Pink Diamond Support Group



  • pverbarg
    pverbarg Posts: 490 Member
    overall my week has been decent, but I'm also not sure what the scale is going to do. I've been mixing up my workouts a bit and my body has been protesting a bit. the scales have been all over the place, but my food has been pretty consiststent!
  • pverbarg
    pverbarg Posts: 490 Member
    So far so good...however I am starting my TOM so I don't know how that is going to affect the scale. On an awesome note with that I have pretty much avoided eating sweets and salty stuff this month YAY!! That is my weakness during that, we had pizza and I wanted so bad to order buffalo wings and I had planned on it, then at the last moment I changed my mind and ordered 1 slice with eggplant and 1 slice with broccoli and onions and they were awesome especially the eggplant one. So yeah that's about it so far this week :-)

    way to make a good choice in spite of your cravings!
  • Tiggermummy
    Tiggermummy Posts: 312 Member
    can someone give me the link to the blog to enter my weight, I can't find it!
  • pverbarg
    pverbarg Posts: 490 Member
    knew it was water weight yesterday when my scale showed no loss, but 1.4 pounds the next day... the irony of it all! :) BUT I'm now officially in the 100's!!!!
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    knew it was water weight yesterday when my scale showed no loss, but 1.4 pounds the next day... the irony of it all! :) BUT I'm now officially in the 100's!!!!
    Congrats! It's such an awesome feeling when you reach a milestone of any kind in weight loss... be proud, that's awesome!