What are the worst things you have done to try and lose weig



  • alexisrebecca
    alexisrebecca Posts: 39 Member
    Good god, everything! Atkins, cabbage soup, maple syrup diet, cambridge diet, not eating, eating and being sick afterwards, lipotrim, exante, 800cals a day, acai berry, weight loss patches lol the list is endless. I dropped from 17st to 10st when I was younger by watching what I ate and going to the gym/swimming. I am 12 1/2 stone now and trying to do it the RIGHT way again.
  • amber_hanners
    amber_hanners Posts: 388 Member
    i was pretty happy with my body until i started having kids about 7 years ago and really since then i just kinda made excuses about my weight the only thing i really did to lose weight before starting this healthy journey was eating nothing but cereal every day. lol now that i have my tubes tied i decided its time to get back to the happy fun me and i now know the only way to really do it is with healthier eating and exercise
  • newmommynewfitme
    In my late teens , I would starve myself and made myself get sick.The sick thing is one of my doctors at the time promoted this , when I told what was happening she encouraged it "as long as I was losing" she said. Thank god I was able to stop and got a new doctor. A friend tried to get my to take some weight loss med, that also gave you energy but I was too scared to take it with all my allergies but I considered it.
  • Jamazurunner
    Jamazurunner Posts: 132
    Laxatives- tons of them.

    I drank laxative teas, ate chocolate laxatives for "dessert" and even took handfuls of herbal laxatives multiple times a day. My stomach was not happy with me at all. I wonder if abusing my body this way has influenced my digestive system at all. Boy did we do stupid things to our bodies- ugh.

  • bluevwgurl
    bluevwgurl Posts: 220 Member
    i was bulemic for a span (till the dentist notified me that i was trashing my teeth)

    I took hydroxycuts (6 a day) and only allowed myself to eat about 14 mini pretzels and a fat free yogurt a day (lost a ton of weight but hair started to fall out)

    took a ton of laxitives. not a great idea. nuff said.

    probably some more stupid things...but these were the worst of the bunch
  • jessilee119
    jessilee119 Posts: 444 Member
    Well at this time I wasn't necessarily trying to lose weight, but I knew I needed to. Anyway, I was so stressed from school that I wasn't eating properly. I lost 20-30 lbs and everyone said I looked good, but I knew it wasn't the right way. I hardly ate, and when I tried, I was full a couple of bites in. I also wasn't eating the right foods. Sometimes my dinner either consisted of a small bag of white cheddar popcorn or tostitos scoops with dip. Once I finished school, the weight came back. I'm glad to not be feeling like that anymore and now I'm losing weight the right way.
  • MarlenaLB
    MarlenaLB Posts: 50
    About 10 years ago I took over the counter diet pills.The third day of taking them I had a seizure. I lost a lot of my memory. I don't remember anything from that day, two years before maybe even more not sure and months after. I didn't know where I lived. I didn't know how to do my job. My husband spent the next few months having to tell me the same things over and over because I couldn't remember the day before. This went on for months. I was lucky that the people I worked with was understanding and patient. They had to teach me a lot of my job again. I still have a lot of problems from it. There is no miracle out there. You just have to commit to a lifestyle change of working out and eating right to lose weight and keep it off. I was 115 lb and a size 5 when I took them. It was so stupid.
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    I tried the Dukan diet for about a week this year. It was horrendous. I just couldn't take it, wanted to throw up at the sight of more protein after a few days, plus the whole ketosis thing made me feel terrible. Plus I wasn't even losing weight as my body was so used to high protein low carb anyway. Never again!!!
    It was a positive thing in a way as the motivation talks are quite good (you get an email from Dr Dukan every day) and he is very strict, made me finally accept the fact I would never have the body I wanted if I continued to indulge in wine.
    Plus I hated it so much it totally put me off any extreme diet ever again and put me here on this website to finally do it the sensible way!
    All parts of the journey I guess!
  • PaulaDDN
    PaulaDDN Posts: 162 Member
    -Laxatives in excess
    -Vomiting what i was eating
    -Cayenne pepper diet ( water with lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne pepper) i drink just that for 10 days.... lost a lot of weight but now that i look at my pictures of that time my skin looks old and ugly. Never again)
    -Not eating at all

    .... and the list goes on
  • candistyx
    candistyx Posts: 547 Member
    Eating under 500 calories a day.
    Substituting pain pills for food.
  • sykin
    sykin Posts: 1,676 Member
    Lots of ideas, but only a couple actually put into practice. I was anorexic in high school (pretty bad) - I survived on a personal size bag of cheetos, doritos, or pretzels with mustard a day, and a 20 ounce bottle of mountain dew. I ate it at lunch so no one would give me a hard time and I could tell them I was eating. I did that for about 6 months until my new boyfriend (now my husband) found out and forced me to eat every time I went over to his house. Literally. After I gained a bunch of weight, I tried the "Hollywood Diet", which was this juice stuff you drank for 2 days straight - you were allowed the juice and water - that was it. I can only imagine how bad that was for you. I lasted about 8 hours before I scarfed down food.
  • duckie33
    duckie33 Posts: 46 Member
    Became vegetarian. It was traumatic. I am definitely an omnivore...
    Lol, I seem to be moving toward the vegetarian side. But, I love it that I crave salads with hummus more than meat now.
  • duckie33
    duckie33 Posts: 46 Member
    About 10 years ago I took over the counter diet pills.The third day of taking them I had a seizure. I lost a lot of my memory. I don't remember anything from that day, two years before maybe even more not sure and months after. I didn't know where I lived. I didn't know how to do my job. My husband spent the next few months having to tell me the same things over and over because I couldn't remember the day before. This went on for months. I was lucky that the people I worked with was understanding and patient. They had to teach me a lot of my job again. I still have a lot of problems from it. There is no miracle out there. You just have to commit to a lifestyle change of working out and eating right to lose weight and keep it off. I was 115 lb and a size 5 when I took them. It was so stupid.
    I never weighed 115lbs. I definitely skipped those numbers in high school. However, we are definitely on the same page now:lifestyle change. :o)
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    This is embarrassing but I would eat my food but not swallow it. Just spit it out into s bowl. Absolutely disgusting. That was like 5 years ago. >.>
  • angelicdisgrace
    angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member
    Drank nothing but slim fast shakes for 3 days straight. I lost albs but gained 10 after I got off of it.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Three months after I graduated high school, I got my own place and I wanted to lose weight. A vegan I worked with at the time convinced me to try to cut meat out of my diet for awhile. So I ate one yoplait light and maybe a couple crackers or slices of provolone a day. Maybe the occaisonal piece of fruit or salad too. Thinking back on it now, I was probably only consuming 400 calories a day in food but drank MT Dew like crazy... I did that for a few months and lost 30 lbs. I was also prescribed to Adderall for ADHD but rather than taking the prescribed dosage, I was taking up to 10 a day. Lots of people my age were hooked on Adderall for energy and weight loss. It was king of a trend at the time but I actually had a prescription for it. I eventually started eating more, stopped the Adderall, put back on 10 and looked pretty good. Then I started eating meat again, had a surprise pregnancy and racked up an additional 50lbs.

    Thankfully my mom has worked with a dietician and trainer and she has influenced me quite a bit in making better choices. We rent together now and we make lots of healthy meals. I thank her now but as a child she was VERY hard on me about my weight. I didn't get her blonde hair, big boob genetics, I got my dad's neanderthal genes.
  • tammykoon
    tammykoon Posts: 298 Member
    This is embarrassing but I would eat my food but not swallow it. Just spit it out into s bowl. Absolutely disgusting. That was like 5 years ago. >.>

    Don't be embarrassed you aren't alone. My dad taught me this one. We shared a box of chocolates over the garbage can.

    In high school I combined that bad habit with about 10 others and a fad diet (Tuna diet -- YUK!!). I lost a ton of weight and my family was so excited. I was sick and they encouraged it.
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,856 Member
    the ultimate divorce diet. substituting coffee as a meal replacement drink. for weeks. lost 30lbs rather rapidly... don't recommend it.
  • Karleyyy
    Karleyyy Posts: 857
    The only seriously bad thing I did was make myself get sick.
  • lizdavis07
    lizdavis07 Posts: 766 Member
    i went through a phase when i was younger that everytime i craved food outside of my normal meals, i would open up a jar of mayo and take a big whiff...(everything about mayo makes me sick to me stomach) i would lose my appetite for hours