So disappointed in myself



  • NayaP
    NayaP Posts: 46
    Please don't be down on yourself. I tend to hold myself to high expectation so I'm really familiar with disappointment in the whole eating/exercise realm b/c it's SO not a black or white thing...there's a whole lot of grey! The truth is, the way we eat and how we exercise can be influenced by SOooo many different circumstances and people that it is unrealistic to expect to perfectly follow your intended plan all the time. In fact, if you have that expectation, you will most certainly be disappointed in yourself (I have learned this the hard way)! One thing I'm learning is to RELAX A LITTLE. Not meaning you don't show intensity in whatever exercise you do or in your decisions to eat what is best in each situation BUT that your overall mindset is shifted from rigid (I must eat only 1000 cals a day and wkout 5hrs each day otherwise I've failed at my program) to a forgiving & free mindset (I'm going to figure out the best eating and exercise plan for me based on my current circumstances and do my best each day to stick to it knowing that things happen and circumstances change so I forgive myself if I fall short and free myself to alter my plan if I see it's not working or something else may work better for me). This mindset is what's helping me stick with my transformation efforts, I hope it will in some way help you too. In the end, isn't it really about being healthier and living longer so we can be around for the ones we love? Have fun figuring a way to get your kids active and working out with you - working out doesn't always have to be about going to the gym :o)
  • erica14304
    erica14304 Posts: 49 Member
    Thank you guys for all your kind words and support.

    My kids are 9 1/2 and just turned 4 so the older one could bike along with me but the younger one isn't quite ready for that yet. It's been so darn hot here to do anything around 5, but maybe a little later, like 7ish I can take them out for a walk or something. Thank you for that idea. I will just keep on doing my zumba and stuff in the mornings and just focus on the small changes I can make.

    Thank you!!!!
  • Jaradel
    Jaradel Posts: 143 Member
    Another option might be a family Tae Kwon Do class. If you have a TKD school near you, many of them offer family classes for all ages - and I've seen kids younger than four taking classes at ours. I also see several parents taking the class with their kids. The class I take meets at 7:30pm for 45 minutes, twice a week. Also, you would be able to help each other learn the forms and sparring, and encourage each other as you work your way up to black belt. I find it to be a fantastic workout, and even though my older son and I are in different classes (he does the summer camp at our dojang, and they do the TKD class in the morning), we help each other with our forms. So - great exercise and great family time all rolled into one!

    Ultimately, though, anything you can do to get moving is going to help you. I had a gym membership years ago but I canceled it because it ate up too much of my day trying to fight traffic to get there, or getting home really late because I went to the gym after work. Once the weather cools down I plan to start up running again, and cycling. I second the suggestion to go walking in the evenings with your kids - I remember taking walks with my dad when he came over for his weekly visit while I was growing up, and it gave us a chance to catch up with each other.

    Good luck!
  • SMarie1219
    SMarie1219 Posts: 67
    My 4 year old loves to go on walks with me and I recently got him a bike so he can ride his bike while I'm walking. He actually enjoys working out with me too when I do a DVD he will go right along with me. Try and get them involved. Teaches them good habits too!
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I work out at home while my children are sleeping. I love the Turbo Fire DVDs.

    I firmly believe that 1200 calories is TOO LOW for most people. It IS hard. People don't stick with hard things. Change your weight loss goals to 0.5-1 lbs per week and see what it tells you. I prefer to keep mine at 0.5lbs/ week and eat my exercise calories so that it's easy. Doesn't feel like a "diet" at all.
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