what do you eat for a snack?



  • ChristinaRamos
    I drink vi shape nutritional shakes for a snack, or small meal. They are low calorie, full of nutrition, and delicious!!!!!!!
  • wanttogetskinny
    I apologize if I'm repeating other people, I didn't read the replies.

    Snacks I frequently have include:

    string cheese
    hard-boiled egg
    veggies with hummus
    fiber bar (Fiber One, Kellogg's FiberPlus, Quaker Chewy bars w/ Fiber and Omega-3, etc)
    half a cup of cereal (I think Special K Protein Plus tastes better dry than with milk, so I eat it as a snack)
    almonds (cocoa roast are yummy...I also want to try the cinnamon roast!)
    100 cal mini bag of popcorn
    rice cakes/mini rice cakes (not much in the way of nutrients, I know...)
    low-sodium pickles
    Special K chips (you get a TON for a 110 cal serving)
    sugar free jello or pudding cups
    cottage cheese (watch out for the sodium though)
    half a bagel thin w/ cream cheese

    ...and if you have a sweet tooth you could indulge once in a while in a square or two of dark chocolate :)
  • menowland
    menowland Posts: 1
    I'm not a big fan of veggies, but I found that snacking on baby carrots while driving home after work kept me from grabbing anything in the fridge/cabinet when I finally got home. There are some natural sugars in carrots that give you that boost to say No to junk food and enable you to make a healthy dinner. Amazing but true - give it a try!