August Team Challenge-Team Thin to Win!



  • IndependentMe
    IndependentMe Posts: 182 Member
    184.3 C
    174.3 G

    Also fitness goal is (all done before my cast, so just hoping to get back to my routine)

    Daily exercise to include one or more of the following:
    gym (swim or circuit)
    home excercise (handweights/situps/pushups)
    treadmill or walk outdoors 10 mins 2x week and building up to 20 mins.
  • vivianleemit
    vivianleemit Posts: 112
    ANYWAY, about me I'm caroline, I turned 20 last week and I am a college student at home for the summer! Since college started I have gained and lost the same 20 ish pounds and im ready to lose it FOR GOOD! plus more to get to my goal! right now I am on MFP a fair amount because I have an internship where I am at a computer most of the day!! im SO excited to have all of you on my team..i know we got this :) cant wait to start the challenges!!!!!
    That's the -exact- same situation I'm in, haha (only I'm going to turn 21 in two weeks, finally!)

    SW: 130
    GW: 115
    Other goals: dance practice at least 2 hours a day + drink at least 6 cups of water a day

    I'm really bad about drinking water -- I usually give in and opt for a juice, but juices are still full of sugar and icky things, esp if they come from a plastic bottle. So I'm going to slowly move my way up to drinking more water. I'm currently doing about 3 cups a day + 2 cups of other liquids (juice, tea), so I think August I'll aim for 6 a day :)
  • butters1
    butters1 Posts: 1,540 Member
    SW: 199
    GW: 194

    5 lbs in a month is alot for me historically, thyroid issues. doc says i finally tested normal, so hoping. :smile:

    goal: 6 workouts a week, i have been slacking lately. Current workouts i incorporate include 40 minutes jog/walk alternated by minute, 30 day shred dvd, cardio max dvd, exercise bike. Hoping i find more i like to throw in the mix.
  • wildcard29
    wildcard29 Posts: 322 Member
    My name is Janet and I'm a 32 year old mother to four. I began this journey two years ago and had great success with MFP, but have gone thru a bad stretch and gained it all back. I think this challenge is the jump start I need to get back into this. This is my first challenge even though I'm a long time fitness pal member
  • wildcard29
    wildcard29 Posts: 322 Member
    SW: 186.4
    GW: 178

    My mini goal is to log everything everyday for the month!
  • got2bfitmom
    got2bfitmom Posts: 164 Member
    I currently weigh 161 as of today.. My goal for august is 150 and also to gradually make it up to an hour on the treadmill a day and finish 30DS. (which I got today - my bf got for me what a nice man!!)
  • got2bfitmom
    got2bfitmom Posts: 164 Member
    we need a signature
  • SUNNY613
    SUNNY613 Posts: 251 Member
    im going to weigh in tomorrow so ill let you know in the morning...
  • carmcd
    carmcd Posts: 115

    great idea tjdsmommy!! anyone especially creative with photoshop or good with graphic design for our signature?!
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Current weight is 174.8, not sure what it will be on Monday after a big weekend. :laugh: So far I have been unable to lose much more than a pound a week but am hoping to kick it up some in August so goal would be 168.
  • triciawebb78
    triciawebb78 Posts: 142 Member
    @triciawebb, I am supposed to tally our points and give them to gary sunday night/monday morning every week so you can still weigh in on your usual monday monday!! just make sure you post here ASAP so I can let gary know how team THIN TO WIN is doing :)

    if anyone else has any questions let me know!! 5 days till the start!!! wooo get excited :)

    OK perfect. Im located in boston MA and usually weigh in around 6-630 AM. will post right away! :)
  • triciawebb78
    triciawebb78 Posts: 142 Member
    OK here are my stats and goals

    Starting weight: 254
    Goal Weight: 245

    Non-scale goals:

    1.Work out three times during the business week
    2.Do one ACTIVE activity with the family on the weekends (ie last weekend we drove up to NH and hiked the Flume Gorge, was gorgeous but an awesome work out too!)

    Oh and 3. I log and plan during business week great but need to be more disciplined during the weekends!
  • got2bfitmom
    got2bfitmom Posts: 164 Member
    so I made up a signature I just cant get it on here I save it as a picture on my computer
  • triciawebb78
    triciawebb78 Posts: 142 Member
    hope this works:)

  • triciawebb78
    triciawebb78 Posts: 142 Member
    hope this works:)



    2ivz31k.jpg <----take that code and change the caps in IMG to lower case img and paste into your signature.
  • carmcd
    carmcd Posts: 115
    here is our signature!!

  • IndependentMe
    IndependentMe Posts: 182 Member
    Hey Triciawebb,
    Saw you were from Boston. I work in Cambridge, MA...and I believe there is another Cambridge person on our team as well - vivianleeMIT.
    Anyone else in the Boston or surrounding area? Just curious to see how many of us there ah :-)
  • carmcd
    carmcd Posts: 115
    hey railreader!!! right now i live in PA but I am originally from the boston area, around lowell/chelmsford area!
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    i'm gonna be away til monday night, can i weigh in on tuesday or would it be better to just weigh in tomorrow?
  • triciawebb78
    triciawebb78 Posts: 142 Member
    Hey Triciawebb,
    Saw you were from Boston. I work in Cambridge, MA...and I believe there is another Cambridge person on our team as well - vivianleeMIT.
    Anyone else in the Boston or surrounding area? Just curious to see how many of us there ah :-)

    Thats awesome, my hubby works in Cambridge! I work in Woburn. Would be kinda fun maybe for the local boston area ppl to get together for a walk or exercise thing in august?!?! We live in Wakefield and it has Lake Q, never can spell it right lol, 3 miles to go around it completely!