Baby Name, need a consensus!



  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    go Rogue
  • cheeksv
    cheeksv Posts: 521 Member
    I am old school ahah and LOVE the name Rose. My family is big n middle names. If you have a middle name you better use it. So would you feel comfortable telling people her name is rogue or calling Abigail Rogue out on the playground when she is being naughty? Would she? I know for the longest time I HATED my middle name (s) I have 2. I eventually got over it but still.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Stick with Rose. I'll admit, I'm biased (it's my middle name too). But look up rogue in the dictionary. It tends to imply someone who is devious, dishonest, untrustworthy, etc. It's also a character class in a lot of RPGs (both online and old-fashioned paper and pencil, like WoW and D&D), and it's the class that is generally sneaky, thiefly, and attacks from the shadows. I don't know that you want to stick those associations on your little girl!
  • amberlineilene
    Rogue reminds me of World of Warcraft.
  • Katie3784
    Katie3784 Posts: 543
    Rogue is horrible, IMHO.
  • JEK717
    JEK717 Posts: 1,497
    So, if my husband and I have a little girl one day, we decided that we wanted to name her Abigail Rose...Abby Rose, like Abbey Road, get it? We're big Beatles fans... :) So now he's saying, what about Abigail Rogue? Like the xmen character, which he loves, and I liked the movie, lol. What do you guys think?

    OMG i LOVE it....its very like bold and bam in your face kinda thing. Original and totally unique.
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    So far, totally 50/50 haha, keep 'em comin! :)
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I think Abigail Rose is a pretty name.
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    Rogue reminds me of World of Warcraft.

    LOL same. I think she should use the name cuz rogues are cool.
  • Cilenia
    Cilenia Posts: 208 Member
    I like rogue over rose. It implies someone with a strong character. (and that definately does not have to be negative at all!)
  • Sgriffin2382
    Sgriffin2382 Posts: 360 Member
    My vote is for Rose!
  • akaChuck
    akaChuck Posts: 233 Member
    Rogue reminds me of World of Warcraft.

    Ditto...I like Rose!
  • rubixcyoob
    rubixcyoob Posts: 395
    It depends. To me, if you have the intention of hyphoning her name (even without the hyphon) and giving her a double barrelled first name for all occassions I would stick with Abigail Rose.

    However, if the Rose of Rouge is purely a middle name and will only be used for official documents, nicknames etc. and not something she would have everyone calling her day in, day out, I would go with Rouge as it adds that unique touch without being too in your face about it.
  • Delaina1
    Delaina1 Posts: 168 Member
    I love both! But, I've heard that children live up to the names you give them. This makes me feel like Rose would make for a very sweet and girly girl, while Rogue may make for a very open and "spirited" child! Which would fit best into your family? I think they are both great names though!
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    Stick with Rose. I'll admit, I'm biased (it's my middle name too). But look up rogue in the dictionary. It tends to imply someone who is devious, dishonest, untrustworthy, etc. It's also a character class in a lot of RPGs (both online and old-fashioned paper and pencil, like WoW and D&D), and it's the class that is generally sneaky, thiefly, and attacks from the shadows. I don't know that you want to stick those associations on your little girl!

    Thats what I was thinking. Don't associate your kid with a negative word :/ Even if you don't think of your kid negatively, other people will associate your kid with being a rogue.
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    Stick with Rose. I'll admit, I'm biased (it's my middle name too). But look up rogue in the dictionary. It tends to imply someone who is devious, dishonest, untrustworthy, etc. It's also a character class in a lot of RPGs (both online and old-fashioned paper and pencil, like WoW and D&D), and it's the class that is generally sneaky, thiefly, and attacks from the shadows. I don't know that you want to stick those associations on your little girl!

    I'm usually all about the strange names but I agree with this comment. The word "rogue" has negative qualities.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    go Rogue

    Ditto. She'll have a super awesome middle name (waaaay better than "Danger"). Also, it's a middle name, so the fact that it's got some nerd in it won't be a problem. I love the name.
  • BodyByButter
    BodyByButter Posts: 563 Member
    Names are important. Give her a name she can grow up with. I would personally never name a child Apple, Tequila, etc. And I wouldn't choose Rogue. But I love Abigail.
  • Mirabilis
    Mirabilis Posts: 312 Member
    Don't want to tell baby to become a criminal at a tender age, definitely. Besides, people with dyslexia will think you're naming her after cosmetics (rogue vs. rouge). Mind you... Abigail the Red... has a nice Viking feel to it. Makes you want to go out and tame dragons.

    I heard the name Briar Rose the other day and I thought that, besides being a traditional fairy tale name, it's very pretty. Mind you I'm partial to the druid names. One of my friends just named his baby daughter Hazel.

    I have a niece named Abigail. During the terrible twos they called her Abzilla!
  • aray379
    aray379 Posts: 131
    I like Abigail Rose....I will say names Abbey and middle name starts with an R and I got really tired of the Abbey Road remarks/jokes from name tags and such, but if that's what your naming her after, it could work :)