Atkins Support Group



  • chelscc
    chelscc Posts: 29
    Well I found out the hard way I'm sensitive to pork! In 2 days I've only lost .4 lbs, but I'm not letting it bother me just going to take pork out of my diet. I'm so glad I've been only adding one new food at a time! Does anyone one else have thyroid problems? I know my blood work showed my function was slightly below normal which does slow my weight loss down, but my doctor wants me to try losing weight to MAYBE help it. Does anyone know of any natural ways to boost thyroid function? I'm already taking b-12 and super B complex.
  • lockef
    lockef Posts: 466
    SO...after 6 months of strict no cheating, I had bad carbs over the weekend. I'm not beating myself up, and I didn't gain anything, but I'm wondering if anyone knows how long it will take me to get back into ketosis? I'm back to strict Induction again. Thanks!

    I had had a carb up day last Saturday (timed it for my friends graduation party), and I checked this morning and I'm already in ketosis. I do workout in the evenings though, so I think that may have helped to speed it up.

    If you've been in ketosis for 6 months, it was probably good that you had a carb up, and it shouldn't take you that long to get back in to ketosis since your body is used to it by now.
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    SO...after 6 months of strict no cheating, I had bad carbs over the weekend. I'm not beating myself up, and I didn't gain anything, but I'm wondering if anyone knows how long it will take me to get back into ketosis? I'm back to strict Induction again. Thanks!

    I had had a carb up day last Saturday (timed it for my friends graduation party), and I checked this morning and I'm already in ketosis. I do workout in the evenings though, so I think that may have helped to speed it up.

    If you've been in ketosis for 6 months, it was probably good that you had a carb up, and it shouldn't take you that long to get back in to ketosis since your body is used to it by now.
    Hmm....I quoted this with the intenet of sharing what I can't wait to "carb up" on. But, I am drawing a blank. I used to crave sweets all the time. Now...nothing.

  • jenlob
    jenlob Posts: 21 Member
    I am totally doing the Atkins thing. This site has been really nice becasue Its easy to put your food in and see where you are at for your carbs for the day. I lost 50 Lbs in the past on Atkins in a short amount of time. My body loves carbs way too much and I put on pounds just looking at candy or chips. Atkins has been the one thing that has really worked for me. Since starting in Phase 1 again August 1 I have lost 13 Lbs. Add me as a friend if you want. I'd love to have a fellow Atkins supporter to keep in touch with. :happy:
  • lockef
    lockef Posts: 466
    Hmm....I quoted this with the intenet of sharing what I can't wait to "carb up" on. But, I am drawing a blank. I used to crave sweets all the time. Now...nothing.


    It's weird, I always look forward to my carb up days (which are every 2 weeks), but when I eat carbs, I just feel gross and it's not as great as I imagined it would be. I end up just eating more meat.

    It's a great feeling knowing that you don't NEED sweets anymore!
  • jenlob
    jenlob Posts: 21 Member
    Wow! You've done really well with Atkins. I'm always in search of food ideas. What do you eat for snacks?
  • lockef
    lockef Posts: 466
    I usually have cheese or nuts. I've just recently discovered MiM's (muffin in a minute), and these are AWESOME! I made one last night with raw peanut butter and it was delish!

    Here's a linky...

    The main recipe uses cinnamon, but you can be creative.
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    It's weird, I always look forward to my carb up days (which are every 2 weeks), but when I eat carbs, I just feel gross and it's not as great as I imagined it would be. I end up just eating more meat.

    It's a great feeling knowing that you don't NEED sweets anymore!

    So so true. And I still eat my chocolate. I bought the choc chip granola and the double caramel crunch Atkins Advantage bars. Mmmmmmmmm.......I was expecting them to taste like the crappy (and tiny) WW bars I bought once. NOPE! They are so good, and don't taste "diety" at all.

    As a bonus, I found the boxes of the double caramel bars on sale at CVS for 2/$12. SCORE!!!!!!!!! They are usually $9 a box. I bought four boxes lol. Nothing in moderation when it comes to bargain shopping! BTW, that sale is going on till the end of August.
  • lockef
    lockef Posts: 466
    I eat chocolate every once in awhile, but its usually the 86% cacao from Ghirardelli (sp?). The sugar is pretty low, and the fats are high. Plus, the bitter taste keeps the wife from eating them.
  • jenlob
    jenlob Posts: 21 Member
    Don't get too worried that you haven't lost yet. My body does the same thing but then after all of the sudden I step on the scale and Bam! 2-3 Lbs lost. It's wierd, I know but that's just what happens for me. When I lost weight on Atkins before it was that way too. If you're not gaining I would just give it some more time and just keep what you are doing!
  • THCamel
    THCamel Posts: 54 Member
    I'm delighted to have found this thread, I've been low carbing since May and it's most success I've ever had on a diet :smile:
  • jenlob
    jenlob Posts: 21 Member
    I usually have cheese or nuts. I've just recently discovered MiM's (muffin in a minute), and these are AWESOME! I made one last night with raw peanut butter and it was delish!

