Cabbage soup works amazingly!!!



  • LosingTheWeight2014
    You are all jumping all over her and I believe she said she will be ADDING to her diet. She didn't say she was going to strickly being doing the Cabbage Soup Diet. She was just giving you some background on her experience with it.
  • homeport51
    homeport51 Posts: 198 Member
    How long will it work for though? How long can you eat just cabbage soup before you get sick from lack of vitamins? How long before you put it back on when you start eating normal food again? It will slow your metabolism right down ...and be so unhealthy. The only way to do it is the long and hard way. It's not a diet, it's a lifestyle change - thats the secret.
    you eat OTHER foods with the soup. read the website plan. jeesh.
    You do eat other things, but it won't work in the long term... It is a crash diet and not a lifestyle change. It is designed for quick loss... period. It doesn't teach you how to eat correctly for life and keep it off.
  • MarybethAltizer
    MarybethAltizer Posts: 226 Member
    I think a few people misunderstood what she's saying. She said she was going to "add it back into her diet" I took that as eating it as a low calorie meal here and there??? And I also took it as she WAS on it in high school, but not now? And to be honest, I have tried this diet in my fad diet craze, and yes it did work great. You eat a variety of foods with it, not just the soup. Just backin up little miss because I don't want her to get slaughtered on this. :)
  • DaniiWanii
    DaniiWanii Posts: 114 Member
    Ah man everyone is going crazy.... READ her first post she wants to ADD it to her current diet :)
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    @ FaithHopeTrust : if she did not want peoples' opinions she shouldn't have posted here. No need to be rude.
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    That is so not healty and people under 18 should not diet. Period.

    That's ridiculous, I've been obese since I was a kid, if I'd started dieting/eating healthily when I was like 10 I'd have had a much better life through my teens.

    Eathing healthy and "dieting" aka crash diets/fad diets are two different things. No one really should be doing the latter but especially those under 18 years of age since they are still growing/maturing.
  • MarybethAltizer
    MarybethAltizer Posts: 226 Member
    Ah man everyone is going crazy.... READ her first post she wants to ADD it to her current diet :)

    I know. All peeps want to do anymore is bash. Some of them are trying to be helpful though.
  • brocantrs
    brocantrs Posts: 273 Member
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    Please people... get a grip!
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    She's not 18, she's a married 26 year old woman who used it in the past... and she wants to add it into her present diet... sheesh.
    That is so not healty and people under 18 should not diet. Period.
  • yaddayaddayadda
    yaddayaddayadda Posts: 430 Member
    Your story sounds very familiar to me...

    WhenI was in high school, losing weight was easy for me. I could go on any type of crash diet and lose a large amount of weight very quickly. I used the Cabbage Soup diet and the Grapefruit Diet, and the Eat One Meal a Day Diet, and anything else that came along...

    That type of dieting doesnt work for me any more. :sad: :sad: That's why I'm here. My advice is to maintain a safe calorie intake and combine that with exercise to change your lifestyle for long-term healthy living. It has worked for me since my last child was born... 20 years ago.

    If you like cabbage soup, eat it. But don't limit yourself to only cabbage soup day after day. You might lose weight quickly, but it could be bad for you in the long term.

    Good luck!!
  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member

    If you like cabbage soup, eat it. But don't limit yourself to only cabbage soup day after day. You might lose weight quickly, but it could be bad for you in the long term.

    I love cabbage soup. I have used it as a filler food while trying to slim down and it worked really well.....I absolutely ate other things, too, though. I had one serving from every food group at each meal, small snacks that combined carb/fat/protein, and as much soup as I wanted. I was put on that plan by a nutritionist, and felt great at the time. Looking at the link to the 7 day plan...I would have to add in the healthy cheats -- like protein on the all veggie days...I bookmarked the recipe:) I am not saying that I will follow the 7 days, but I do see some yummy cabbage soup in my future! Thanks for reminding me of it, OP!
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    She's not 18, she's a married 26 year old woman who used it in the past... and she wants to add it into her present diet... sheesh.
    That is so not healty and people under 18 should not diet. Period.
    Think that poster was referring to her doing it before her prom - ie: under 18.
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    So I remeber in high school I bought this beatuiful dress for prom and 2 weeks before prom it was too tight, so my mom put me on a cabbage soup diet and I drank nothing but water until prom and I dropped 9 lbs in 2 weeks. I'm probablly gonna start adding the cabbage soup in my diet again...just a thought for anyone else that likes cabbage soup and haven't heard of this yet it does work amazingly!!

    Recipe for Cabbage soup

    might as well drink water all day...all you are is starving yourself of protein and nutrients that cabbage soup does not give you....smh
  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member

    Yep, I agree. And once you start eating real food, the weight comes back. I'll take hard work, determination and a healthy meal plan as my tools.
  • brucedelaney
    brucedelaney Posts: 433 Member
    Ah man everyone is going crazy.... READ her first post she wants to ADD it to her current diet :)

    This, She wants to add it to her diet, Cabbage soup is a vegetable soup that is very filling. Adding it to any diet is a great way to get more nutrients, fiber and to help you feel full to curb other appetite deficiencies.
  • Newmammaluv
    Newmammaluv Posts: 379 Member
    The whole diet is actually a selective diet not one if eliminating things all together. You can other things but in selective order. My grandfather did it at the recommendation of his dr and lost right around 90lbs. His dr actually had to tell him to go off because it was working too well. When he starts to gain he pops on for a couple weeks for maintenence and that's it. He has kept the weight off for 7 or 8 years at this point and he is 75 years old and just re roofed his own house last month. This falls under the category of whatever works for you.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I prefer to not have painful gas ripping around in my lower intestines. :tongue:
  • Alissa_Sal
    Alissa_Sal Posts: 141
    I think that adding some homemade veggie/cabbage soup to your diet (but eating other healthy things throughout the day too) sounds like a fine plan. Eating nothing but cabbage soup is a bad idea, but that's not the way that I took the OP's post.
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    I prefer to not have painful gas ripping around in my lower intestines. :tongue:
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: