[CLOSED GROUP] 36 Pounds Challenge - Welcome!



  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Hi, I'm Kasi. I need to lose about 20lbs to be at the high-end of the normal range for my height so 36 would actually be about perfect I think. I'm a mom of 4 kids, I love to camp and do outdoors stuff. I'm simply trying to lose weight to feel good both inside and out. Good luck everyone... can't wait to get started:bigsmile:
  • melbaby925
    melbaby925 Posts: 613
    Hi Everyone - My name is Melissa, and I joined MFP toward the end of April with 123.5 pounds to my goal - which at the time was just a SWAG. I haven't figured out what my real target is, because I haven't been below 200 pounds in over 10 years. I figure I'll know what it is when I get there.

    Back in January, I couldn't walk a mile. Now I routinely walk 3-5 a day. I've started C25K, but I'm doing it at my pace, not the full schedule - but I hope to be able to run a 5K by the end of this year. Turns out that I like to run!

    I'm really looking forward to a fun, no pressure challenge that will keep us all in tune with each other and on the track to becoming healthy.

    Just a word of warning: I'm a gadget and app freak. I wear a bodybugg to track my steps and calories burned, Endomondo to GPS my routes while I'm out running/walking and track my mileage, C25K app to track my run schedule, and MFP for my food. So you'll see me post crazy stuff on occasion :) It's fun and keeps me interested! So if you're interested in any of these things, feel free to ask!

    Looking forward to a fun few months with you guys - and sorry for being a chatterbox and going over my 2-3 lines!
  • amomii
    amomii Posts: 5
    I'm Amy. My weight has been out of control for a few years and this past May I steped on the scale weighing in 100 lbs heavier than my ideal weight. I want to loose all 100 lbs before my 36th birthday. That gives me just over 2 years. I also want to stop feeling blah and start living again.
  • kellicarter11
    kellicarter11 Posts: 178 Member
    I have 15 Pounds to lose but I need help! I have no idea to eat right with just a microwave to cook, and even less of a clue what to do for exercise! I am going to participate in this challenge to hopefully get to my goal weight
  • verair
    verair Posts: 63 Member
    Hi, I'm verair. I'm 19 and about 33lbs overweight. I've always been overweight and I'm hoping that this challenge will motivate me to lose the weight. After I reach a healthy weight I'm going to start aiming for my ideal weight.
  • weightlosssw
    Welcome to all of you! It's nice to read all the introductions, now I know who I am going to lose weight with during the next 8 month! 3 more days ... I am going away over the weekend, will keep tracking my food with my phone, but might not respond to messages or post till Monday.

    Make sure you all record your weight on Monday morning. I will put together our baseline table after 6pm on Monday and post it.
  • weightlosssw
  • weightlosssw
    Hi my name is Paula aka Elmobabie (nickname from my husband bc i collect elmos, I'm 27 years old. I decided to go on a diet on June 19th, 2011 when i tipped the scale at 302lbs. That was the most I've ever weighed. Since i started my diet I now weigh 286. The main reason i decided to go on a diet was so that my husband and I can have children one day. I'm not getting any younger and i decided a long time ago that i wanted to have my first child by the time i was 30. So hopefully i'll be able to lose enough weight to accomplish my goal of having children.

    elmobabie84 - welcome to the challenge! I think wanting to have children one day is a really good reason. It's the same for me - only I want them now :)
  • weightlosssw
    hi guys. I can't wait. My name is Michelle, but have been called Mikey by my family all my life. I am finishing up a competition at work for the biggest loser on Aug 9th. I want to keep motivated to complete my 1st goal of 50 lb loss. I've lost 21 lbs since I started trying to lose wt in May, (18 lbs since starting on MFP). I started at 225 and would really like to be down to 175 at least by the end of this challenge. I need to become a healthier wt to keep up with my children and be a better example for them to follow. My ultimate goal is 150. Seems unbelievable at this point, but I have seen some awesome stories on here that have kept my dreams alive. I hope we can all achieve some of our goals through this challenge.

