Weekly meal planning



  • ohnuts14
    ohnuts14 Posts: 197
    definitely switch it up where you can, and you already said you're gonna add fruits and veggies so that's good. the reason eating the same thing everyday isn't a good idea is because, the reason our body needs diversity is because different foods have different nutrients and different vitamins and different proteins and different benefits. if you are always eating different things you're getting a range of well needed nutritients. if you eat the same thing everyday, you're gettiing, and lacking, the same nutrients everyday. also it's never good for hte body to get too used to something, for long term reasons that, i'm not going to go into unless you're actually interested lol. i mean if you LIKE eating the same thing everyday, it's for two weeks and so if you're happy with it that's fine, so long as it doesn't bore you, because ultimately, weight loss is about changing your lifestyle, in the long run, and whatever you do, it has to be something you can live with. As long as you switch it up where you can, and I would also recommend taking vitamins to supplement whatever you may be missing, that can be very helpful with a diet plan like that. i like womens one day, i take the generic, it's just as good and half the price. =P good luck!
  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    I've read a few articles through the years citing studies that suggest people who have less variety in their diet tend to be slimmer. So boring may not be all bad...