What bothers you at the gym?



  • spiritcrusher
    spiritcrusher Posts: 326 Member
    Large dudes looking roided up doing their reps like this:


    Come at me..

    Proud grunter, reporting in.
  • Kohadre
    Kohadre Posts: 316
    Large dudes looking roided up doing their reps like this:


    Come at me..

    Proud grunter, reporting in.

    I grunt during my workouts too, but not to the degree that some Gym members do. There are always a few guys in any gym who basically scream through their entire set.

    Me, I usually grunt during my last 2 or 3 reps but that's because of heavy breathing, and because im worn out trying to get the weight up at that point, not because I need to prove my **** is bigger than the guy next to me.
  • AJay513
    AJay513 Posts: 187
    Wow!! The nerve of some people! He's obviously a very disturbed human being... At least you didn't sink to his miserable level!

    Once an employee at the gym told me I needed a tan I looked translucent.

    I told him I like myself the way I am but let me know how your skin cancer is in 20 years.

    I also heard him telling someone else (he knew them) to put away the turkey neck it's not Thanksgiving anymore.

    He was a real sweetheart!
  • k1229
    k1229 Posts: 135

    Oh and females who walk into the gym. Go to the treadmill. Walk at a super slow speed for an hour, don't come close to breaking a sweat and then walk out of the gym. It's like uh... couldn't you have done that outside super easily?

    ^^ THIS!! im at the gym - all sweaty and gross - and then these super slim gorgeous girls with a full face of makeup and their hair perfectly groomed come in - do 5 minutes on the tread and then leave....like leave the gym....whats the point!! just so they can say theyve been...now i mean im all for everyone excersising - but 5 minutes isnt even enough to get your heart rate up on a 0 inc 3.0 sp!! especially not when you are a teeny wee thing!

    Im filthy when im done - and i am an incline cranker - as someone on here mentioned its a peeve - but its for hill training - and the machine sets itself dependent on my heart rate - sitting up at 14inc - then it drops to 5inc then it ups it to 10inc....i dont hold on tho - but it makes me sweat buckets! and if ur not sweatin-ur not gettin skinny - LOL
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    People who don't wipe down the equipment they used.

    People who take dumbells into the small exercise room and then leave them there instead of putting them back, so you can't find them when you need them.

    People who spend their entire timeat the gym on their cellphones. I really wish my gym would ban them.
  • tonilizzy88
    tonilizzy88 Posts: 920 Member
    When I'm pointedly staring down a guy and he smiles back thinking I'm flirting. No dude, I'm just pissed your traditional strength training taking long *kitten* breaks butt is hogging the piece of equipment I want and that equipment isn't your loins. I come to the gym to do circuit weight training and I mean f'n business.

    haha this happened to me today.
  • JoceyyySmall
    JoceyyySmall Posts: 155 Member
    I never used to understand the grunters, and those that made funny faces during the reps...until I BECAME! That grunting face making person. It's usually on the last set with the last 5 or so reps. I started doing a lot more intense strength training with a friend who's getting a higher personal training certification and they had to have a guinea pig basically for this long term assignment (so I am the guinea pig client lol). So now I understand the grunters- though if your grunting on the very first set like no ones business well then its to high for you, I believe.

    My biggest biggest pet peeve at the gym are guys and girls who wear the wrong shoes!!! Seriously wear proper sneakers... why are you wearing toms or vans- and no they don't look like sneakers. This girl last week was wearing boat shoes to a circuits class (the person who runs this class is intense) they were struggling as they were new (i struggled that badly too) but what made it worse was they had the wrong shoes- at one point she was sitting on the mats during a set and ACTUALLY TOOK THE SHOES OFF! and looked like hse was sun bathing. then proceeds to finish her burpees, etc barefoot.
  • Merricles
    Merricles Posts: 21
    So I was at the gym this morning. I started off with C25K and then headed to circuit training.

    Then I said, "Well, sir, could you please start switching machines? I'd like to use the bike so I can finish my circuit training properly.
    And then he told me, "I can use this d*mn bike however I'd like! You think you know what you're doing, fat b*itch?"

    I just sort of stared at him for awhile like "Did he really say that?"

