new here; and looking for others in their 40's :) :)



  • PassTheSalad
    Hi! I'm 46 and pretty new to MFP too. All my weight gain has been since I turned 40 so I totally know what you're saying. I'd love to have more MFP friends, so you and anyone else please feel free to friend me. :)
  • lbgano
    lbgano Posts: 234
    Yes, I am here in my 40's with you and fighting that damn slow metabolism! Please feel free to friend me!
  • smilebhappy
    smilebhappy Posts: 811 Member
    hello & welcome :bigsmile:
    I am 43 years young.......
    I absolutely love this's helped me stay on track, keeps me motivated & my friends give me the extra push when needed.
    I'm on everyday and try to log everything (wkends are rough for me).
    Anyone who needs support or motivation on this thread, feel free to add me.
    Let's make our 40's (& above) become the new 21!! :smile:
  • rofcarl
    rofcarl Posts: 11
    Hiya. Please add me.