What are the worst things you have done to try and lose weig



  • Mkleder
    Mkleder Posts: 289
    As a kid in the 60's, AIDS...a chocolate candy appetite suppressant my mom had. It didn't work, I ate the entire box.

    In the late 70's, seaweed and vinegar diet. I lost my appetite and all the friends at my lunch table.

    In the 80's, just not eating...saltines and hot tea.

    In the 90's, low fat was the key. I lost weight, but looked and felt like a rag doll.

    Around 2000, the low carb diet. It worked, but I spent months craving Brussels Sprouts....there has to be something seriously wrong when you crave Brussels Sprouts.
  • aj_rock
    aj_rock Posts: 390 Member
    Ephedrine seems to be a common theme. Tried EC stacks myself, and I nearly went nuts. Felt like a paranoid schizophrenic :/
  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member
    I think the worse thing i did was proberlly wrapping myself in cling film, so that when i exercised i sweated more....
    But i only did it once it was a bit un-comfy.

    I would have paid a million dollars to see that. Please tell me that you have pictures as would love to have a good laugh every now and then...lol.
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    As a teen (decades ago!) I starved. Literally. I kicked off my diet with 16 days of no caloric intake. Wound up passing out at school and winding up in the ER. Then I went six months with only 400 calories worth of orange juice a day (though I was allowed iceburg lettuce on Mondays and, once I'd lost 135 lbs, I was allowed one meal a week).

    Oh, and the laxatives I'd pop a few hours before that one meal a week.

    During this same stretch, I quit school so I could exercise all day. No kidding. Five hours of working out a day, plus long walks and hikes every day. That 135 came off in six months.

    I ate a lot of speed.

    My gums bled, my hair thinned, and my periods stopped for a year. My hands always trembled, I don't remember one day without a headache. And people kept telling me how great I looked. My friends all cheered me on.

    I actually kept the weight off for 8 years. But man, at what price, you know? I cringe to think what I likely did to my bone density. Who knows what other damage I did?

    I was utterly nuts. It's sad to look back and remember just how ill-informed and obsessive I was.

  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    In my early twenties I took yellow jackets....ephedrine. Lost weight, yeah, but NOT a good way of doing so.

    me too!
  • Mdbondurant
    Mdbondurant Posts: 104
    What is no doze?
    A long time ago they sold it at gas stations and truck stops for drivers that had to stay awake for a long time. I don't remember what was in it, but it was bad stuff. I could not stop shaking.

    LOT's of caffene and they still sell the stuff... :noway:
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    the coke diet (not the soft drink) tho I was my thinnest ever, not healthy
  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
    let him move it !!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

    diet pills and vit B12 shot from diet doctor !

    when I was in high school I was always thin and I look back and remeber why ...I would eat 1 pack of cheese on wheat crackers per day with a diet soda at lunch and rarely eat dinner !!! stayed thin but crazy idea!
  • LoveleeB
    LoveleeB Posts: 560 Member
    It makes me sad to read some of the above posts... The worst thing I ever did was to drink a bunch of water when I was hungry in order to hold out until lunch or dinner time. lol

    I love to eat too much to stop all together and I hate vomiting & taking pills. No thanks!!
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    I smoked crack, it helped
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    Freshman year high school, met a girl who was a bad influence on me, and I was short of being anorexic by working out everyday, and ONLY eating 2 hard boiled eggs each day. Yup. Not proud. Couldn't do it again. I LOVE food, and being healthy :)
  • ymamyma
    ymamyma Posts: 227
    I spent months craving Brussels Sprouts....there has to be something seriously wrong when you crave Brussels Sprouts.

  • Sweetcheeks278
    This is embarrassing but I would eat my food but not swallow it. Just spit it out into s bowl. Absolutely disgusting. That was like 5 years ago. >.>

    I had a friend in high school who did this too. She would pack it in the back of her cheeks so her mom would think she was eating and then she would spit it out later.

    I took some order by mail diet pills - my son was 6 mths old and I was home alone with him. I called my husband at work bc I knew something was wrong and the last thing I remember was laying my son down on the floor and seeing his face in front of mine before I blacked out. Luckily my husband rushed home and found us both. SCARY to say the least. First and last time.
  • ymamyma
    ymamyma Posts: 227
    I did the grapefruit diet for just over six months while in high school. Anyone remember it? The smell of grapefruit juice makes me gag now.
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    Back in high school, I tried stupid things like laxatives or throwing up occasionally when I felt like I'd eaten too much, but mostly I got away with eating around 800 calories a day, while training for a half marathon and going for my black belt. Literally, I was burning over 1000 calories a day, with high-intensity workouts, and going on nothing. Lightest I've ever been in my life, but I was CONSTANTLY craving food. I had vivid dreams about food, every night, and when I wasn't working or busy, I was thinking about food. Not only that, I never went out with people, for birthday parties or just to hang out, because I was terrified of food.

    It was like this private hell, 24/7, and I was miserable, even though I could fit into anything I wanted. Not worth it. I would never go back to that.
  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    oh man. i've done so many of the above. at least it's reassuring to know that i wasn't the only one! lol. and at least we're all doing a life style change now. :-)
  • thunt1990
    thunt1990 Posts: 157 Member
    I used to eat only 1 meal a day in high school. that was pretty bad. I tried the special k diet and turned into a crazy monster because i was so low on calories. The stupidest thing i ever tried was drinking dissolved gelatin to try to make me feel full. That was a suggestion from my grandma. Apparently it was all the rage back in the day. Bad bad things. Im glad im doing it the healthy way now :)
  • Louise12
    Louise12 Posts: 389 Member
    I dont know how i did it but at uni i was also short of being anorexic.. surviving off an apple and a weightwatchers soup a day with 2 hours in the gym .. lost a lot of weight ..gained some gall stones as i wasnt getting proper nutrition and ended up in hospital with my gall bladder out! NEVER AGAIN! i learned the hard way ....diets dont work .. a healthy lifestyle does!
  • MarlenaLB
    MarlenaLB Posts: 50
    I took some order by mail diet pills - my son was 6 mths old and I was home alone with him. I called my husband at work bc I knew something was wrong and the last thing I remember was laying my son down on the floor and seeing his face in front of mine before I blacked out. Luckily my husband rushed home and found us both. SCARY to say the least. First and last time.

    I did the same thing with over the counter diet pill. I was driving with my mom, little sister and brother in the car. Thank God my mom was in the care with me and I had my seizure before we got out of the driveway. it could have been worse than it was. My mom put the car in park. It would have been devastating if I would have been on the hwy with other drivers when it happen. It is a scary feeling.
  • PoeRaven
    PoeRaven Posts: 433 Member
    Adkins Diet