Relationships = Fat Gain?



  • greensnow
    greensnow Posts: 73
    Yeah, I don't blame my boyfriend or relationship but I started dating my partner a year and a half ago - I used to eat quite healthily and I'd walk everywhere because I don't have a car. Since being with him I gained 8 kilos because he eats a LOT of take out and he drives me everywhere yay!! Haha he is as skinny as a stick. I am obviously changing it all now though :)
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    This is why I would NOT date anyone that wouldn't be willing to hit the gym WITH me.
  • Lauren38570
    Lauren38570 Posts: 239
    nope never been a problem for me but it is hard at like the family cookouts , lol
  • tonilizzy88
    tonilizzy88 Posts: 968 Member
    i agree totaly i put on a stone when i got with my now partener but we moved in together in march and in the may i thought enough is enough so joined a gym and MFP in july and he loves the new woman im becoming :)
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    I think it is pretty common, and not because you are dating the wrong kind of lazy *kitten* person. I think it is simply you have less time. If you are in love, you want to spend time , a lot of time, with that person. The time , you used to spend on workouts, cooking ,2 hrs grocery shopping etc. Unless your beau is sharing at the exact same type of workout interest, you going to do less workout, pay less attention to what you eat etc. I used to love very high impact step aerobic classes and my husband used to love to swim, which is not exactly social sport. When we started to date , we steal the time from those activities, which resulted fat gain.
    I find that the worst come when kids enter the picture. With small kids , you often do not have enough time for the most basic: sleep.

    I know, I could go to the gym every day and spend 2 hrs, but then I barely could ever see my kid or my husband. So what was easy no brainer before , it became a big challenge . Now I have consiously think about activities that all 3 of us can enjoy, which is so darn hard.
  • emma1488
    emma1488 Posts: 175
    I put on weight once I got with my first partner (still going strong). he was a personal trainer and ex rugby league player, so he got lots of exercise (and good genetics I think). He introduced me to kfc and we'd get take away heaps! I also went onto the pill and blamed that, but actually realized I was eating as much, if not more than him and I wasn't active. He would ALWAYS deny that I'd put on weight and say that I was perfect which was reassuring...but not helping the ever increasing scales...

    He has helped me get into fitness though. When we first met, I couldn't run from one power pole to the next, now I'm running massive distances (well for me anyway:p).

    I will just add in that he lost a **** load of muscle since we've been together. He used to be a big footballer with a six pack, big pecks, huge arms...but now he's my skinny little nerd...i loves him though
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I gained a LOT of weight in my current relationship because I picked up a LOT of his eating habits and he didn't pick up any of mine (he hated mine in fact). And we had different habits when eating out or getting takeout which is the big habit I picked up.

    For me it was because eating out was a very rare treat for me, we NEVER got sodas or juice at home or when we went out, and we never ordered desserts or appetizers. It was partially health motivated but it was mostly that my family was very money conscious and we didn't spend more than we needed to to get enough food (where one entree per person is always MORE than enough, no need for dessert or appetizers, and drinks at 2-3 dollars are a ripoff). My SO came from a family that spent money like water because at the time they were very wealthy and his mom alwayhs let them order whatever they wanted, spent 400/week in groceries (and I'm talking 15 years ago dollars here) which included a lot of soda, juice, sugary 'kids' snacks, cereal, whatever.

    So when I started eating out with him, I was used to eating out being a special treat - like "oooh lets share chili cheese fries" - AND he always ordered a drink if he wanted one so sometimes I would get one too (not always as I'm not big on soda, but a beer with dinner or a barq's if they had it, etc). Except we ate out ALL the time - and I was ordering things like fries ALL the time (Also growing up or with girlfriends I would have shared an order of fries and he HATES sharing food. Hate hate hates it.)

    So my story isn't really similar to yours at all but I do think weight gain is pretty common for those who have never been actively engaged in maintaining their weight. I just had never learned to THINK about how often I was eating junk, because I never went places where junk was an option and I didn't stop to think about how much more I was eating portion wise because my family ALWAYS shared meals and my spoiled little someone refuses to share (argh!).

    Not all my weight gain is because of THAT relationship though, friendships also play a huge part. Make friends with people who go out drinking 3 times a week (and then share tons of yummy appetizers when they do) and lunch buddies with people who weigh 300 lbs and know where every best place to eat in a 20 mile radius is and you'll gain weight too. But I'd say of the 70 or so pounds I gained it was like 20 pounds to my friends and then 50 more with my friends and SO combined (my friends ruined my lunches and my SO ruined my dinners).

    Still in the same relationship but dropping the weight now, and he has dropped a little bit with me mostly through my suggesting places to get dinner that have lighter options (which means sometimes he ALSO gets a lighter option). And it inspired him to ct back on his 4-5 sodas a day although he's tried that before and it never lasts.
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    There is a definite correlation!

    I got married, went on honeymoon to Cyprus & stuffed my face, put on about 7lb in a week- then put on another 4 or 5 lb over the course of the next two years. It' s called complacency, and I had to nip it in the bud before it got even more out of hand! It only took me 3 months to get back to "pre wedding weight" and I still want to lose some more- it makes me realise WHY I didn't do it sooner, but I didn't have MFP In my life then lol
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I don't really agree with this personally. It's never happened to me. whether with someone or not, I'm going to workout & do what I do. Typically it's been the same for whoever I was with also.
  • Sj20fame
    Sj20fame Posts: 205 Member
    I think it all depends on the individual, because I've been with my husband for 9 years, and I have gained some weight, but not a lot, and I've also lost a lot of weight, I like to look good and feel good, so when I do workout in the summer i do it for myself, cause I like to be healthy, and if I gain weight in the winter, I gain because I'm being a couch potato hee hee, so it's all been me, not because I'm with my husband.