Bodybugg/Body Media Fit Questions Thread:



  • amymimi12
    amymimi12 Posts: 51 Member
    Can anyone recommend one over another - bodybugg or BMF? I'm thinking about getting one but not sure where to make the investment. Cost v. information v. accuracy v. ease of use with MFP. Also, I don't have an iPhone, so that may make a difference, and I would like a display with either one (need instant gratification/information!). Thanks!
  • keziah23
    keziah23 Posts: 13 Member
    I just got a bodybugg v2 (ebay) with a 6 month subscription, I've been wearing it since last Thursday. The question I have is about the heat and sweat measurements. I don't sweat very much at all. Even after 90 minutes of intense exercise tonight I was only barely damp and my skin remains clammy. I have to get overheated to the point of heat exhaustion before I sweat. Will this affect the accuracy of my bodybugg measurements?

    I wore my HRM (Polar FT4) while exercising tonight and it read 691 calories burned and the bodybugg showed 585 in the same time period.
  • keziah23
    keziah23 Posts: 13 Member
    So I've worn the bodybugg for 2 weeks now but today was the first day I was able to enter my weight again because I changed my goal (didn't know what I was doing) and it said based on my weight loss that I must be logging my food incorrectly because it lost more than it thought I should have. I find it very amusing that there is no possibility in this system that it under registered my burn, nope just "you didn't do something right" LOL!

    This is, I am 100% sure about my food log, I am on a medically supervised liquid diet, I know exactly how many calories I take in per day! So its under estimating/calculating/measuring my burn by about 3-400 calories per day!
  • Mawskittykat
    Mawskittykat Posts: 241 Member
  • pholbert
    pholbert Posts: 575 Member
    Because f wearing summer clothing I started wearing my BMF band on my upper thigh. I get a better steps count. Is there any issues doing this way that you know of?
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    The website specifically says not to wear it anywhere but your arm. The accelerometer and calculations are based off of the movements of of your body from your arm, so I'd say that you're getting off reading from wearing it there. Heck, if I just wear mine a little lower on my arm I get inflated calorie and step readings.

    I see people wearing them with short sleeves all the time and no one around cares. I personally layer a super-thin, crepe-style, long sleeve shirt under tees anyway, so it's not typically an issue for me. But the few days that I do just wear a tee or someone notices it, I just say it's a fancy pedometer and that's that, no one really cares.