    Welcome! Congrats on your loss so far! I think we can achieve our goals together!!!
  • weightlosssw
    Hi, I'm Kasi. I need to lose about 20lbs to be at the high-end of the normal range for my height so 36 would actually be about perfect I think. I'm a mom of 4 kids, I love to camp and do outdoors stuff. I'm simply trying to lose weight to feel good both inside and out. Good luck everyone... can't wait to get started:bigsmile:

    4 kids :) that sounds like you have a lot going on!! Good luck to you, too!
  • weightlosssw
    Hi Everyone - My name is Melissa, and I joined MFP toward the end of April with 123.5 pounds to my goal - which at the time was just a SWAG. I haven't figured out what my real target is, because I haven't been below 200 pounds in over 10 years. I figure I'll know what it is when I get there.

    Back in January, I couldn't walk a mile. Now I routinely walk 3-5 a day. I've started C25K, but I'm doing it at my pace, not the full schedule - but I hope to be able to run a 5K by the end of this year. Turns out that I like to run!

    I'm really looking forward to a fun, no pressure challenge that will keep us all in tune with each other and on the track to becoming healthy.

    Just a word of warning: I'm a gadget and app freak. I wear a bodybugg to track my steps and calories burned, Endomondo to GPS my routes while I'm out running/walking and track my mileage, C25K app to track my run schedule, and MFP for my food. So you'll see me post crazy stuff on occasion :) It's fun and keeps me interested! So if you're interested in any of these things, feel free to ask!

    Looking forward to a fun few months with you guys - and sorry for being a chatterbox and going over my 2-3 lines!

    Hi Melissa - no worries, crazy posts are absolutely allowed :) Sounds like you made a lot of progress already!
    I started running a couple if years ago. At first, I could hardly run, just walk. Then I got better, but I ended up not doing it regularly and then stopped again. Then 1 year ago the same thing, so third time is the charm :) this time I will stick with it. I can run 2.5 miles at speed 6 now which I am so proud of. I want to hit the 3 miles, and then maintain, and maybe add something else ... weights or so.
  • weightlosssw
    I'm Amy. My weight has been out of control for a few years and this past May I steped on the scale weighing in 100 lbs heavier than my ideal weight. I want to loose all 100 lbs before my 36th birthday. That gives me just over 2 years. I also want to stop feeling blah and start living again.

    Hi Amy, I think that is a really nice goal and sounds realistic, too. Not too quick, slowly, but keep it off. That's what I am trying to do. I am hoping to lose the 36 pounds to get to a healthy weight - by the time I turn 33 :) so we both have our birthday as a target :)
  • weightlosssw
    I have 15 Pounds to lose but I need help! I have no idea to eat right with just a microwave to cook, and even less of a clue what to do for exercise! I am going to participate in this challenge to hopefully get to my goal weight

    Hi ... I know it's not always easy to know. I looked at your diary, I think you might actually not eat enough at times. Your body might think you are in a starvation mode and you are not losing anymore for this reason. Maybe add 200 kcal every once in a while, 2-3 days/week. Or try not to go under your daily goal. This way, it is also easier to stick with it long-term.
    For exercise, I can really recommend running 3 miles 4-5 times a week. It really helps. If you cannot run, start with walking fast and then start running a little more every time ... if you do that you can also eat a little more without feeling guilty.
    Anyone else has some advice?
  • weightlosssw
    Hi, I'm verair. I'm 19 and about 33lbs overweight. I've always been overweight and I'm hoping that this challenge will motivate me to lose the weight. After I reach a healthy weight I'm going to start aiming for my ideal weight.