    Here's a linky...

    The main recipe uses cinnamon, but you can be creative.
  • jenlob
    jenlob Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks for the MIM suggestion. I am going to try this just as soon as I buy some Flax Meal.
  • Suzieqt81
    Suzieqt81 Posts: 96 Member
    I dont understand why some would be against Atkins. I was actually put on this diet towards the end of my first pregnancy and it did wonders, not just for weight maintenance but overall health. I am also practicing Atkins now and thoroughly enjoy it. I have a friend who has integrated Atkins in his diet for over a year now...its not anything close to an unhealthy diet. Or even a fad diet. Carbs are not your friend, and really...the diet doesn't say never ever again eat's all in choosing the right carbs, eating the bad carbs in moderation...meaning, not daily lol.

    I have an idea for a recipe if you would like to try...its an alternative for shepherds pie...

    Cauliflower-I get the steamers bags from the grocery store.
    Green Beans- 1 basic can
    Shredded Cheese- your choice
    Ground turkey or chicken- 1 pack I think its 16oz
    French Onion soup mix

    I brown chicken or turkey, drain if needed, mix in soup mix, place in a casserole dish, top with green beans and already steamed cauliflower, then cheese and bake till cheese is can of course mix up the ingredients...that is about 250 cals per serving with very little carbs...serves 4...
  • Suzieqt81
    Suzieqt81 Posts: 96 Member
    Thanks for the MiM suggestion, so excited to try...
  • reneeot
    reneeot Posts: 773 Member
    thanks for MIM link, I've been looking for something like that!!
  • cshelgol1
    cshelgol1 Posts: 29 Member
    I think whatever you can do to lose the weight Im all for it. I incorporate parts of Atkins in my daily regimen, I love the shakes! Good Luck!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I have an idea for a recipe if you would like to try...its an alternative for shepherds pie...

    Cauliflower-I get the steamers bags from the grocery store.
    Green Beans- 1 basic can
    Shredded Cheese- your choice
    Ground turkey or chicken- 1 pack I think its 16oz
    French Onion soup mix

    I brown chicken or turkey, drain if needed, mix in soup mix, place in a casserole dish, top with green beans and already steamed cauliflower, then cheese and bake till cheese is can of course mix up the ingredients...that is about 250 cals per serving with very little carbs...serves 4...
    This sounds very yummy! I might even be able to get my meat and potatoes husband to eat this. :)
  • chelscc
    chelscc Posts: 29
    I have an idea for a recipe if you would like to try...its an alternative for shepherds pie...

    Cauliflower-I get the steamers bags from the grocery store.
    Green Beans- 1 basic can
    Shredded Cheese- your choice
    Ground turkey or chicken- 1 pack I think its 16oz
    French Onion soup mix

    I brown chicken or turkey, drain if needed, mix in soup mix, place in a casserole dish, top with green beans and already steamed cauliflower, then cheese and bake till cheese is can of course mix up the ingredients...that is about 250 cals per serving with very little carbs...serves 4...
    This sounds very yummy! I might even be able to get my meat and potatoes husband to eat this. :)

    Oh my fiance will thank you for this idea!
  • pork_belly
    pork_belly Posts: 144
    I dont understand why some would be against Atkins. I was actually put on this diet towards the end of my first pregnancy and it did wonders, not just for weight maintenance but overall health. I am also practicing Atkins now and thoroughly enjoy it. I have a friend who has integrated Atkins in his diet for over a year now...its not anything close to an unhealthy diet. Or even a fad diet. Carbs are not your friend, and really...the diet doesn't say never ever again eat's all in choosing the right carbs, eating the bad carbs in moderation...meaning, not daily lol.

    Its because since after World War 2 all of our health experts and authorities have been preaching low fat diets to save yourself from heart disease and obesity. They neglected all previous studies and knowledge that German scientist have done due to bias against them during the war. Now its just one of those things that's gotten so big that it has to be taken down chunks at a time. You are taking out the chunks by spreading the word..