I can't stop eating, help me please!



  • wadesha
    wadesha Posts: 351 Member
    wow what a meanie idk what she said to you but try to do something to get your mind off of what she said try reading a book or watching t.v. -if its not hunger than food won't make it better
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    agree... drink some water or go for a walk.
    walking helps relieve stress and the water is good for ya anyway and can
    sometimes curb hunger.
  • Nana_Booboo
    Nana_Booboo Posts: 501 Member
    No matter what she said or did it's not worth it. Not everyone has a good bedside mannor. I remember once I went to a doctor and before he came into the exam room I heard him lift my file and actually say "oh great, it's the drama queen"

    Now, in my defense, I'm not a drama queen, I'm just so tired of battling weight loss/gain and riding this roller coasterI just wanted him to hear me and my frustrations.

    Needless to say, I changed doctors and filed a complaint.

    Emotions can disguise themselves as hunger.

    Just know you deserve better and don't let a Nobody take your willpower away

    From what I see, you have done an amazing job so far!!
  • mcginc91
    mcginc91 Posts: 7
    I recognise this. When I have a stressed out day or something really difficult happens I seek refuge in food. It's almost a way of trying to smother the frustration/anger/pain/hurt with food. I also know that its a vicious cycle and makes me feel worse which makes me want to eat. I'm trying to tackle it by finding other things to do to take my mind off things. The worst thing is that your doctor probably has this effect on other people. Best revenge for an old cow like that is for you to find a different kind of way to treat yourself and tell her - in your head - to get stuffed.
    Tomorrow's a new day. Start afresh and pay no attention to her. Focus on doing things that will make you feel good about yourself in the long term. We both know that over eating is a short term fix and a long term stick to beat yourself with. We're both worth more.
  • natskedat
    natskedat Posts: 570 Member
    Go for a walk. Take a deep breath. Whatever she said to are just words, and they hurt, but they can't hurt you the way that self-abuse can.

    You deserve to feel good and love yourself for EVERYTHING you've accomplished.

    Walk out of your house. Walk away from the guilt of your binge. Walk away from regret. It's not worth it and today is only one day! Let this slip be just that. A slip.

    Go for a walk and get your heart beating. Feel your legs and arms move and remember what loving yourself feels like! You can't feel good and guilty at the same time, so one's gotta go!

    You're getting there one step at a time. But get out and take some steps.

    You're loved here for your whole being.
  • Katbaran
    Katbaran Posts: 605 Member
    You have lost 136 pounds! Let it go and chalk it up to the fact that your doctor is not the right one for you and is an idiot. Could she be jealous and feels like she has to put YOU down? Whatever the reason is, I would file a complaint. and find another doc ASAP! This is NOT a productive relationship for you. You ROCK at losing weight and getting healthy! Do not let her make you go nuts!
  • If you are not eating the right things you will stay hungry. I know i have the same problems. Make sure you're not eating empty carbs like whites starchy foods or white suger. try to stay with fiber, whole grains, wheat pastas, and PROTEIN. And every ONCE in awhile it's ok to indulge. Just make sure you work out that day a little harder.
  • Katie320
    Katie320 Posts: 61 Member
    Do you have a friend nearby who can accompany you on a walk/jog? Tell him/her everything, really let it out, cry, yell, whatever you need to do to release your anger and hurt feelings. If there's no one nearby whose available, maybe try writing a letter to this biotch doctor. I'm the sort of person who feels they need to take action when hurt or betrayed. Just writing an email or letter is enough to let my anger out. Be careful if you decide to send it, though!
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    eat an apple if you must. if you're not hungry for an apple, then youre not hungry.

    Don't have an apple, but I had some no-sugar-added apple sauce cups.... And yep I just ate one of those. No help.
  • eat an apple if you must. if you're not hungry for an apple, then youre not hungry.

    That is what I tell my daughter when she asks for a snack. If she refuses the apple then I say I guess you aren't really hungry. Now why can't I follow that advice! lol
  • runner328
    runner328 Posts: 174
    You need to get out go for a walk & don't think about that doctor. Just because they are educated does not mean they know EVERYTHING!!!! Some of the smartest people I know are completely dense. You know you are not hungry and you are making yourself feel worse eating. We all care about your feelings here so your doctor is outnumbered!
  • mpf1
    mpf1 Posts: 1,437 Member
    You mus have a doctor you are comfortable with... considering weight is a major health issue, you need to feel respected and understood by your doctor. Plus, this is a person you need to trust with information you might not tell anyone else, and if you can't be honest it could affect your health. Switch! Trust me, I am a doctor!
  • Call someone who you know cares about you and vent! Maybe they can talk you through your feelings until you feel more in control. That has helped me in the past.
  • findingfit23
    findingfit23 Posts: 845 Member
    eat an apple if you must. if you're not hungry for an apple, then youre not hungry.

    I say this to myself a lot, if I must, ill eat some carrots, if I dont want the carrots Im not hungry. I think twice I actually ate the carrots.
  • nursenelson
    nursenelson Posts: 295
    You've lost 136 pounds! Tell your Doc to stuff it!

    That's what I say too!
    You are doing amazing! Its ok that you kinda screwed up today. But seriously you are doing so good! Keep up the great hard work and dont worry about today. Just ignore your stupid Doc and concentrate on yourself and your happiness. Start fresh as of right now
  • idahoprincess72
    idahoprincess72 Posts: 48 Member
    Same thing happened to me in October. The new doctor focused on my weight, not my weight loss. She complained that she wouldn't prescribe a weight loss pill for me since I'm unwilling to change my lifestyle. I was there for my annual physical, never asked for a weight loss pill, and excitedly told her I lost 40 lbs since January by reducing processed foods while increasing fruits and vegetables. I was so disappointed and frustrated afterwards. Unfortunately, I let her get to me and gained 20 back by December. :( Since then, I've been trying to focus on positive things like the cute clothes I was wearing and how great I felt as I was losing last year.
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    why is it that you ate 820calories, and are 40 away from being at your goal for the day; i mean, isnt that a good thing, to get to your goal for the day?? Who cares if your a bit over; you wont gain cuz you went a lil over; youll only gain if you go 3500calories over your maintenance level of calories; so your 4500calories + away from gaining 1lb. do not fret about some small number. sometimes eating maintenance calories for a day anyway boosts your body back into gear and helps you loose quicker afterwards.
  • noogie98
    noogie98 Posts: 444 Member
    eat an apple if you must. if you're not hungry for an apple, then you're not hungry.

    I like this, I think I need to carry an apple around and keep repeating that to myself when I want to eat junk!

    I seriously carry an apple with me all the time. I keep it in my purse along with a high fiber bar. It has kept me from going thru many a fast food drive thru / in (I used to LOVE Sonic & was my place of choice). I don't leave home without them or my 32 oz. water bottle. Just had to share that; I chuckled when I read the apple comment!

    To get to the topic at hand, it stinks that your doctor was not nicer to you ~ sometimes they need refresher courses on bedside manner. Try to get some cardio in to try and help you feel better. I know that when I think about slipping, I remember how much I have to exercise to get those extra work out calories! Most of the time, I still work out, but I skip the slip!! Good luck with the rest of your day... tomorrow is another one & it will be better!

  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Update: Went for a walk, started storming 20 minutes in, had to call mom to pick me up, back in house, tempted to eat entire jar of peanut butter.
  • am_last10lbs
    am_last10lbs Posts: 41 Member
    I love to do my workout when I am upset or sad about something. I find that I can think about my problem and can get my aggression out, while burning calories!