    That dude needs some serious manners. Especially if your gym has a set circuit like that. One thing that gets me at the gym though, is people WALKING on the treadmil. I mean really, you can walk around the gym, or the building. You don't have to take up all the machines for walking.
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,319 Member
    Large dudes looking roided up doing their reps like this:


    And then throwing their massive weights on the floor because they are strong enough to pick it up but not strong enough to lower it in a controlled manner. Makes me NUTS! I call them the beef cakes.
  • lildietitian
    lildietitian Posts: 45 Member
    This thread is hilarious!! I love it!! I work at a gym and I've got a huuuge list of things but I'll just stick to some that really get me

    -:explode: cell phones!! we ban them but it's still hard to control ( I actually spoke up to a guy while I was working out after my shift yesterday cuz he pulled out his phone in between sets. I just loudly said, "if you're going to use your phone get off the machine" he turned to me as if to give me a dirty look then realized who I was and just said 'uh, ok' and put his phone away for the rest of his work out) If you can't spend an hour all by yourself focused on you, then you have issues! this doesn't include ppl on call

    - coming in for a workout in crocs or flip flops... seriously!? you're going to lift 70lb dumbbells over your bare feet!?! and what happens when you drop a weight on your foot? you're not going to have a chance to save your toes!! *high five to your face*

    -girls wearing volleyball shorts (super short shorts) in a co-ed gym... there are creepy guys in this world! cover up!!

    -leaving your weight plates on the bars/ machines!! clean up after yourself!

    -not wiping machines down... I don't wanna sit in your sweat, I've got my own sweat to sit in :sick:

    -young guys who are so scrawny I could break them in half walking through the gym like they're bodybuilding champions

    -dropping weights... dude, they're too heavy for you- it's ok to lift a little lighter ...better control=better form
    -slamming weight stacks repetitively.... I'm staring at you because it should not be making that noise! :laugh:

    -expecting the front desk to hold your car keys... I tell people I'm gonna go for a spin, if I like it enough it's mine. Not my responsibility...we have things such as lockers where you should leave your outdoor shoes and your valuables such as keys, phones, and wallets

    Oh I could go on for hours but I won't... hahaha :noway:
  • JoceyyySmall
    JoceyyySmall Posts: 155 Member
    So I was at the gym this morning. I started off with C25K and then headed to circuit training.

    Then I said, "Well, sir, could you please start switching machines? I'd like to use the bike so I can finish my circuit training properly.
    And then he told me, "I can use this d*mn bike however I'd like! You think you know what you're doing, fat b*itch?"

    I just sort of stared at him for awhile like "Did he really say that?"

    That dude needs some serious manners. Especially if your gym has a set circuit like that. One thing that gets me at the gym though, is people WALKING on the treadmil. I mean really, you can walk around the gym, or the building. You don't have to take up all the machines for walking.

    Is it all walking that annoys you? or just the extra slow not going anywhere walkers? Just wondering because people tend to use it to do a brisk walk and well that's what the machines therefore not to briskly walk around all the weights, etc. I'm not trying to be mean, just honestly asking because I haven't heard this as a pet peeve before.
  • angelicdisgrace
    angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member
    You should have reported him. I don't know what your gym's policy is on circuit training and it might just be he has every right to stay on the bike but the grasshole can do without the comments. Sorry about grassholes keep up the good work.
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    Wow, way out of line. At the very LEAST, he deserves to be banned from your gym.

    TBH reading a lot of the comments here bothers me. Does it really matter what someone else is wearing? How someone else is working out? Unless its directly affecting you and your workout, just look the other way and keep doing what you're doing. Everyone likes to do their own things and what works for them. No one deserves to get judged for it.

