New Years Eve Challege anyone?



  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    Please forgive Me....someone sent me a friend request and as I didn't have internet yet I was checking the site on my Droid. I went to expand to read the message and accidentally blocked the person! I was able to unblock but lost the request :( if it was someone on this board, please send another request! I'm sorry!
  • SafireBleu
    SafireBleu Posts: 881 Member
    I had lost this thread. I had to ask someone how to find threads I had posted on. I'm new to MFP so still learning my way around.

    My name is Ivette. I am 38. I am a SAHM and momma of 3 biological kiddos and a great stepson. Things have gotten tough recently and when the going gets tough I eat. At my heaviest I weighed 300 and after my divorce I lost a ton of weight and weighed 160. That is what I weighed when I met my husband and is my goal weight for now. I love MFP so far and have found a great Zumba game that I love so far. I'm excited to do this!

    SW 222
    CW 214
    NYE GW 190
    GW 160
  • ai965
    ai965 Posts: 118
    Question? When is the first weigh-in?
  • erzille
    erzille Posts: 524 Member
    I gave myself a mini challenge for the month to burn 10,000 calories!
  • mstgirl
    mstgirl Posts: 13
    Hi everyone,
    Happy August 2nd!

    I wanted to check in and say Hi! and see how everyone is doing in their neck of the woods so to speak.
    A miracle has happened and I have been able to drink 2 glasses of water for the last two days (I do not drink water, I dislike water. In a past life I must have been British, I drink tea all day) and I have walked 2 miles yesterday and today.

    My challenge this week will to continue drinking the water and walking 2 miles a day.

    Enjoy your evening,
  • mstgirl
    mstgirl Posts: 13
    you go girl i have faith in you!
    I can not comprehend that large of a number.
  • mstgirl
    mstgirl Posts: 13
    Um, that was for Erzelle and her goal of burning 10,000 calories this month..
  • erzille
    erzille Posts: 524 Member
    Um, that was for Erzelle and her goal of burning 10,000 calories this month..

  • mstgirl
    mstgirl Posts: 13
    Miss ai965,

    Our first weigh was suppose to be 8/1/11 and again 8/15/11. I am still a little, okay a lot, lost on our challenge rules and challenges since I have not been able to access them on Lelliebugh's page. I'm still new to this part of MFP page. I haven seen any recent posts, so perhaps she is on vacation...

    On the other hand, I have not seen anyone else post their weight as of the first either. I will swallow my pride and be the first. I began this journey at 201.3. My personal challenge this week is to walk 2 miles in 30 minutes 4 out of 5 days this week. I have succeeded.

    How did you do this week? What were YOUR victories?
  • ai965
    ai965 Posts: 118
    Weighed in at 120 on 8/1/11, and was able to do 4+ hours of cardio yesterday. On the other hand, I've been giving in to my sweets cravings every night, which always puts me over on my sugar. Guess it balances itself out in the end.

    Great job on meeting your walking goal, and kudos on being the first to weigh in. I haven't been able to find Lelliebugh's challenges either, and I can't find her blog at all. Might just have to all set our own goals together.
  • JeanWalker109
    Hey e'rybody!!!

    I hope I'm not too late to chime in here. I'd really like to be a participant and a supporter in this challenge. I really like the winter holidays and New Year's Eve is always a special time. I usually spend it at a church event & it's just a great time! Anyway... my goal for Dec. 31st, 2011 is.... to weigh 184.5 pounds. Yes, I'm very ambitious! Is it impossible? Absolutely not! Look at my signature and you'll see how I feel about goals. I want to be a little nervous....


    STARTING WEIGHT (8/1/11) = 294.5

    I weigh in on Mondays. I hope that's kewl with e'rybody! I really look forward to meeting and taking this journey with all of you. I stay active here, on MFP, b/c it keeps me in the right mindset and I pray that I can help encourage others while I remain encouraged.

    I'm so proud of all of us just for being here.


  • erzille
    erzille Posts: 524 Member
    I hope everyone doing well!... I started 8/1 135, lost some of the vacation weight gain...8/8 132.6 whoo hoo!
  • emgs52
    emgs52 Posts: 67 Member
    I'm in too I weigh in on mondays,keeps me good over the weekends, i would like to lose at least 20-25 by then,175 or lower,havent been that weight since 7th grade..
  • mstgirl
    mstgirl Posts: 13
    Hi there NYE Challangers!
    Sorry I haven't checked in this week. I had been lazy and just logged in my meals today.
    After seeing the calorie totals, I am going back to after each meal via Motorola.

    I, too, have been giving in to the evening snack attack. I attempted to buy single serving cheese itz, and Kind granola bars. I have been successful in inhaling the first serving and realized i didn't taste a thing--sometimes it lead to another one.

    I have to decide on my new goal for the week and weigh in. I am going to go back to weigh in on Monday mornings in order to be accountable.

    I'm glad to see there are a few of us out there sticking with it.
  • mstgirl
    mstgirl Posts: 13
    Miss AI965,

    Thanks for responding to my post!
    I really thought I was doing something wrong when I was trying to find the blogs,.....
    I believe you are correct, we will have to set our own goals.
    I am going to try and decide on my new one for the next week and post it tomorrow.

    Congrats on your exercise--I don't like exercising at all. Maybe in time i can do it that long!
  • ai965
    ai965 Posts: 118
    Thanks, mstgirl. The best way to get into exercise is, in my opinion, to not make it about exercise. For example, when I go on my 2-hour walks, it's not walking time for me, but listening to music time. When I use my cardio hoop, it's my TV time.

    Might as well weigh in now, on 8/15 I weighed 122 lbs (gained a bit from binges). Hoping I can reverse that ASAP!
  • ai965
    ai965 Posts: 118
    Am I all alone here now? I'll weigh in again. On 9/1 I weighed 119.5 lbs. I hope I will be able to still reach my goal in time, but now I am not so sure.