Who's in love?



  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    I think it is hard to tell someone you love to lose weight...but its the way you say it that might encourage or offend them. Personally my mom told me before I was just getting big, now that didn't help. However my hubby has said "hey lets go for a walk"...now that was an encouraging way instead of saying "oh you're fat" lol.

    I guess its all about how you approach them and how they take it. :drinker:
    I totally agree! My mother used to almost insult my sister and I with our weights, and, although it was for the best, it never really helped either of us. I've motivated myself, and I'm hoping I can help my younger sister too, as diabetes runs in the family, and she's already showing preliminary signs :frown:

    Yes my mom is the same..sorry to hear about her diabetes :frown: I hope she can see your lifestyle change and follow.
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    I would love for my boyfriend to lose weight because I know it really bothers him every now and then.

    He used to be almost 300 pounds when he was younger, then in the 9th grade (age 14 ish?) he started playing football and lost 100 pounds but now that he's out of school and slightly less active he has gained some weight back. Still not even close to 300 but enough that it bothers him. Doesn't help that his dad and his dad's gf force feed him pretty much when he's there. I mean, literally telling him he's not allowed to leave until everything's eaten and they just keep pestering him until he eats it. And his dad was like that when younger as well so he's grown up learning to eat everything even if he's not hungry so that doesn't help any. :(

    My boyfriend's fairly busy now so he doesn't have time to workout. He's working for his dad (plumbing and doing farming) and he's in a band as well that's doing fairly good so he's always practicing or jamming (which is in the city so he's gotta drive 45 minutes one way to get there) or playing shows or going to other shows, etc, etc.

    Personally, I don't care too much. I mean I care in the sense that I don't want him to be overweight and have health problems (his dad is fairly overweight and has a ton of health problems) but he's not terribly overweight. I still love him either way. :) But it hurts to see him when it bothers him and when he has a "feeling fat" moment. :(
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    Still in love with my wife after 12 years!!! I'm a trainer so she knows if I tell her she needs some "work", it's because she's bulging a little.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I love myself and I'm losing weight for me.....but for serious I love lots of people but would never tell any of them I think they need to diet. However I will support and encourage anyone that chooses to better themselves on their own terms.
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    My husband is pretty skinny.. 5'8 and 135lb. He has never had to be in the position Im in and he finds it hard to support me.. Its funny because both his parents are tiny too and BOTH express their support. So Ive never had to mention it to him since he doesn't need to lose.. I have though, mentioned it to my mom who could lose another 30lb or so. She doesn't seem interested though lol
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    I am - newlywed even (july 2nd!)

    I have no trouble pointing out his moobs (see pic) :laugh:

    He then points to my thighs.

    That's true love :heart: