Amy Winehouse Confirmed Dead



  • TTops76
    TTops76 Posts: 116
    It's a damn shame. And a waste. So sad when someone doesn't care enough to live, whether it's booze, drugs, over-eating, under-eating, or just plain recklessness.

    With an addiction like hers, it's not that she didn't care enough. She wasn't able to care. That is what DRUG addiction can do.

    True, but I also wonder which came first. The addiction or the not caring. Either way, it was a serious and deadly illness. Same as Cobain's depression that lead him to take his life or Karen Carpenter's anorexia cutting her life short.
    I'm a recovering drug addict going on 2 yrs, personally think it's a little of both. Sorry her time was cut so short here
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    I'm not a big fan of her music and I didn't respect the lifestyle she lived, but R.I.P to her.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Shows that talent, money and fame, don't bring you happiness.

    Very sad waste of talent, very sincere condolences to friends and family.

    (Reports indicate it was an overdose)
  • MayMaydoesntrun
    MayMaydoesntrun Posts: 805 Member
    It's a damn shame. And a waste. So sad when someone doesn't care enough to live, whether it's booze, drugs, over-eating, under-eating, or just plain recklessness.

    With an addiction like hers, it's not that she didn't care enough. She wasn't able to care. That is what DRUG addiction can do.

    True, but I also wonder which came first. The addiction or the not caring. Either way, it was a serious and deadly illness. Same as Cobain's depression that lead him to take his life or Karen Carpenter's anorexia cutting her life short.

    I don't think most who have succumbed to drugs, started using them with the thought that they were going to become an addict and eventually die from them. But it's really the chicken or the egg thing..All around, a sad thing to have happened.
  • ayshamc
    ayshamc Posts: 226 Member
    Tragic, she was so talented. :cry:
  • Vhovell
    Vhovell Posts: 286
    OMG she's dead *goes and reads the article* that's i've not managed to hear about that all today i don't know.

    RIP Amy
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I don't listen to her kind of music but I know who she is and have heard some of her songs in the past. I was shocked when I saw the article of her on the news and saw how extremely skinny she was. What an absolute shame that such a young life ended so tragically.
  • Trixtabella
    Trixtabella Posts: 471 Member
    I feel sorry for her family, sadly could have seen this coming a mile off.
    That was just the type of lifestyle she chose to lead.
  • shawnalaufer
    In memory of Amy Winehouse- here is a pic of me dresses up as the Rehab Reject herself:!/photo.php?fbid=2061552510334&set=a.1093956721044.2014613.1590355144&type=1&theater

  • jimmie25
    jimmie25 Posts: 266
    Not surprising at all, she just couldn't get her *kitten* together, and didn't really appear to want to either.

    They tried to make her go to rehab, but she said No, No, No...

    She had it coming.

    Still sad tho, she was very young. Wish someone would have told her what drugs do to the human body.
  • FifiLea
    FifiLea Posts: 80 Member
    It's a damn shame. And a waste. So sad when someone doesn't care enough to live, whether it's booze, drugs, over-eating, under-eating, or just plain recklessness.

    Just what I think. So heartbreaking; my only addictions are food and bad romantic choices (!) - how lucky am I that these won't (easily) kill me?

    Every death is a tragedy and deserves to be mourned, no matter what the cause.
  • theaterfan23
    theaterfan23 Posts: 256 Member
    No matter the circumstances, death is still a very hard to thing to accept. She was extremely talented, and hopefully we all can remember her for that. One of my favorite songs is her version of "Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow"
  • rubixcyoob
    rubixcyoob Posts: 395
    Such a tragic loss to all who knew her and to the musical community. Despite only have two albums under her belt she truly had an amazing voice.
    I have never been addicted to anything myself so I really cannot fathom what it must have been like for her, nor do I want to imagine.

    Most addictions are caused by circumstances outwith the person's control and they turn to something they use to ease the pain more frequently before it becomes the only dependant thing in their lives. It's depressions. It is a disease. It is not something anyone choose for their self - ever.

