Big Boned my Butt!!!

I'm so tired of people saying, "I'm just big boned!" You may have a larger or smaller frame, but "big boned" you are not. I have a friend who is an archeologist/ anthropologist and has seen many bones, and there is no such thing as being overweight because you are 'big boned." I get so annoyed when people use this as an excuse for themselves! Nobody is meant to be obese! Your bones have nothing to do with it! Sorry, I just see it on here a lot. People say, "I weigh ___, but that isn't so bad because I'm big boned." Sorry about the little rant, it just gets on my nerves!


  • amyford25
    amyford25 Posts: 85 Member
    I agree somewhat, but some people truly have larger frames than others. It probably wouldn't make a huge difference in weight but may be 5-10 pounds. Meaning that can't be your excuse for being 30 pounds overweight!!
  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    What's the difference between "large frame" and "big boned"? I really do have fat bones. For my height I'm supposed to weigh between 108-145, but if I get below 135, my ribs look like an extra set of boobies. Not so attractive!
  • asnail
    asnail Posts: 15 Member
    I soooo agree!!!!!
  • i am differently shaped than a lot of my girlfriends though, we can be close to the same hight but my hands are much larger than theirs, longer arms too, and even when i was anorexic i couldn't get under a size 4 because of my pelvis and you could see every bone jutting out of my skin. I don't know I don't think bigger boned people exist, just not to the extent of being able to use it as an excuse for being heavy.

    i don't think that came out right....
  • I_give_it_2_u_str8
    I_give_it_2_u_str8 Posts: 680 Member
    Did anyone else think the title of the thread was misleading? :p
  • Delaina1
    Delaina1 Posts: 168 Member
    Having a larger frame means that maybe you are taller, your shoulders are more broad, your ribs wider. "Big Boned" means more dense, more massive.
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I guess the next saying will be that "Oh, I'm just too short for my weight."
  • Ppl tell me I must have dense bones cuz I don't look the weight that I am. lol I think my height (5'7") contributes to it.
  • SweGuy
    SweGuy Posts: 78
    Some people do use every possible excuse not to get their *kitten* of the couch... I used to be one... until I lost my father (he was 61 when he passed away) due to different situations/diseases/bodily reactions to heart problems caused by being overweight and stuff like that.. Now, I am living healthier than ever and thanks to MFP, I do see progress in getting a happier, healthier and better lifestyle - have lost so far 25lbs
  • kmeekhof
    kmeekhof Posts: 456 Member
    Sometime "big boned" and "large framed" go hand in hand. I've never been more than 15 lbs overweight (according to BMI and Ideal weights). Sometimes I do say that I am big boned.... I will NEVER be on the low end of my normal weight range at 125lbs. My "big bones" just won't allow it, and I would look sickly if I managed to get there.
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    big boned is a large frame, its just a different way of saying it... At my frame type, being 130lbs would make me look severally anerxic; for my frame, 160 pounds is flat abs, little body fat what so ever, going to 150 is seeing ribs, etc.
  • kgagnon7779
    kgagnon7779 Posts: 216
    I disagree. Although I don't think it's an excuse to be overweight, people definitely do have larger frames. It's just a matter of semantics whether they say "big-boned" or "large-framed". It's really just a saying anyway. Kind of like saying "Muscle weighs more than fat" - the person saying it knows it doesn't but it's easier to say than, "the same weight of fat and muscle take up different amounts of space".

    I don't have a larger frame, but I am 5'10" - so you might hear me saying, "I'm 150 lbs, which is great since I am so tall".
  • twistygirl
    twistygirl Posts: 517 Member
    I thought this topic was a way to have a bigger butt, oh well:(
  • Delaina1
    Delaina1 Posts: 168 Member
    I guess the next saying will be that "Oh, I'm just too short for my weight."

    I've been trying to use this one for years! lol I'm only 5'0!
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,412 Member
    I guarntee the skeletal structure can affect how you look at different weights. Tell my 6 ft daughter she could wear a size six - her pelvic bones would never fit (lol). Ethinicity hand how the bones fit together count too. I am 5' 7" and at 130 I look like a skeleton
  • kmeekhof
    kmeekhof Posts: 456 Member
    Ppl tell me I must have dense bones cuz I don't look the weight that I am. lol I think my height (5'7") contributes to it.

    Same thing here!
  • Freeapollo
    Freeapollo Posts: 25
    I'm sorry but I have to respectively disagree. Larger frames e.g. bigger rib cages and large sholder bones have to add more weight to a persons body.
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    I lurk the forums a lot, and I don't think I've ever heard someone say that before. Also, there are many varying frames. Not everyone wants to nor can be a size 0. kthnxbai.
  • mark03264
    mark03264 Posts: 334 Member
    Good one!
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    i think big-boned is the old fashioned term that we now say larger frame....

    it is true to a degree. i am short, and i look fatter than a friend of mine who weighs quite a bit more than me, but she is tall, so she has a bigger frame, and in a size 14, she looks slim, but in a size 14, i look chubby...