Cheat Days - yay or nay?



  • imogen_scarlett
    I have a cheat meal or snack once a month, while I'm still losing. I always track it on here and make sure I work out extra the day before, if not the day itself.

    My June treat was some toffee and caramel soft serve ice cream - but just one scoop!
    My July treat is going to be a coconut and lemongrass chicken ramen from Wagamama (probably not too bad, but the coconut milk will be quite fatty)
    My August treat is going to be a cake from Patisserie Valerie in London
    And I think my September treat's going to be a portion of my Mum's lasagne, cheese sauce and parmesan, the lot!

    I think I'm going to hit my UGW around September time so after that I am going to have a cheat meal or snack once every two weeks instead of once a month. This might be 100g of good quality chocolate, or a bowl of pasta at my favourite restaurant.

    Even though I'll technically be maintaining, I just don't want to slip back into my old habits!
  • MelissaJ20
    MelissaJ20 Posts: 46
    When I first start I try to go at least 2 weeks without a cheat day. But if I cheat, I get right back on track and I track every calorie I consume so that I am held accountable. We are only human and we should be allowed to have our favorite meal, so yes I have a cheat day. :)