Big Boned my Butt!!!



  • missvics
    missvics Posts: 112
    I guess the next saying will be that "Oh, I'm just too short for my weight."

    I LIKE!!! Ever see the Cheers episode where Sam asks Norm what he's up too and Norm replies, My ideal weight if I'm 7'2"? Hilarious!!! ME TOO!!!!
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I'll be sure to pass this memo around.
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    Did anyone else think the title of the thread was misleading? :p

  • just be grateful for that "d" at the end of the second word.
  • annrum
    annrum Posts: 144
    I'm 5'8" tall. I have broad shoulders, so I have got away with carrying more weight than most people think I weigh. That said, I'm not blaming my physique for my being overweight, that's entirely due to me not eating the right things & not exercising.

    My current goal is around 12stone, but, as it's been over 15 years since I was anywhere near that weight, I've just got that as a target. I may decide when I reach that weight that I can lose a bit more, I'd still be in a healthy BMI range, or I may decide that I'm quite happy as I am. I'll decide when I get there!

    There's a reason that the BMIs (accurate or not, an entirely different debate!) are ranges - people's bodies do differ. However, the ranges are not in the remit of 46lbs.

    I also think that if someone's going to use an excuse for being overweight, be it "I'm big boned", "I have a slow metabolism" (when it hasn't been medically checked), "I can't exercise because I'm allergic to sweating" or whatever, they don't actually want to change & nothing you say or do will make a difference. Leave them to it & keep on making your own life healthier while supporting those people that do want to be healthy :smile:
  • WhomII
    WhomII Posts: 24
    Soooo.....what you're saying is my PANTS don't make my butt look big, it's my BIG BUTT that makes my butt look big?
  • millymoozie
    millymoozie Posts: 150
    lol love it ,,i have just said the same thing in one of my replies to a post ,,you are right there is no way people can be fat through big bones ,,its impossible ,,to set it straight you can have shorter or longer bones which makes you big or small & if you are fat for a long period of time your bones do get denser & tougher because they have had to carry a heavy load so they accomadate this or else they would break under the weight of it ,,,so nope i agree with you & i wouldnt want people to think there is a reason for them being overweight when there isnt as i wouldnt want them to think they couldnt lose it or there was no point trying ,as its the best thing you can do ,gain energy confidence ,look great ,healthy for your body & mind ,,its just fantastic & a new lease of life ,,,good post x
  • sarahcs424
    sarahcs424 Posts: 46 Member
    My sister is big boned or larger frame or whatever. I can get down to 120 and look good if she gets below 180 she just doesn't look good at all. Her head is to big for her body and she looks like a big anorexic. When she gets to 180 she looks healthy fit and beautiful so I have to disagree with you.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    True, big boned means larger frame, sure.

    But, most people just use that as excuse as to why are are overweight. For some people, its true. For most, its just another reason they give themselves not to do anything about their weight. Same as "Its not my fault, its my glands". 1 in a million this may be true, but for the majority its just another excuse.

    Btw, who is Big? :P
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    I don't agree. Large and big mean the same thing.

    I've never personally uttered the words "I'm big boned and that's why I'm overweight". I am big boned and I am also a little overweight. But, I do know for a fact that I have a large/big frame.

    My doctor has said so. The wrist/elbow measurements say so. The way clothes fit me demonstrates it. Also, I had a bone density test at my physical this year. The results indicated I had some the densest, heaviest bones my doctor had ever seen. My mom is like that. My grandmother was like that. And like it or not, I'm like that. I often wish I could be daintier and more delicate, but I'll settle for strong. :-)
  • fudgebudget
    fudgebudget Posts: 198 Member
    I'm only 5'3, but when I weighed 125 I looked like Skeletor - I've got shoulders like a linebacker, a big rib cage, and wide hips. My sister is the same height, weighs around 105, and when I weighed 125 _I_ was the one getting comments about looking too thin. Large frames/big boned/however you want to say it, it does exist. Does it explain 50 excess pounds? No. But there is a decently wide range of healthy weights in the BMI chart for a reason.
  • millymoozie
    millymoozie Posts: 150
    yep but having a higher density of bone does not make you get fat ,,!! you get fat by eating crap & too much of it & living a sedentary life ........try it & press in your chubby bits ,is it chub or is it solid bone ?
    i know my chubby bits wobble & have never seen a fat person that doesnt wobble with fat but walk solid with massive bones inside lol ,,still loving this post
  • Clw927
    Clw927 Posts: 26
    I am one of those gals that if I weighed at the low end of my healthy range...I would look anorexic..and in fact, when I look back at myself at 125-135 can see my ribs and a very sharp, square jaw bone... not at all attractive to me. I got more attention and felt a lot healthier when I went up from the extra "padding" (LOL!) softened out all those sharp boney angles... but then life took it's toll on me and I blew up way past that... I am working on that now... but I do believe that there are "frame size" differences... Even at 125 lbs I looked bigger than my friends at the same weight...
  • shelly650
    shelly650 Posts: 319
    I do agree that people can be "big boned" but I dont necessarily believe that they can use excuses for their weight because of it! If a person is big boned, they are "broader" not fatter! If they are fat.....well their just plain fat!!
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    According to the bmi I am obese yet my doctor told me I was not big boned or had a large frame (I'm 5'9" 219lbs) He just said you have more muscle weight than the average person. Your bodyfat percentage is very healthy(13%) which pretty much means there are two reasons you are heavier/bigger than somebody else your height. Either you're fatter(face it people) or you carry around more muscle weight than they do!
  • kadoodle76
    kadoodle76 Posts: 234
    I look really good at 135-140. According to charts, I should be about 110-120 for my 5'2" height. I look ridiculous when I get that low. I have what my mama calls "child-bearing hips" :tongue: and a doc has told me I do have a large frame for my hieght. That being said...There is no reason other than too much food and lack of exercise that made me over 200 pounds. My bones have nothing to do with it.
  • amyford25
    amyford25 Posts: 85 Member
  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    I'm only 5'3, but when I weighed 125 I looked like Skeletor - I've got shoulders like a linebacker, a big rib cage, and wide hips. My sister is the same height, weighs around 105, and when I weighed 125 _I_ was the one getting comments about looking too thin. Large frames/big boned/however you want to say it, it does exist. Does it explain 50 excess pounds? No. But there is a decently wide range of healthy weights in the BMI chart for a reason.

    This. I am built just like this as well.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Did anyone else think the title of the thread was misleading? :p


  • seriousaboutlife
    seriousaboutlife Posts: 177 Member
    yep but having a higher density of bone does not make you get fat ,,!! you get fat by eating crap & too much of it & living a sedentary life ........try it & press in your chubby bits ,is it chub or is it solid bone ?
    i know my chubby bits wobble & have never seen a fat person that doesnt wobble with fat but walk solid with massive bones inside lol ,,still loving this post

    some people are fat because of medical conditions and medications too... just sayin'...