Successful MFPals-what's your BEST advice for newbies?



  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    1) Don't deny yourself things. If you do, you find yourself craving them, and are more likely to fall off. If you know you CAN have it, but in moderation, you find you dont want it as much. If you do have it, work it into your daily calorie count.

    2) Educate yourself! Know what's in the food you eat or intend to eat. So many times when i tell people what's in things, how many calories, they are shocked. I know i was when i started this.

    3) Remember you have to eat to lose fat! Dont be fooled by starving yourself, and seeing the scales go down.

    4) Don't diet. If you do, you'll probably put it back on again when you stop. Think of it more as a lifestyle change. It doesn't have to be massive cuts.

    5) Dont be put off by a low loss, if any, after your second week. First week will always be good, due to water loss. Remember, its gonna take a long time to get it off, but keep to your lifestyle and it will stay off.

    6) If you always do what you always did, you'll always be like you always were!
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    I thought of another one to add:

    Since I decided to make this a lifestyle change, NOT a diet, I don't have "off-limits" foods and I don't do "cheat" days. If I am having a craving that just won't go away, I try to find a healthier alternative (chocolate craving? Almond milk hot cocoa is a great option - a tablespoon of unsweetened cocoa powder, a cup of original almond milk, and a bit of stevia to sweeten for well under 100 calories, plus some fiber, protein, and antioxidants) and/or have a smaller portion of what I'm craving. If I don't have the calories to spare, I do a little extra exercise or eat a little smaller portion at dinner. If the craving isn't worth the extra work, then I don't have it. If it is, then I enjoy the treat stress-free.
  • SLaw4215
    SLaw4215 Posts: 596 Member
    Log your food and exercise diary EVERY DAY... even on bad days. OWN what you are doing...there is something about seeing it in black and white text that makes you think about cause and effect.

    Put others before self when you are having a bad day. PAY IT FORWARD. Tell someone else about MFP! Reach out to your "friends" and say something nice and positive about their progress. It helps develop a mindset for success.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Love and agree with all of these!!!! :happy:

    In addition to measurements, use a camera with a self timer and take photos ever month or every few weeks. You might not see changes in the mirror, because you look at yourself every day, but we're able to look at photos more objectively. Don't delete them if they look horrible. They're only going to get better.
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    Cory: this was a great thread to start.

    I will put in my two cents. I am not going to lose 100 lbs (I am only 5'3"), but I am almost at 50 lbs (6 lbs to my goal weight of 140). Here is my advice over the last 10 months.

    Like Cory said, everyone is different. What works for one doesn't work for another. My body couldn't handle eating only 1200 calories, so my range is anywhere from 1300-1500/day (my body goes into starvation mode otherwise). Water is VERY IMPORTANT! If you are like me and don't like plain water, then add Crystal light to it. I also eat back atleast half of my exercise calories.

    I can tell you in the beginning, I only watched what I ate and did NO EXERCISE (for about 4 or 5 months), and I still lost over 25 lbs. I was just trying to get one habit under control before adding another. I can also tell you that I don't have a gym membership, and it isn't required to get a good workout in. I have done 30-day shred, Turbojam, and Ripped in 30. I am also currently doing C25K prgram (which is amazing). I have NEVER been a runner, but this program will make you one. I am on week 7 (and I will finish it when this excessive heat disappears again) - I am running outside. Remember, any form of exercise is better than nothing even if it is just a walk. Put you MP3 player or ipod on and get to stepping.

    This is a process. There is no magic pill or potion. It takes alot of dedication, will power, work, and determination. Don't deprive yourself of a treat every now and then. If you don't treat yourself, you will just crave it even more. It is ok to have a candy bar, BUT instead of having the whole thing just have half. Find things that will curve a sweet tooth without going overboard in calories (there are some amazing things that will taste just like th real thing).

    THIS ISN'T A DIET BUT A LIFESTYLE CHANGE. Anyone can diet, but not everyone can do a lifestyle change. You have to re-train yourself to eat better and exercise. I can tell you I hated to workout and sweat, and now, I enjoy it. It is a stress reliever for me. This is very possible; I am living proof!!!
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    All of the above! One more....PATIENCE! Stick with it, try different things until you find what works best for you! It won't happen over night, it won't happen by next week....hell maybe not even in the next 6 months, but it will happen if you have patience.
  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    Great post. Super advice. Just want to add a few more pointers:

    Have plenty of allowable snacks on hand. Things you enjoy: popped corn, low sugar protein bars, fruit, almonds... That sort of thing.

    Reach out for friends in the MFP community -- gals and guys, all ages and fitness levels -- you never know where your inspiration will come from.

    Document your progress with photos. You don't have to post the photos if you're shy, but review them often to track your progress.

    Like with everything, take one day at a time. Don't let the huge amount of your weight loss overwhelm you. Sign on and log each day. Try to "stay under" just today. Do it just today. See how you do.

    Believe in yourself. You are doing this for you. You are worth it!
  • BettyMargaret
    BettyMargaret Posts: 407 Member
    Log your food and exercise diary EVERY DAY... even on bad days. OWN what you are doing...there is something about seeing it in black and white text that makes you think about cause and effect.

