uh oh August 1st is coming



  • tkiefe01
    tkiefe01 Posts: 72 Member
    Happy Saturday everyone! I am going to try to eat all fruit and veggies today! I feel better when I do! Maybe some chicken later not sure though.....anyone like B vitamins?????

    Today here it is: Nothing changed since yesterday!

    SW: 146.0
    Todays weight 146.0
    GW: 136.0

    Total Lost: 0.0
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,325 Member
    Morning everyone :) didnt get the burn i wanted yesterday (to many little things in the way)
    I hope to really push it today I will let you know later, hope everyone is having a great
  • HeyGrlHey
    HeyGrlHey Posts: 640
    Did 200 crunches yesterday and 150 the day before that (bicycle, reverse, and traditional)...My ABs are in PAIN!!!!!

    Every time I laugh, cough, or sneeze I feel pain. I guess this is how I know it's working :laugh:

    "Pain is fear leaving the body" - JM.

  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    I'm In!!
    SW- 180.8
    Goal in 5 weeks- 170 or less

    I have a birthday in a week and a half, gunna try my hardest not to splurge too much, but ill give it a try! :bigsmile:
  • monocot
    monocot Posts: 475 Member
    Are we picking a certain day to Weigh in or just random Weigh ins?
    Yesterday I had a horrible day. Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo and Chocolate later on. Soooo Good. but over my calorie count so bad.! Then I went home and took a nap.. :| In theory today I'm gonna walk/Bike and make it all good again,.
  • tkiefe01
    tkiefe01 Posts: 72 Member
    I would rather weigh in once a week if that is ok with all you ladies! Fridays is a great day for me.....I do like checking in every day though. It helps me stay on track!
  • LadyOfOceanBreeze
    LadyOfOceanBreeze Posts: 762 Member
    since I am already involved with the Bob Challenge I have my weigh-in date set on Monday,

    we like to think it helps to keep us accountable over the weekend!?!?

    I am back to weight training 3 times a week which I like to do as interval training.

    I do 10 minutes of cardio first, jump on the weight machines for 20, then back to cardio for 10; repeat!

    I will be alternating this routine with swimming, biking, dancing and even some pilates

    which I decided to try from netflix, can't wait to see the dvd tonight! I also enjoy yoga up to twice a week:flowerforyou:
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,325 Member
    any day should be fine to weigh in mine is Thursdays
    how did the 1st day go for everyone???? I did ok on
    food, 1mile ofwalk at home,150 jumping jacks,100 squats
    45 min of badmenton, burnt 555 calories gonna try and increase it
    tomorrow if even just by 5 calories (hopefully lots more)
  • tkiefe01
    tkiefe01 Posts: 72 Member
    Sounds great thanks guys!

    Good job to you all...cheers to kicking some cals!
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,325 Member
    morning everyone :) hope you all have a fab day !! don't forget to keep
    us posted on your progress
  • monocot
    monocot Posts: 475 Member
    yesterday I had a horrible day.
    I felt so Angry yet felt like crying, and my head was pounding. my boyfriend was cuddly and I kept snarling at him.
    So he left to go home for a shower. and I took off my sports bra which oddly enough always makes me grumpy and inhaled peanut butter filled pretzels and 2 dark chocolate kit kats before i let myself calm down properly. Bad enough I had figured I would eat healthy after eating left over Chicken Alfredo for breakfast. So I hit 1800 calories which I haven't done in years.
    So Today I feel like crap cause I dont usually eat many carbs and i had a carb overload and a sugar overload. But yesterday i did burn 200 calories biking and then I did clean for about 2 hours last night. But I still feel all crappy.
    Today Will be a better day.. Started off with a 40 minute Bike Ride. with a total of 450 calories burnt. then breakfast a basa egg white omlette with cheese (185 Calories) . and hoping to keep the calories low til tonight when I go to my neices birthday supper.
    I'm having such a bad week in general. Though I filled up my pill Counter and set up my cell so it reminds me to take my pills. 10 Pills Yuck. But if i dont take them i might get low vitamins thingie. I dont remember what its called.
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,325 Member
    Hey everyone how did your day go?? I did pretty good burnt almost 650 calories!!
    still pushin gto get that 1000 in a days time :0).
    hope everyone is hanging in there see you tomorrow

    @ monocot....Tomorrow is a new start don't let things get you down your doing a FAB job
  • HeyGrlHey
    HeyGrlHey Posts: 640
    Day 3 of Aug.!

