am i setting my self up for failure...........

im prob gonna go on abit and go into far too much detail sorry bout that but i ramble on alot lol, i changed my diet about 3 weeks ago upped the fibre intake upped my water intake pretty much stopped all dairy stuff but ive had to go to the doctors because i havent had any 'movement' for 13 days if u get what i mean so i have been put on laxetives that they give people before they go in for bowel surgery...... if and when it kicks in (i only took it about an hr ago) surely my 'starting' weight (i only actually weighed myself monday just gone) and the weight ill be on monday at my next weigh in isnt going to tell me how much weight ive lost through eating healthly and exercise i just feel like all my hard work this week has been for nothing i just think im heading for failure.........


  • aunienue
    aunienue Posts: 416
    Your hard work is definitely not for nothing. If the loss doesn't show Monday, it will eventually....let your body sort itself out.
  • just weight till it "works" lol leave it a couple of days for your body to get back to normal then weigh yourself and use that as your start weight dont worry about weighing yourself right now just keep doing what your doing and things will start to happen. x
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Making the choice to be here and use the tools MFP has to offer is not setting you up for failure. This one week may not give you an accurate count of your weight loss, but it takes time to lose real weight anyway! Some people loose 7-10 pounds of water the first week anyway, so it's not a set up for failure in any way! Just finish this week and keep going. It takes 21 days to make a habit, but for me it took over a month to really get it that this is the way I should be eating and moving for the rest of my life. Now that I'm so close, I look better, I feel better and I can see so much good for my future. There's nothing that quite compares to a fully functioning body and a healthy lifestyle that makes you want to go out and do something. I have energy I never thought I'd have. Just keep going. Don't let one week get you down!!! I also hope you start to get more regular. If you're drinking more water that should surely help!!!
  • Your body is a little 'behind' what you are doing to change it - every one (body) is different ... some people are something like 2 weeks behind. Your body is going through a major change - nothing just magically happens overnight... it takes time. So give it time :smile: Maybe next weigh in should be in 2 weeks time, so your body can adjust a little :wink:

    NEVER GIVE UP :happy:
  • cnsmith2
    cnsmith2 Posts: 539 Member
    You are certainly not setting yourself up for failure. We all have ups and downs on our quest to better ourselves. Some weeks are easier than others, and sometimes your body is stubborn. Just keep at it!
  • thank you girlies i think i will wait and weigh myself on monday (or when 'it' happens whichever comes first lol) and then have my first proper weigh in the following week thank you :-) xx every1 has told me to drink more water to help so i have and i mean from the little amount i used to drink ive times that by 10 and still nothing lol xxxx
  • maserati185
    maserati185 Posts: 263 Member
    Setting yourself up for failure?... No way. Go ahead and expect to not see the numbers you want and that you know why and stay committed for at least another week to see what happens. Telling yourself being active is too hard or eating healthy will never give you the results you desire or that kinda thing... THAT would be setting yourself up for failure. But all of us with results know that those things aren't true. Never doubt that eating healthier and creating healthier habits is getting you where you want to be.
  • I had the same issue, I heard fish oil supplements help to get things moving and I usually eat a fiber plus bar every day now. I was used to going every day and hadn't gone for about a week and was getting upset myself. Hope the dr's meds help you out!