    Welcome! Sounds perfect! I can only encourage you to lose the weight now and keep it off! Once you hit the 30ies it is so much harder to lose the weight. I never wanted to believe it, but now I know it is true :)
  • mikeyken
    mikeyken Posts: 118 Member
    It's funny many of you are using your birthday as a goal. My birthday is April 3, 2 days after our challenge is over. So I guess my 32nd birthday is my goal too. I realize that if I get to about 200 by mon (202 now) I can reach my 2nd goal of being under obese catagory by the end of our challenge. That would be an awesome birthday present!
  • echeindl
    echeindl Posts: 326 Member
    Hello! I'm Erica, and I am exactly 36 pounds away from my goal. I am going to be a Junior in College this year and will be officially living by myself in my own condo. Which means cooking for myself! I really hope I'm able to stick to eating healthy this year and not fall back on bad habits. As I hope that I do lose the 36 pounds in 8 months, my ultimate goal is 10 months which will be my 21st birthday! Gotta look good for that day because me and my best friends are going to Vegas!!
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member

    My name is Sarah and I just turned 26. I have more than 36lbs to lose but this would be a great start and push me towards my first goal of 50lbs! Over the past year there have been several major things that occurred that led me to finally feel like i can do this and keep it off by making it a true lifestyle change. More important on this weight loss journey i hope to really work my way back to self-love so that I can ultimately allow happiness and others to love me.

    One of the things that happened this year was that I had originally began to give up the idea that I could do this myself and i needed to possibly have surgery. I went to the information meeting and after realized that it wasn't for me, at least not yet. So I went to my doctor and she ignored my asking her to help me get on a doctors supervised deit .. and insisted that "for my size, this is the only option." It really struck a chord with me and I couldn't believe that this is the support overweight people get when they come to her, she had no faith or belief jn her patients abilities ... even when they come and ask her for help. i don't know about any of you but bringing up weight issues to doctors is not really a comfortable thing. I know deep down inside myself I can do this, and now I want to show her that people who are overweight can do the hard work to change their lives around.

    The second reason is because of my family- which i won't get too much into. Other than the ones who are most important to me in the world live overseas and I hadn't seen them in 7 years ... when i saw them for the first time I saw the looks on their faces of sadness for me. Lets just say that they always focused much on "how beautiful" i was when I was growing up. they expected someone completely different. They love me just the same but I see they are worried for me and my health.

    The final reason and probably the most driving force ... is that I have always wanted to be a mother and wife. And I didn't realize how much I pushed others away, self sabotage, and hate myself until now. Almost a decade ago I met this guy who during our first conversation I fell truly in love with .. I just knew he was the "one." However at the time we told ourselves it could never work because of family and religious issues... not to mention he was very driven with his life path in the military .. and i was very driven on my own life path. So we have kept in touch over the phone and e-mail only for almost a decade. The love I had for him never faded, but I began to accept that maybe it wasn't meant to be. In a weird turn of circumstance, and perhaps because of our age ... one day in almost a blink of the eye.. something happened. He told me he loved me and wanted to marry me when he returned from his deployment. I should be over the moon and thrilled.. I was...but it was after this I realized how much I hated myself. I have talked to him about it, and he is aware when I'm pushing him away .. and he tries to hold on. I fear though that eventually he will stop holding on, or that because of the image he has of me from back in the day.. now he won't accept me.

    This time it is different, and i do believe I will see myself through it. i have spent my entire life helping others, and dealing with the most extreme circumstances of life ..so much so that people tell me i should sell a script of my life to Lifetime (I'm not sure that is a good thing!). But, I need to learn to be a bit selfish now and take what I want from life. I'm tired of surviving, I just want to live, laugh, love, and be loved.

    So... maybe that wasn't a few sentences... and I think I just needed to get it out there because I have told no one of these things. If you read it all, you are a trooper!

    Needless to say I'm excited to have this challenge, support, and all of MFP.
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    WOW! Now that I posted it .. I wrote a novel! Sorry .. here are cliff notes.

    Hi, Sarah 26. Excited for the challenge because it will help me reach my goal of 50lbs. Have strong drive this time to see it to the end.
  • savvynurse
    savvynurse Posts: 292
    August 1st weigh in...........173.8
  • fat351
    fat351 Posts: 2
    sorry for late reply. i am 30-35 lbs away from my target. i need a lot of motivation.