    Put others before self when you are having a bad day. PAY IT FORWARD. Tell someone else about MFP! Reach out to your "friends" and say something nice and positive about their progress. It helps develop a mindset for success.

    Yes! Perfect!
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,051 Member
    Great advice- I especially love 1. Finding something that you like doing is a great way to start- seeing your progress improve is also highly motivational for me :)
  • heidiberr
    heidiberr Posts: 643 Member
    Keep your weight loss goals per week realistic! Changing your calories limits every 20-25 pounds loss is crucial to keep the weight at a sustainable loss. If you only have 20 or even 50 pounds to lose, 2 pounds a week isn't a realistic or healthy deficit to give yourself.

    This is a journey and it takes time. You didn't put it on overnight and it won't come off overnight either.

    Read the sticky blog posts when you first join--there is a ton of GREAT information in them with the science behind the reasoning. Following those posts has got me to where I am today.

    Find great supportive friends on MFP and share the good days, bad days, successes and failures with them. They will give you the push you need to keep going.

    I'm sure there's more I have, but I'm drawing a blank....:)
  • paddlegirl831
    paddlegirl831 Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you so much for this post! I'm just getting started (for the thousandth time, of course) and know the hardest part will be maintaining motivation over the long haul. Thanks for the inspiration!
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    I love this post Cory. I agree with all that you wrote. I also agree with above posters about water, water, water and by a scale to wight foods. I also use measuring cups to portion out food.

    Also, please note that a 3500 calorie a week burn might not be the best thing for you espically if you don't eat enough or you fill the burnd cals with empy snacks. I use my exercise cals for icecream sometime but I found that about an 1800 calorie burn is all I really need in a week to be sucessful. Try different exercises and see what burn works best for you.
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    Remember everyone is different. Follow advice, but then watch how YOUR body reacts and adjust accordingly.
  • gemma971
    gemma971 Posts: 2
    I am a newbie and these post are very helpful! Thank you guys so much! Also wanted to add something that has helped me through the past 13 days, I save enough calories for a skinny cow ice cream every day! It gives me something to look forward to during the day and it really helps keep me on track!
  • Gennawest
    Gennawest Posts: 171
    Watch ur sodium and sugas as much as u watch calories and fat.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Your mind has to be in the game. Its the biggest player of all. Do mind exercises if you have to every day to strengthen your "eye on the prize"
  • autumnridge
    autumnridge Posts: 97 Member
    #1 for me is to clear the cabinets of temptation. That is hard when married to a Grandpa who thinks the grandkids need treats available when they come. I've tried to encourage the treats to be fruit.

    #2 is to not deprive myself of some of my favorite foods, one of them being ice cream. Wednesday is ice cream day. If I add the calories in as part of my lunch, I can keep at or close to my daily goal. I enjoy baking homemade bread, cinnamon rolls, etc. I rarely make the bread any more and maybe make cinnamon rolls 4 or 5 times a year, have one, and distribute the remainder to my husband, family, and neighbors. I'm not deprived and others enjoy the fruits of my labor.

    #3 is to meditate or pray, whatever your belief. Having a calm center is a great way to avoid those anxiety nibbles.

    #4 is to exercise at least 6 days a week. Because of the intense heat and humidity being harder on "older" people (I'm 70+) I have avoided walking outside and have either ridden my stationary recumbent bike or done Wii Fit exercises. I admit I feel guilty on the day I don't exercise!

    #5 is have a friend or family member who will be supportive. I found a great picker upper for me was an evening out with some friends I had not seen for about 6 months. They told me how great I was looking. Sometimes, it is hard to see the results in the mirror yourself, so it is nice to get the complimentary words from others.

    #6 is logging what I eat. Sometimes it seems as if that little morsel of this or that could not possibly make that much difference, but all little morsels add up to some big calories. Keep it no lower than 1200 calories or your body can go into starvation mode. I find it is really helpful to eat at regular times before I get too hungry. If we go out to eat and I am over hungry, I tend to slip and order foods that are higher in calories even if I have a plan in mind before I go.

    I hope all of this is helpful to the "newbies" and wish you all the best of luck.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member

    Don't be afraid to lift weights. They don't make you big and bulky without months of TRYING for that look.

    Run. Helps clear your mind and is the perfect cardio exercise.

    Eat. Eat food! Real food, not fake food. Eat food that will rot if you leave it alone. Eat food that attracts gnats, they like it because it is good for you (they don't really come after you when you have candy bars and milkshakes). Eat enough food to fuel yourself for all the energy you need that day.

    You might need more than 1200. It is ok to eat more than that!

    Water is awesome

    schedules are great for 'I don't have time' to workout

    Try cooking your own meals. You might love it!

    Package tomorrows meals tonight, so they are ready for you when you get hungry.

    Have a candy. Have a soda. Doesn't matter. Just have a little bit, and not very often. It will not cause you to fail.

    Measure yourself often! Every 2 - 4 weeks! You will see progress here if not on the scale.

    TAKE BEFORE PHOTOS. You will want these I PROMISE you.

    Reach out for friendship. This website is full of beautiful people with support to share with you.
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    Excellent thread, gotta BUMP it!
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    thank you so much everyone for the tips, this motivates me so much!!