Office treats!!! Arrrrrghhhhhh



  • skatw
    skatw Posts: 28
    Keep some teats you can have on hand....skinny cow, 1 tablespoon chocolate chips, trail mix. Maybe these would satisfy better than water. I will be in the ame boat next month when school inservice starts back, they provide donuts in the morning and chips and candy throughout the day. Will really teat me on whether I really want to stay on track or just play at it.

    I will be there with you and we can just keep each other away from it!!!!!
  • Timeforme714
    Timeforme714 Posts: 189 Member
    Just think of how many other things you could eat instead of it for the same calories :)
  • runrogrun
    runrogrun Posts: 36 Member
    I couldn't just have one! The 'old' me would have a handful, decide the day was a write off and then cheat for the rest of the day!!! So that's what I'm trying to avoid.

    A few people in my office are always on diets (I was the same) and never get anywhere, or lose weight and then put it straight back on. They seem to be the ones who bring in treats! Since I've been on here I mean business and so am trying to cut out all the crap and snack on fruit or natural yogurt with honey.

    I am out for dinner tonight so my calorie allowance will be a bit tough anyway....but I have resisted the chocs so far and the massive urge to grab some seems to be subsiding! Thanks for your messages everyone!
  • AllieB
    AllieB Posts: 73
    I read something online that said to bring a piece of clear tupperware to work and set it on your desk, and everytime that you are tempted put a dollar in the tupperware instead and see how your money grows. I haven't tried it but with my temptations I could be a rich girl! Hope that helps in good luck ;)
  • murraylu
    murraylu Posts: 5 Member
    Office treats are a curse where I work, especially since there is one person determined to sabotage everyone else by bringing them in as "treats" for everyone and she is nasty if you don't partake. For today, keep sipping that water and remind yourself that you are in control of your own life - you don't want to relinquish that control to someone else. For the future, bring in your own snacks to cover you whenever you feel the need. Everyone who is posting that one snack won't hurt you if you figure it into your daily plan is correct, but only you know whether that candy will lead to another and another...

    I use anger to help me not to choose those snacks. I tell myself that I am angry at people who don't respect me. Everyone in my office knows that I have lost 55 lbs. and kept it off for 3 years now. I expect them to keep their snacks to themselves, not lay them out as a temptation to others. I look at their snacks as their problems, and I don't want to take on those problems - I have enough of my own.

    Speaking of enough of my own problems, I have another 50 lbs. to lose. I've finally settled in to the "new" 55 lbs. lighter body, confident that those pounds won't ever return and am ready to continue on to be even healthier. It's a great feeling to be in control of your own life and health. Don't let the office yahoos derail your plans. Whatever your decision - to snack and count it in your daily program or to resist and give yourself other foods later - pat yourself on the back for making it a real choice you make yourself, not something that is just eaten mindlessly because it is there.
  • ncwingnut71
    ncwingnut71 Posts: 292 Member
    You should try working at a flavor company and have to taste test.....UGH! It gets so frustrating, especially when they pop up with a new ice cream and I haven't had sugar in a month....I end up getting sick.