Average Monthly Groceries



  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    For me and my son(occasionally my mother) I spend about $50 a week. That is all my budget allows but it actually works pretty well.

    I do eat out occasionally. On average once or twice a week.

    90% of the time I take my breakfast and lunch to work.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Disclaimer: I know I am (financially) lucky in the sense that I don't have to budget a set amount for groceries. Not that I am independently wealthy by any means, but within reason, I buy what we want.

    1. What is your usual weekly grocery budget? How many people are you feeding?
    2 adults - I usually spend about $100 week. I buy food mainly at Whole Foods and Trader Joe's, with some other things coming from BJs (warehouse) and a local farm for veg and fruit (this time of year, anyway)

    2. Do you pack breakfast or lunch? Yes, both me and my husband every day. It is rare if either of us go out for lunch.

    3. Do you dine out often? Rarely. We both love to cook and generally eat out maybe once a month except on special occasions (visitors in town, social gatherings, etc.). I do travel for work from time to time, then I obviously eat out every meal, but my work covers those costs.

    4. Has your grocery bill increased or decreased since MFP? Stayed the same. I never ate crap food and I have been reading labels and ingredient lists for years. I just ate too large of portions of healthy food.
  • stc74
    stc74 Posts: 297 Member
    For frame of reference I'm in Missouri, I think the relative cost of living here if fairly low.

    1. What is your usual weekly grocery budget? How many people are you feeding?
    Spending about $125/week for 4 to 5 people (2 adults, 2 kids and 1 that comes& goes) I shop as cheaply as possible taking advantage of Aldi's, the local Amish community and any neighbors with garden overflow. We also get the bulk of our red meat from deer hunting. I don't remember the last time I bought beef besides hamburger and that's rare. I can make almost any beef dish from deer.

    2. Do you pack breakfast or lunch?
    My hubby takes a packed lunch, I pack mine during the school year and pack my kids lunches too. So that amount covers three meals a day for all of us.

    3. Do you dine out often?
    We only eat fast food out when we have to since I live 30 min from town and can't eat at home when tied up in town for multiple things with kids. Mostly taco bell fresco or McD side salads for me. About once a week or two I'll eat out with my mom so that's not in the budget.
    4. Has your grocery bill increased or decreased since MFP? I think its increased a little because I'm eating more fresh produce and lean meat. I think before I ate a few too many cheap filling calories that weren't as nutritious.
  • echeindl
    echeindl Posts: 326 Member