I'm tired ALL the time!



  • Pridgenization
    Pridgenization Posts: 65 Member
    I think that having your doctor do some lab work to see if you have any vitamin deficiencies or thyroid issues is a great idea. I recently discovered that I had low vitamin d. Also, do you snore? Is it possible that you have sleep apnea? I feel a ton better since i got a CPAP machine.
  • corbansmom
    corbansmom Posts: 71
    I have the same problem, but I have had this problem most of my life. Like others said, have your thyroid and iron checked. If those are ok, try B12. I take a Super B Complex every day and it helps quite a bit. I can definitely tell when I haven't taken it for the day.
  • Lizzy_Sunflower
    Lizzy_Sunflower Posts: 1,510 Member
    I recommend vitamin D
    PM me if you want the type I use, but as soon as I started taking it my energy went through the roof!

    50% of the populace is deficient, and it causes exhaustion. You can have a dr check your D levels with a simple blood test, but even that isn't necessary. do some reseach

    I have struggled with this my whole life. That along with diet and exercise has been a winning combination for me

    best of luck
  • kmeekhof
    kmeekhof Posts: 456 Member
    This is me! except I'm not a mom! I've been tired for probably 6 years..... have had everything checked (except my Vit D levels) on more than one occasion. Drs next suggestion was to do a sleep study. Said maybe I wasn't getting adequate sleep even though I was getting the hours.
    I've tried taking supplements, but they make me so sick.
  • KristyBlack4036
    KristyBlack4036 Posts: 6 Member
    Where can one find the B12 dots?

    You can get them pretty much anywhere. We sell them at Kmart in the Vitamin isle. Before I realized we had them there, I bought mine at Walmart. I got the Spring Valley brand of B12 Sublignual dots for $4. There are 200 of them in the bottle. I bought the 500 mcg dosage and the bottle says you can take up to 3 a day.
  • fittocycle
    fittocycle Posts: 827 Member
    I agree with the others about getting tested for anemia. And please insist on a ferritin test as well as the usual hemoglobin test. You can have normal hemoglobin and still be anemic if your ferritin (iron stores) are too low.
    When I was severely anemic, no amount of sleep could make me feel rested. If I made it to my usual spin class, it took me a full day or two to recover. It is a tired feeling like no other.
    Please go to your doctor and have some lab work done. You really won't know what's going on until they do some tests. I do hope you can get some rest soon. With a little one at home, you need to feel rested!:wink:
  • CRody44
    CRody44 Posts: 776 Member
    I went to my doctor complaining about being tired all the time, taking two and three naps a day (I’m retired and can do that). He asked how much water I’m drinking, about a gallon and a half a day, and if I urinate a lot at night, 2 and three times a night. He tested me for diabetes, which it turned out that I had (Type 2). If you have these other symptoms, you may have that checked out.
  • sister_bear
    sister_bear Posts: 529 Member
    Go to the doctor and have blood work done checking vitamin levels and your thyroid. I had a pretty severe vitamin D deficiency and since I started taking a supplement my energy level has changed dramatically.

    Also, are you getting too much sleep? If I get 8 hours, I'm like a slug. I do better with about 7.
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