Just Wanna' Be Me!



  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    Oh Kanon.. McD's .. yuck! When you say family, what do you mean? your parents, your children, your spouse..? AND what did you have? McD's does have a small list of "healthy" items...

    Regardless, you'll get past today and whatever we can do to help support you..............

    What's up with your neck?
  • vettle
    vettle Posts: 621 Member
    I got attacked by the food police today and it totally killed my buzz. so much that I couldn't complete my 45 minute zumba routine and crashed at 25. ugh!

    What do you mean? Who is "the food police", first of all and second of all - it sounds like whoever it is hurt you twice. Is there any way to share that with them, if they're on your friends list or even someone at home, to let them know how much they hurt you? Of course, I haven't looked to see if your diary is open - is there cause for concern? Was it someone trying to be helpful and just didn't quite word it right?

    Food police is just a term we all use for people that criticize us for choosing certain food. This person is not a friend on MFP but an old high school friend (barely). I could really care less about what they think but it aggravated me. There was absolutely no cause for concern, but I made a cake pop out of diet coke and I got lectured on how I should use almond flour because regular flour is bad for you, put oil and egg back in because it's the only healthy thing in the cake, and to use dark chocolate, and I must be confused because calling it diet is a big lie. For eating ONE cake pop as a treat, I think it was a little excessive! It was just a vent. They probably were trying to be helpful, but some people are such health nuts that they forget how to live.
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    I got attacked by the food police today and it totally killed my buzz. so much that I couldn't complete my 45 minute zumba routine and crashed at 25. ugh!

    What do you mean? Who is "the food police", first of all and second of all - it sounds like whoever it is hurt you twice. Is there any way to share that with them, if they're on your friends list or even someone at home, to let them know how much they hurt you? Of course, I haven't looked to see if your diary is open - is there cause for concern? Was it someone trying to be helpful and just didn't quite word it right?

    Food police is just a term we all use for people that criticize us for choosing certain food. This person is not a friend on MFP but an old high school friend (barely). I could really care less about what they think but it aggravated me. There was absolutely no cause for concern, but I made a cake pop out of diet coke and I got lectured on how I should use almond flour because regular flour is bad for you, put oil and egg back in because it's the only healthy thing in the cake, and to use dark chocolate, and I must be confused because calling it diet is a big lie. For eating ONE cake pop as a treat, I think it was a little excessive! It was just a vent. They probably were trying to be helpful, but some people are such health nuts that they forget how to live.

    Oooh.. one of THOSE.... you know, I don't understand why they don't say "Hey, I made one of those last week and used xyz instead of abc, and OMG - it came out SOO good! I have the recipe if you'd like to try it?"

    THAT is offering; it's giving; it's positive. Criticism is taking; its negative. You go have your cake pop (I have no idea what that is! LOL) and enjoy it and maybe next time this psuedo friend opens their mouth, have an extra ready to shove in there. That should keep 'em quiet. **grins**
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    I'm getting it done today!! woohoo!

    are you?

    now back to it. :-)