Why did you have kids?



  • niste_ketlin
    My parents used to tell me that they had kids for slaves..
    Personally for me, I can remember always wanting kids. Words cannot describe the feeling a mom gets when they hold that child the first time, or any firsts for that matter. Truly.. to have someone look to you like your child or the unconditional love that they give.. just an all over great feeling!

    And, babies are the closest thing to perfect there is in this cruel system of things. I have been babysitting a little boy for the large majority of his life.. He is almost 27 months old.. And I am with him more than his mother, and he doesn't have his real father... So seeing his milestones, that his parents even missed.. First words, etc. And him even calling me momma (I didn't train him to).. It has all been amazing. I'm only 18 but I see him practically Every day and then there are 5 other kids I take care of on an as needed basis, age 11 months - 5 years.. And they are two sets of siblings so I have 2-3 kids at any given time. Motherhood is something that is Built into females.. So it truly is a strong desire, it is in our nature.
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    I was always on the fence about kids. Thought I wanted them but felt no rush to start a family until...I was bitten with the baby bug. It came out of no where. I was enjoying my life with my husband, our freedom, our wine collection, lots of sleep and heading out on vacations on a whim. Once the bug bites you, you know you're ready. I now have two sweet boys and can't imagine my life without them. We've given up our unplanned vacations, wine collection and sleep but have gotten unexpected joy, an appreciation for our parents, and a physical representation of our love. Kids are amazing!
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Both of my kids were unplanned and I was unmarried but don't believe in abortion and couldn't bear to give them up for adoption. Over three decades later I'm glad I kept my daughter who is now 37 and my son who is now 25. I used to joke about them being oops and oops again but I've never regretted having either one of them.
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    I had my son because i got pregnant. I want more because i love babies and want to have a big family. One day..
  • shelleilei
    shelleilei Posts: 122 Member
    He was an awesome surprise!
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    I wanted to be a mother from the time I was 5 years old. I never imagined a childless future. I think I got married in part because I wanted to have children as soon as possible, lol, which doesn't mean I don't love my husband. I do love him very much. But the joy I get from playing with my 2.5 year old and having conversations with him and hearing him say "I wove you, MAMA" is absolutely priceless and I can't wait to hear my next child say that too (due next march)! I don't think any other joy really compares to the joy a child brings into your home and heart.

    On the other hand, its definitely hard work and emotionally and physically draining to be a mother. If you don't love being there and taking care of children, I think its even harder.
  • demery12371
    demery12371 Posts: 253 Member
    Another question, how old is too old to start having kids.... By the looks of it... I wont have time to start trying until i'm 35, and we want 3-4 kids....

    *I'm 33 now and want to be married first*

    I had my first at 33, second at 35 and last at 37. All were healthy and happy :)

    Didn't really have a "reason" for having kids but wanted that special gift that was only from my husband & God.
    Hope to be a much better Mom than mine was/is. I wouldn't trade it for anything. Love my little stinkers. :)