    I think I am doing great so far in the exercising department....as for food :[ I stay under my calories but I have been giving my cals away to junk food rather than healthy food.

    Yesterday I completed 200 crunches (traditional, reverse, and bicycle), jogged/walked 1.5 miles (for C25K), and hula hooped my *kitten* off (and hit my head/nose a few times trying to do tricks :laugh: )

    Hope everyone is doing great :drinker:

  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,325 Member
    Day 3 of Aug.!

    I think I am doing great so far in the exercising department....as for food :[ I stay under my calories but I have been giving my cals away to junk food rather than healthy food.

    Yesterday I completed 200 crunches (traditional, reverse, and bicycle), jogged/walked 1.5 miles (for C25K), and hula hooped my *kitten* off (and hit my head/nose a few times trying to do tricks :laugh: )

    Hope everyone is doing great :drinker:


  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,325 Member
    Hi everybody, just poppin in to see how your all doing :flowerforyou:
    dont forget to keep us posted
  • LadyOfOceanBreeze
    LadyOfOceanBreeze Posts: 762 Member
    Okay, I'm back! I am on a major raw food kick and trying hard to get 90 minutes of workout in a day.

    I am also planning to take a rest day on Sunday but will do my yoga for an hour. My new workout plan

    is 3 days a week of strength / cardio mix, with in-between days as my free for all workout days.

    I enjoyed puppy walking, calisthenics, elliptical and some uphill walking today. I am zigzagging calories

    so not eating back those exercise calories today. The only concern I have for myself right now is getting enough protein.

    Tomorrow I really need to kick it up a notch!
  • LadyOfOceanBreeze
    LadyOfOceanBreeze Posts: 762 Member
    btw, gonna have first peek at that pilates dvd tonight when I get home from work, don't know if I will actually do any though LOL
  • monocot
    monocot Posts: 475 Member
    @ RabbitSlave-->Protein is very Important. You could always try tossing in a protein shake. I drink one after my work out called Pure Protein and it has 21 grams of protein. 100 Calories and only 4 carbs! and its really yummy!

    I really thought I was going to have to post that I had gained weight this week. But this morning I hopped on the scale and it says Im back at my normal weigh. Yesterday it was showing I had gained 5 lbs!
    I've been having a real bad week though, A girl at work raves about the Wonders of Raw Apple Cider Vinegar with the Mother. She drinks it daily. It's great for breaking plateaus and helping in losing weight so I figured i would give it a go. Took a shot followed by a shot of iced tea. and 5 minutes later was throwing it all up including my supper. Maybe thats why she's losing weight.? Lol Just joking.Today I'll be putting it on my salad and in my foods instead of a straight shot. lol and hopefully I can stay away from that chocolate. !
    Good Luck Peeps. We can do this!

    SW- 205
  • HeyGrlHey
    HeyGrlHey Posts: 640

    -150 Crunches
    - W2D2 C25K

  • HeyGrlHey
    HeyGrlHey Posts: 640
    A girl at work raves about the Wonders of Raw Apple Cider Vinegar with the Mother. She drinks it daily. It's great for breaking plateaus and helping in losing weight so I figured i would give it a go. Took a shot followed by a shot of iced tea. and 5 minutes later was throwing it all up including my supper. Maybe thats why she's losing weight.? Lol Just joking.Today I'll be putting it on my salad and in my foods instead of a straight shot. lol

    Let us know if you see a difference. I might have to start incorporating this into my food intake :bigsmile:
