sensational in six - week 1!!



  • LosinMama2b
    Hey ladies!! Sorry for the lack of posting over the weekend. I sent a message to Tdotali to let her know that I had issues with my internet connectivity. I couldn't get to MFP except through my phone...which of course doesn't have the message boards on it. Then my phone died on Saturday. I didn't get up and running until yesterday at about 5pm. So irrititating!! It's completely thrown me off my game so I definitely did not eat very well on Sunday...I had to keep guessing at what I was eating. Thank GOD for MFP!!!

    I sent in my posts to Tdotali but I'll repost again here so that you guys have it...

    Friday's Points are as follows:
    Sleeping 1
    logging 1
    Eating 0
    Schedule 1
    Exercise 8

    Total 11

    Saturday's Points:
    Sleeping 0
    Eating 0
    Logging 1
    Exercise 10

    Total 11

    Sunday's Points:
    Big Zippo!

    So there you have it...I'm doing much better already now that I've got everything back up and running. So the plan today was to get enough sleep (which I did and I feel wonderful!) eat well (so far so good) and excercise planned for today is Insanity and C25k when I get home from work, then I have rehearsal from 7:30 to 9 (I'm in a singing group) and then back home to read a bit and then get enough rest so I can get up early to do Insanity tomorrow AM. I'll let you guys know how I did tonight before I head to bed.

    You guys are all awesome by the way!!! Stay strong and beautiful!!
  • sgtaylor1
    sgtaylor1 Posts: 18 Member
    I was horrible this weekend!! I am giving myself zero points for friday,sat, and sunday... and I gained 4 pounds at this morning's weigh in. This is really going the wrong way. I worked so hard during the weekend but I mess up over the weekends. I really am going to focus!!
    Good job ladies I see you all did great!!
  • alicollins74
    alicollins74 Posts: 335 Member
    Update. My weight stayed the same as of this morning, 216... :( Here is my chart for Fri-Sun

    sleep 1
    schedule 0
    log 1
    exercise 0
    eat 0

    Total 2

    schedule 1
    log 1
    exercise 4
    eat 0

    Total 6

    sleep 1
    schedule 0
    log 1
    exercise 2
    eat 0

    Total 4
  • tdotali
    tdotali Posts: 181 Member
    Update. My weight stayed the same as of this morning, 216... :(

    Don't be too hard on yourself - you did really well in terms of points which means that you're establishing great habits!
    What kind of exercise have you been doing?
  • sgtaylor1
    sgtaylor1 Posts: 18 Member
    here is my info for Monday:

    Exercise 6
    sleep 0
    food 0
    log 1
    schedule 1
  • sgtaylor1
    sgtaylor1 Posts: 18 Member
    Here is what I did for Tuesday

    Exercise 4
    sleep 1
    clean food 0
    log 1
    schedule 1

    total 7
  • sgtaylor1
    sgtaylor1 Posts: 18 Member
    Here is what I did for Wed

    Exercise 6
    log 1
    clean food 0
    sleep 0
    schedule 1