depressing. I weighed 64.5kg last week and just jumped on the scale then and was 67kg! It really puts me in a bad mood for the day... I'm going to cut down on all fats this week and eat mainly salads. Plus I'm going to stop going to the gym for a while.. I know it sounds silly but I'm putting on weight, yes I know it's probably muscle but I don't know what else to do...

    I know the feeling, im slowly getting the weight back down but its gonna take twice as long at this rate!! I weighed 65.8 this morning which was better then 67.9!! Fingers crossed its all the sodium lol
  • riamac
    riamac Posts: 52 Member
    I'm slowing getting my ish together. Lost 1.5 pounds in the past 2 weeks. Walked this week while the boys had football practice. Next week I plan on doing some INSANITY and maybe P90X. Good luck everyone and have a great weekend.
  • prettyinpink246
    I haven't gotten on the scale in about a week and a half just because I know that when it was time to weigh in I would not see the results I wanted since I had consumed a lot of sodium a few days prior ( I have into the temptation on chipotle and then I ate out again the following day for dinner). I plan on weighing in on Sunday so I'm hoping to see some good results since I stepped my workout up this week.

    I was wondering though, how often is everyone increasing their workout to intensify it? I pushed myself this week knowing that my weight was going to be fluctuating with the sodium :/. But it turned out to be a good thing! I pushed myself to run an additional 3 minutes on the treadmill ( which at first I thought would never end, but it felt amazing to do it) and next week I plan on doing the same ( increasing by 3 mins). I also increased the amount of crunches I do by 10 as well as weights. Has anyone else done anything to change there workout this week ??

    Keep up the good work everyone! :) assumming its 15lb by sept 1st or is it anytime in sept that we are trying to reach our goal?
  • Artemis726
    Artemis726 Posts: 587 Member
    I'm here. Been very busy with work (my bosses think I'm an army of 1!). Doing pretty well. Had an off weekend last week, but determined to stay good this weekend! Weight down to 144.8!! :D:D
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    Whatever I'm doing, it is NOT working. I GAINED 2 LBS. THIS WEEK.


    I am SO frustrated, it isn't even funny. I ran 5km every day last week (at lunch), except Thursday, when I did bikram hot yoga for 90 minutes. Friday, I didn't do anything, and Saturday morning I did my 75 minute long-cardio step class. I was UP 2 LBS.


    I am SO determined to shed this 10 lbs. by September, it isn't even funny. I'm going back to JUST having a protein shake in the evening. That's it. If I do that for 2 weeks, I figure I'll have "shocked" my system and be down about 6-7 lbs., leaving me with just 3 or so to go. Help me out, girls - I'll need your IMMENSE SUPPORT over these next 2 weeks, because I will feel H-U-N-G-R-Y.

  • kaycee526
    kaycee526 Posts: 56 Member
    I'm here! I've been working out like crazy 5+ times a week with a good walk/jog. I'm getting to the point where I am jogging more than I am walking and that makes me feel good. Tomorrow (Monday) is my weigh-in day so I will post results of that. I am HOPING to be down 10lbs since joining the group. As of last Monday I was down 8lbs and I had a good week this last week so I hope I get to that 10lb mark tomorrow.
    I hope everyone else is doing well too and kicking butt in the gym!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    Last week was a good week, down nearly 4 lbs. (But, because I was up 2 lbs the week before, MFP only records it as a "1 lb." loss!). This week will be very good, too. I am scheduling 1.2 lbs. per week weight loss. But, if I play it right (i.e. continue with my regular exercise regime), I should be able to get 2 lb. down this week. I don't think I'll get 15 lbs. down by end of September, but I should be at around 10 lb. loss, which is just as good....I don't mind working through October to dump the last 5 lb (if I decide that is necessary!)
  • grace1611
    Ok Ihave been on the slippy slope for the last few weeks need something to bring me in line. Count me in. I am sure you will look fab anyway, happiness does that.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    This group is HILARIOUSLY TERRIBLE!! Pile on and then no follow through...come OFF IT!! Where are you guys/gals at?? It's gonna be September in less than a WEEK?????????????

    For me, I think I will be down 7 lbs. I do not think I'll hit 10 lbs (I was only aiming for 10 lbs)....but, hope to hit that by end of September!!