August Team Challenge-Team Thin to Win!



  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    I'm Debbie and it looks like I am the oldest of the bunch at 55 <yikes> I just started my weight loss journey in May with another challenge and hope this one can be as successful. I can't run but hope to keep up with the rest of you and not let down the team.
  • Rebeccasluckyduck
    Rebeccasluckyduck Posts: 168 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm Rebecca and I'm so excited to be part of this team!! I'm 39 and have two boys, 18 and 16. I've been married for 21 years (yes I started young but I've know my husband for 37 of my 39). I turn 40 over Labor Day weekend and I'm running the Disney 1/2 to celebrate. I'd love to get a few more pounds off so my finish line picture is something I'll actually be proud of and not bury in a box like the rest of them.

    Yeah team!!! Here we go on a grand adventure together!
  • butters1
    butters1 Posts: 1,540 Member
    Hi all,

    my name is Cindy, i am 46 and have been happily married 21 years. looking forward to this group and some extra motivation! i've been trying to improve my fitness for 6 months now and have succeeded in reducing my blood pressure and chosertol levels to normal (without meds), but need to lose some serious weight too.

    love the Thin to Win name!.
  • divajj107
    divajj107 Posts: 17
    Hi all... I'm Jennifer and have the working out thing down (5-6 days per week, 60 min a time) but need help with eating the right stuff. I know what to eat, I just don't eat it... I've been losing the same 3-5 lbs for almost 3 months now!!! UGH!

    After 2 miscarriages 3 years ago, I had a baby boy who is my life but depression weight plus pregnancy weight and well you get the idea. So... I lost the pregnancy weight but still need to lose pounds I gained during a weighty depression. Would love to join the challenge to motivate me to be fit, eat right and lose finally!
  • kburns0709
    kburns0709 Posts: 297 Member
    hey guys I don't know if this is the appropriate venue for this question, but I was wondering if any teammates had recipes (with calorie counts) for a "green" smoothie? I've been looking at them lately and I think if you really can't taste the greens it would be a great way for me to get nutrition in, since I don't really eat vegetables.
  • cardioqueen82
    cardioqueen82 Posts: 12 Member
    What kind of challenges are they going to be? I do not have a gym membership or exercise equipment, I just go walking for 60-90 minutes several times per week.
  • carmcd
    carmcd Posts: 115
    @ monkeyhugger, so sorry but this is a closed group for right now BUT the august challenge itself is still open! Gary6030 is still accepting people for the challenge and forming teams!!!!!! hope you join!
  • carmcd
    carmcd Posts: 115
    Hi there everyone! I'm going to be your captain for the next month for our team challenge! Every week Gary is going to post a new weekly challenge and all of us are to work, work, work to complete it the best we can!! Based on your performance of the weekly challenge you will assign yourself a point value, which you will post here on our thread! I'll tally the points, send them along to Gary who will keep track of who is winning!!! More info on the point system, etc to come! I'll keep you informed!!!

    Soooo down to business, here is the role call of our team!

    Team 8 - AKA Team THIN TO WIN!
    Captain carmcd
    1 WhomII
    2 wildcard29
    3 craft338
    4 chuckieswife
    5 sharmonesq
    6 butters1
    7 LifeAfter29
    8 lingading
    9 railreader
    10 SUNNY613
    11 tjdsmommy
    12 vivianleemit
    13 triciawebb78
    14 morae
    15 Isrn2
    16 mcdebbie
    17 kburks0709
    18 Katemarie34
    19 Rebeccasluckyduc
    20 robincnrr

    p.s. if you have another team name, shout it out! I just thought THIN TO WIN was catchy!! So feel free to tell us a little about yourself of just throw out a 'bump' so we know you are here and accounted for! friend your fellow teammates!! THIS IS GOING TO BE GREAT :) lets go thin to win!!


    Sorry should have made that clear from the beginning!! If you are not on the above list please contact Gary6030 BEFORE AUGUST 1 and he will put you on an another team!!! thanks :)
  • triciawebb78
    triciawebb78 Posts: 142 Member
    good Morning, sorry didn't say hello yesterday! My name is Tricia and im at least 100 lbs obese. I gained 80 lbs with my pregnancy 9 yrs ago and then gained and lost some more over the years. I joined MFP in the beginning of june. The healthier eating isnt that big of a change. My husband and I love to cook and especially find new fun low cal things to make. what gets me is the exercising. As an ex Army soldier I am really disgusted with myself. So I saw this challenge and thought that hopefully this will jump start me back into it!

    This is my first challenge on MFP and I hope I do you all proud. Might need reminders ever so often lol.

    PS. My usual weigh in day is Monday, Carmcd. Do I need to weigh on Sundays for this for the team??

    Thanks and GO Team Thin to Win!!
  • chuckieswife
    :glasses: Good Morning, My name is Sandy, I work at the University of Louisville in the Justice Administration Department, I have been here going on 13 years. I just turned 52 years old on July 19. I will be married to my wonderful husband 29 years on August 6th. We have a beautiful daughter Jess, she is 24 and a recent graduate of UofL. I graduated with a BS in Sociology and Justice Administration in May 2009. I am in the process of completing a Master's degree in Higher Education Administration. I started January of this year, completely online. I enjoy the online courses.

    Also, I am a kidney transplant patient, since February 2002 am an doing very well. I have a Pro Form Treadmill and elliptical at home so I exercise at home. I also have a pool that I exercise in. I am looking forward to a challenge. Sandy
  • carmcd
    carmcd Posts: 115

    p.s. bday is july 19th too!!!
  • Katemarie34
    Katemarie34 Posts: 144 Member
    good morning everyone!! Can't wait to get started! :)
  • carmcd
    carmcd Posts: 115
    @triciawebb, I am supposed to tally our points and give them to gary sunday night/monday morning every week so you can still weigh in on your usual monday monday!! just make sure you post here ASAP so I can let gary know how team THIN TO WIN is doing :)

    if anyone else has any questions let me know!! 5 days till the start!!! wooo get excited :)
  • carmcd
    carmcd Posts: 115
    HEY TEAM! lets all post our start weight and goal weight for this challenge!!! or post any other goals you hope to accomplish :)

    heres mine:
    SW: 187
    GW: 180

    other goal: run for 20 minutes without stopping!!

    your turn!!
  • kburns0709
    kburns0709 Posts: 297 Member
    I can weight myself on Sunday, but last week I weighed 200. Would a realistic goal be to get down to 193 in August? My other goal is to stick to the couch to 5k program
  • kimlee
    kimlee Posts: 79 Member
    Good Afternoon Everyone! Here are my stats and goals

    Starting weight: 129
    Goal Weight: 127

    Non-scale goals:

    1. Lift weights 3x a week during August
    2. Run at least 20 miles for the month.
  • robincnrr
    robincnrr Posts: 14
    I am at 149.4 now and would like to get to 139 by the end of the challenge. I am doing an Herbalife program and whe I follow it it really works and I feels great. I am going to do cardio 3 times a week,toning 3 x a week
  • kburns0709
    kburns0709 Posts: 297 Member
    haha I need to revise my goals, I'm at 196.5 and I'd like to get down to 190.
  • lingading
    lingading Posts: 259 Member
    291.2 this morning. Hoping to get to 282 by august 31 :)

    Also, I want to increase my daily water intake to a full gallon (16 cups) daily by the end of the month.
  • Katemarie34
    Katemarie34 Posts: 144 Member
    SW- 155
    GW for the challenge would be 145

    Goal all together with this would be 135