Staph infections! Has anyone had one?



  • Adie74
    Adie74 Posts: 1
    Hi (this is a long one but it my story so far UK based)
    Sorry I came across this post just now and had to sign up to let you know about my current situation and how it happened. I live abroad a hot climate for most of the year, on my way back to the UK I notice 2 spots on my lower back, over the course of about 4 days these grew and were very red and sore, worse than your average spot, The night before i was about to leave to go to the Uk i got a fever and felt very sick. I made it through the flight and was happy to be on home ground, I spent one night at home and the next day went to A & E. They didn;t let me out, telling me I had to have the abscesses cut out asap. I was in shock, they gave me IV antibiotics and operated the next day. I have no idea of the drug they gave me. The next day I spent in hospital before being told to go home. I was on some general antibiotics which lasted 3 days and regular dressing changes. I was not told why I had these abscesses and presumed it was just one of those things.

    The antibiotics ran out 4 days later and so I went to see GP, swab was taken from the wound but no results that day, she changed my antibiotics to something I forget the name of, but they had nasty side effects and I hated them but had to stick it out. 3 days later the wounds were heavily infected, my first thought was these antibiotics are not right, but I couldn't get anyone to listen to me, eventually 4 days on, the swab came back, Staphylococcus aurues , different gp told me current antibiotics would do nothing to combat this (why would they prescribe the wrong antibiotics to me before getting results of test, if previous antibiotics where keeping infection away????? Why did they not have any idea from the surgians at the hospital that I presume would have take swabs during operation?

    New antibiotics were prescribed (flucloxacilin) for 1 week, infection cleared up and wounds healing again. After one week ran out of antibiotics, saw the nurse who said (via visual examination) you don't need the antibiotics again, I was surprised to hear this as the wounds were very deep biggest 4.5cm x 4.5 x 2.5 cm deep and no swab was taken. I wanted to see GP but couldn't get appointment for 2 weeks. I managed to talk to GP over the phone that day, she said that she was happy with the nurses diagnosis, (gp had not seen wound) no swab taken. 1 week later lots of green puss was collecting in the wounds again. Nurse made me an appointment with GP for 2 days time, swab was taken.

    2 days later saw gp, results of swab not back, told him I wanted repeat cause of the previous antibiotics, he refused and wanted to wait for the swab results. 3 days later more infected went back to see nurse for re dressing, still green and infected. I was going crazy. Demanded for the GP to come and see me in the nurses room, where he then told me he had the results and I had a slight Staph infection, (I could have told him that 2 weeks ago). Prescribed me two weeks of antibiotics that worked before (flucloxacilin). Was happy about that, problem is now after not being on any drugs for just over a week before he prescribed working antibiotics, another abscess has started to grow. its getting very red and saw and only started the antibiotics again 1 day ago. I hope they are able to fight this before it gets to the stage where I have to have it operated on again and then I am back to the start of a one month recovery and regular dressings., all because they didn't keep me going on the right antibiotics and kept changing or stopping them before a swab was taken. I still have no results from the original abscess removal,although I have tried to chase them at the hospital but no info is given and I am told there is nothing from the results on the screen blaaaghblaaagh blaaagh.

    I personally believe that the original abscess were due to the staph infection and I had this prior to the operation at the hospital, The other abscess growing now is due to a break in antibiotics and the staph got strong again. I leave the UK in 1 and a half weeks, after already 6 weeks from initial removal of the abscesses.

    I don't have any answers but I am having to self diagnose as the gp's I have seen so far don't seem to take it seriously at all, and the surgians who removed the abscesses are none contactable. Good luck to anyone who has a staph infection, if your in the UK be strong with your GP until they get you on the right pills, and if they want to take you off them maybe a good idea to ask for a swab and the results before a decision is made. I hate to have to feel like I have to think twice what the GP suggests but after my experience I have lost complete confidence in their ability in this area, and after all it is MY LIFE. If anyone is interested I will let you know how I get on and if hopefully I can finally get this sorted out with out any more crazy carefree decisions by the nurses or the GPS with out first using a little common sense. Hope your man heals fast and keep an eye on what they advise, Find ou the name of the specific staph infection and do some research by yourself, there is lots of info out there that from my experience is pretty accurate.