    I'm pretty sure the vast majority of us here have drank alcohol, but we'd never choose to become addicted or dependant? Same goes for someone with drugs.

    She died in such a lonely, vulnerable place and my heart breaks for her family.
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    They tried to make her go to rehab...

    So talented. So troubled.

    LOL! anyway. i'm not surprised. and sorry. but she DID get the help she needed. she was in and out of rehab multiple times. the difference is that she didn't UTILIZE these resources. pity. she definitely had style.

    Wish someone would have told her what drugs do to the human body.

    lmao i hope this was sarcasm...i'm sorry..i just don't see her as a victim here...
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    i'm not surprised. and sorry. but she DID get the help she needed. she was in and out of rehab multiple times. the difference is that she didn't UTILIZE these resources. pity. she definitely had style.
    Wish someone would have told her what drugs do to the human body.
    lmao i hope this was sarcasm...i'm sorry..i just don't see her as a victim here...
    Word to the above.

    She just got out of rehab last month. She knew what the consequences of her actions were. I'm sure she didn't think that she'd ever OD, but no one doing drugs think that they could never have a negative effect on their health, unless they're seriously deluded and suffering from psychosis ...
  • rubixcyoob
    rubixcyoob Posts: 395
    They tried to make her go to rehab...

    So talented. So troubled.

    LOL! anyway. i'm not surprised. and sorry. but she DID get the help she needed. she was in and out of rehab multiple times. the difference is that she didn't UTILIZE these resources. pity. she definitely had style.

    Wish someone would have told her what drugs do to the human body.

    lmao i hope this was sarcasm...i'm sorry..i just don't see her as a victim here...

    Addiction is a disease that unless you have experienced yourself you will never understand.
    She never chose the life she lead, what ever you may say. She never chose to become addicted.

    And yes she may have been in and out of rehab but addiction is a mental disorder and it distorts the brain from rational thinking - to her she could not utilize the help she had at the time because she didn't think she needed it.
  • methetree
    methetree Posts: 381
    saddest part of the whole thing is that she didn't love herself enough to get help and then stay clean.
    kinda like over eating.

    Feel bad for her family. Her music will be missed.
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    They tried to make her go to rehab...

    So talented. So troubled.

    LOL! anyway. i'm not surprised. and sorry. but she DID get the help she needed. she was in and out of rehab multiple times. the difference is that she didn't UTILIZE these resources. pity. she definitely had style.

    Wish someone would have told her what drugs do to the human body.

    lmao i hope this was sarcasm...i'm sorry..i just don't see her as a victim here...

    Addiction is a disease that unless you have experienced yourself you will never understand.
    She never chose the life she lead, what ever you may say. She never chose to become addicted.

    And yes she may have been in and out of rehab but addiction is a mental disorder and it distorts the brain from rational thinking - to her she could not utilize the help she had at the time because she didn't think she needed it.

    oh please lol i do understand. the fact of the matter is that she became addicted to something that was intended for recreational purposes or to fill an emotional void. she wouldn't go to rehab because she didn't 'think she needed it' lol she might not have been READY for the treatment. but i've been to rehab and believe you me. they sell NO dreams in that place. and unless you're ready to get clean, you're going to wind right back up in there. and i guarantee that whatever facility she went to was loads nicer than the one i went to or the one you went to (assuming that you yourself know anything about this situation)
  • brocantrs
    brocantrs Posts: 273 Member
    Another addition to the "27 club".
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    oh please lol i do understand. the fact of the matter is that she became addicted to something that was intended for recreational purposes or to fill an emotional void. she wouldn't go to rehab because she didn't 'think she needed it' lol she might not have been READY for the treatment. but i've been to rehab and believe you me. they sell NO dreams in that place. and unless you're ready to get clean, you're going to wind right back up in there. and i guarantee that whatever facility she went to was loads nicer than the one i went to or the one you went to (assuming that you yourself know anything about this situation)
    Word, again.

    And the poster to whom you are replying very clearly says in another post above that she hasn't known addiction.