    ^exactly. i don't care what anyone wears, if they're grunting, whether or not they have make-up on or whatever because it doesn't make a difference to what i'm trying to do. sometimes i go to the gym after work and i have make-up on because i spent an 8 hour shift at the front desk of a hotel, does that mean i'm out of line? i wear short shorts to the gym at times, am i affecting anyone's workout? a lot of this stuff is so vain lol. the only thing that bothers me, because it actually AFFECTS my workout is people not using the circuit machines properly and people who hog the machines because they're talking to their buddies and i have to pause my workout

    oh..and as for the OP and that grand ace of a douche who disrespected you...you're better than me lady..cuz i would have cussed his *kitten* out LOL
  • kgagnon7779
    kgagnon7779 Posts: 216

    Im filthy when im done - and i am an incline cranker - as someone on here mentioned its a peeve - but its for hill training - and the machine sets itself dependent on my heart rate - sitting up at 14inc - then it drops to 5inc then it ups it to 10inc....i dont hold on tho - but it makes me sweat buckets! and if ur not sweatin-ur not gettin skinny - LOL

    I think the other poster was peeved about the incline crankers when they hold on when they're up there. Barely any benefit whatsoever. It sounds like you're kicking butt NOT holding on! I LOVE the incline on the treadmill!
  • I_give_it_2_u_str8
    I_give_it_2_u_str8 Posts: 680 Member
    just out of curiosity, whats the problem with asking people if you can work in between their sets?

    seems like a whole lot of people dont like this. the gym is just like the grocery store, or work environment - its pretty easy to resolve issues if you just talk!

    its not realistic to expect that noone is going to get in your way at the gym - so to all the insecure ladies i suggest you practice your communicating skills... sorry to call it like it is
  • kgagnon7779
    kgagnon7779 Posts: 216
    just out of curiosity, whats the problem with asking people if you can work in between their sets?

    seems like a whole lot of people dont like this. the gym is just like the grocery store, or work environment - its pretty easy to resolve issues if you just talk!

    its not realistic to expect that noone is going to get in your way at the gym - so to all the insecure ladies i suggest you practice your communicating skills... sorry to call it like it is

    ME, ME, ME!!! I need to work on this! There was a guy doing his entire workout on the machine I was waiting for. I was so hung up on the fact that it never occurred to him that he shouldn't spend 30 straight minutes on ONE machine (and a lifting machine at that) that I couldn't go up and ask him if I could slip in to finish my workout (while he was watching TV during one of his MANY breaks). But, this is the same advice my husband gave me when I came home and complained about it. JUST ASK him if you can finish your set. Alright, I'm committed to do it next time. It doesn't help that he was wearing jean shorts and Teva sandals - made me even more mad at him. :wink:
  • Merricles
    Merricles Posts: 21

    Is it all walking that annoys you? or just the extra slow not going anywhere walkers? Just wondering because people tend to use it to do a brisk walk and well that's what the machines therefore not to briskly walk around all the weights, etc. I'm not trying to be mean, just honestly asking because I haven't heard this as a pet peeve before.

    Right now, it is just walking on them period. I am in Afghanistan on deployment, and we have only 3 WORKING treadmils. So, when they are full of people walking (and by walking i mean just a walking pace. there is no power walking going on) it gets on my nerves. Not so much now, since I stopped running and use the elliptical now, but still. There are some civilians who work out here with us, and just get on to 'walk'. Not trying to be mean here either, just trying to answer your question. ;)

    Another thing that gets me though, that I havent read mentioned here, is that we have a sign in sheet (and most gyms I have ever been to also have this) and people like to come in, sign up and then STAND right there and talk with their friends. I mean really, move people.
  • ElaKuz
    ElaKuz Posts: 49
    My money is on him lacking in other 'departments' and there by needing to supplement his lack of balls by taking it out on someone he perceives to not be a threat...

    I would have looked at him like the douche bag he is, asked him if he as serious, and told him to get the hell OFF the damn bike or I will get the manager.


    People like that need to be taught that the world is not their punching bag!
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,046 Member
    People who are on a cardio machine beit elliptical or whatever AND are ontheir Cell phone! WTF!?!?!!?!?! Whats the point of being on the machine if you are NOT gonna go hard!?!?!?!
  • MFPfriend
    MFPfriend Posts: 1,121 Member
    The "clingers" don't really bother me, but all I can think is like, "Why are you doing that?" I mean, kudos to you for doing 8.0 incline- I never would do that- but really, doesn't it defeat the purpose when you're holding on?

    As for the cell phones at the gym, be careful. Someone accused me of texting on my phone while I was on the treadmill, but really, my C25K app shut down on me, and I had to bring it back up again, haha.