I am SO hungry!



  • como5324
    como5324 Posts: 7
    Here's are some good tips that I learned from watching tv such as the doctors show, Dr. Oz show, and I used to watch the Biggest Loser, and other late night talk shows on tv. Though, my other sources were from the internet and books that I used to write a paper last year for an english class on weight loss. The tips that I have learned and started using was to eat smaller portions, things that will keep you fuller longer, such as oatmeal, granola, eggs, peanuts, meat, chicken, including anything with protein and fiber. Also, I have started eating fruits and some veggies, whole wheat foods like Kashi crackers and granola bars. In addition to trying to eat right, I have also started working out about 3 -5 days a week, unless I'm not feeling 100%.
    When you first start, I would say to try going with protein and fiber or try eating healthy things that are made of natural ingredients, make sure that you understand what the first 5 ingredients are, and you might want to think about taking a multivitamin. If you aren't a big fan of water, try get a bottle of water and add in propel powder or another kind of powder to add flavor, especially if it's you're favorite flavor. FYI, for working out, try having fun with it, because time will fly by and it will suck less. You don't have to give up carbs or soda, just try finding a healthier one such as diet for sodas or anything with less sugar, carbs try finding a wheat paste and add sauce for flavor, than you can't even taste the wheat.
    Even my dad, as started to use some of these tips after all these years because he's finally listening to his doctor and so far, i think he's lost around 7 pounds last i knew.
  • wan2b_fatfree
    Next time try the sandwish flats..but just one half with 1/2 TBSP of PB and a squirt of honey.... sweet & salt and balance goodness! You have to work yummy stuff into your daily calories and eat OFTEN (small snakcs/meals) to surpass the hungry issue. Sometimes your stomach will growl because you are thristy but if you drink 1-2cups of water and are still hungry in 30mins, you need food. Your body is telling you its needs fuel. Ignoring hunger pains slows do your metobolism and makes it harder to lose weight... YOU HAVE TO EAT!!
  • jonniemarie1
    jonniemarie1 Posts: 77 Member
    i reviewed your diet a little bit and i saw you sometimes were eating peanut butter on bread... whenever I ate that i always feel unsatisfied. I don't know why, but it always left me "hungry" for the rest of the day. Also, try cutting out whatever added sugar you are eating. Also, allowing yourself up to 2 fruits a day will keep your sugar content down. Try adding some whole grains into your diet. No, carbs are not the ideal for weight loss, but if you find yourself really hungry all the time, try and eat a protein, carb, and good fat at each meal.