


  • aliciarenee79
    aliciarenee79 Posts: 35 Member
    I quit 16 days ago. I have been exercising a lot.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    Carrots! I would keep them with me and step outside with other smokers sometimes and munch. I ate carrots constantly. And cucumbers.

    I also took up running. Running dealt with the stress and it gave me motivation to not smoke.
  • chazspk
    chazspk Posts: 159 Member
    I am just so terrified of gaining a lot of weight.

    Im same as you i have to give them up want to but im terrified to gaining weight. when i gave them up before i put 15lb on and just started smoking again but i did snack.. Its so frecken hard. its willpower.. But smelly good all the time again will be nice..
  • Jenyfur1
    Jenyfur1 Posts: 361
    I quit for 3 months with the help of this site. I did not gain any weight and still lost some. I took it up again because of stress from my job and have been hiding it from my husband.... I feel awful about it.... I want to quit again, but everytime I think I am not going to buy another pack, I do. I have not been running because I can't breath as well since I started again....
    I have one smoke left.... I am going to smoke that tonight and then I am done. The hard part is, I can't chew a lot of gum anymore, which was my savior.... I know I can do this..... I will report back tomorrow....
    Thanks for being here.
    Chaz, you CAN do this....:) Good luck everyone!
  • Jenyfur1
    Jenyfur1 Posts: 361
    I quit for 3 months with the help of this site. I did not gain any weight and still lost some. I took it up again because of stress from my job and have been hiding it from my husband.... I feel awful about it.... I want to quit again, but everytime I think I am not going to buy another pack, I do. I have not been running because I can't breath as well since I started again....
    I have one smoke left.... I am going to smoke that tonight and then I am done. The hard part is, I can't chew a lot of gum anymore, which was my savior.... I know I can do this..... I will report back tomorrow....
    Thanks for being here.
    Chaz, you CAN do this....:) Good luck everyone!
  • dmanning0819
    dmanning0819 Posts: 93 Member
    Fear is what holds us back from success! Just jump ALL in and we will be here the entire way! You can do it! I have been smoke free for a little over a year now and it is possible. If I can do it, ANYBODY CAN!!!
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    First off, congratulations on taking the 1st step...WANTING to quit. :drinker:

    I quit when I found out I was pregnant with my daughter and did not smoke until she was about 8 months old...then I picked it up again slowly. smackhead.gif The hardest part was being around smokers while drinking...that is when I fell off the wagon and next thing I knew I was buying a pack that would last me a week...then it was only lasting a few days. :embarassed:

    I have quit again...this time it is better because I remember how I feel when I am not smoking and how I don't smell.

    Best advice I can give...don't cheat yourself...when that craving rears its ugly head exercise your will power and don't give in. Do anything you can to distract out, tackle a project you are putting off, brush your teeth...anything!

    Oh and I smoked menthols and I found these eucalyptus toothpicks at a health food store to chew on...they are a life saver!

    Good luck, you CAN do this! :flowerforyou:
  • anastasiawildflower
    anastasiawildflower Posts: 197 Member
    Thank you for all the support friends. Today is day one. I am mostly just starving because we have been moving everything and I haven't had time to eat. Today I am catching up with all of my calories that are hanging in the bermuda triangle. It was weird driving to work today without having a cigarette. The key, is that my window still has to be open. I think I will survive this. :)

    I can continue to update on here if you do not mind. Just to let you know how things are going.
  • laurad1406
    laurad1406 Posts: 341
    Thank you for all the support friends. Today is day one. I am mostly just starving because we have been moving everything and I haven't had time to eat. Today I am catching up with all of my calories that are hanging in the bermuda triangle. It was weird driving to work today without having a cigarette. The key, is that my window still has to be open. I think I will survive this. :)

    I can continue to update on here if you do not mind. Just to let you know how things are going.

    Great job!! Stick with it, and definitely keep us posted!!
  • anastasiawildflower
    anastasiawildflower Posts: 197 Member
    It has been well over a week and there hasn't been a single problem. I am mostly worried that knowing it has been so easy to quit, I may not see a big problem with starting again. I guess I will always keep myself on guard.

    On the brighter side, this has been smooth flowing and I have already saved over $15.00!
  • laurad1406
    laurad1406 Posts: 341
    It has been well over a week and there hasn't been a single problem. I am mostly worried that knowing it has been so easy to quit, I may not see a big problem with starting again. I guess I will always keep myself on guard.

    On the brighter side, this has been smooth flowing and I have already saved over $15.00!

    My roommate and I "quit" at the same time...she started allowing herself one here and there, because it was "no big deal, it's just one"....then she bought a pack "just to have"....then she was full on smoking again. she thinks it's good if she "only" has one in a day. Whatever you do, DO NOT pick up another cig! you can do it, trust me!!!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    I was a heavy smoker for 10yrs. I watched my BF's mother die of lung cancer. To see wha the cancer and chemo and radiation did to her body made me realize I didn't want to die the same way. I quit over 6months ago with no turning back. I chewed a lot of gum drank a lot of water and gained 20lbs. I realized that 20lbs was just as bad as smoking so I'm not eating healthy as well. It wasn't easy but it can be done. I don't know if you are a christian but every time I wanted a smoke I'd pray God would take that away from me and keep me strong. I'm applying the same prayer method to my weight loss!
    Same for me, I watched my beloved grandfather pass in 2004, it was the most horrible death and having to watch this...really made an impact on me.It still took me a few more years before I could make myself believe I had the power to do it. I smoked on and off for over 20 years..., tried the gum.... then one day I just said:
    "I choose not to smoke,
    smoking WILL kill me,
    smoking will kill my children,
    I choose not to smoke",
    everytime I had the urge, I would breath slowly, shut my eyes and say this little chant to myself ...pray and get through the moment. I often wondered if there would ever come a day when I would STOP thinking about smoking and ciggs in general. Happy to say, in year 2... I didn't desire them anymore and I have lost weight and kept it off the best without smoking....
    Coming up on 4 years smoke free for me! I have also lost 50#s and kept it off in the same amount of time!
  • Chrissyj83
    I just quit smoking 4 days ago, and I'm happy to report that it seems to be going very well thus far. A few years ago I quit for a 3 year stretch using the patch only to start to cope with the stress of the 2008 floods. I was able to quit again after awhile, only to fall back off the wagon. I tried Chantix back in November, and as long as I was on the Chantix it worked. It did however make me extremely ill if not taken with a large meal (I prefer to snack throughout the day on light items), the dreams were insanely vivid, and a week after the prescription ran out I was having cravings again.

    I'm using the patch again this time since I was successful before with it, and keeping suckers at my office to cope with watching the other gals here headed out for smoke breaks. I'm also going to the gym more nights each week and lengthing my morning walk with the dog now that I don't need time for a cigarette and coffee before getting ready.

    I will second the comments made about having an accountability partner. I'm probably driving my facebook friends nuts with all my posts about how I'm doing on quitting and talking about what causes a craving, but it really helps. I figure they can just as easily not read the posts if they're not interested, and the positive feedback and tips I get from others really helps. I have a couple friends that message me almost daily to inquire how I'm doing - they're the best!

    So, get help from friends and stop smoking aids. They really help!
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    there is another thread going around about people quitting, I'll see if I can find it. Funny, I quit 8/01/11 also. I still go outside for my "break" but walk around the office buildings instead of smoking. And I can really smell the smokers now, ewwww.

    Good luck to all that are trying to quit!