Consistent or yo-yoing?



  • theinfamouswho
    It is encouraging to hear how everyone is doing so well since I am being a pretty good yo yo today. sigh Tomorrow is a new day I reckon :happy: :wink:
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    Yes mamaof2girls I would say you are gaining muscle. Congrats on the lost inches! I notice that even when the scale doesn't go down (or go up), as a result of working out regularly I start to see that I'm slimmer and more defined. I LOVE that look and I would take it over losing weight any day. Although I hope to keep doing both LOL.

    Well I worked out every day for the last week except today. I am flying home to visit my family on the East Coast so I purposefully scheduled this as an off day. It feels weird to not work out. And hard to only eat 1200 calories! I may eat more because I have been under on my calories this week due to how much I've been working out and my inability to eat that many calories in one day!!... I'm working on it though because I think it's contributing to my weight fluctuating a big drop down and then going back up. I would rather be consistent and gradually losing.

    Great job guys and I hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving! :)
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    How are my NON-yo-yo'ers doing?

    I went home for the Thanksgiving holiday and I ate above my calorie limits. But still not as much as I would usually eat on vacation and around my family. Plus I worked out every day that I was there! Now I am making sure to stay at my calorie limit and spent a couple days a bit under my calorie limit to make up for some of the overage. So I am proud of myself for being back on track and really I didn't go off track too much. However, I have not lost weight this week and am up almost a pound. I am confident it will come back off though.

    Anyone else?
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Stayed steady this week. I too saw a great change in my eating habits, even when I gave myself permission to eat anything I wanted.

    My dh was just telling me he smiled when he saw me weigh my brownie! :laugh:

    I think we will see a change next week.
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    Weighing your brownie... that's funny! :) I really need to invest in a food scale.

    I think the true test of "diet vs. lifestyle" is whether we maintain our healthy habits over the holidays and on vacation and stuff. Sure, we can indulge a little but we must stay on track. That's the only way that's worked for me!
  • Erica92627
    yo yo here too. I would have reached my goal by now as well had I stayed with the program. I keep saying tomorrow I will tomorrow I will, well I'm going to try to make tomorrow today and just do it. Before this time next year hopefully I will be where I want to be.
  • Angiebangie
    Angiebangie Posts: 191 Member
    I'm back, computer konked out (again), fixed again, santa better bring us a new one!

    I've been doing pretty well, will not meet my vacation goal of 135, but that's okay, my suit fits, and I think I look good in it, so...

    Mostly ate clean last week, with a few little indulgences.

    Today starting off right, I will do my 30 min. interval run each day until I leave, and my 10 min. no weights strength workout each day to get it down, as I'll do this each day in Mexico, and run.

    Goal for vacation? To not gain any weight, or to be back to my pre-vacation weight within a day or two after returning (you retain water when you fly is what I'm always told).
  • pavang82
    pavang82 Posts: 454 Member
    Well, I fell off the wagon. :( The last time I was on MFP was at the end of September. It gave me a plan to lose .9 lbs a week. (I want to lose 13lb total.) I thought that was soooooo slow. But, still, it was working.

    But then I stopped being dedicated. I am still at about where I was when I stopped -- with about 1.5lb lost. I haven't been going crazy but I haven't been watching what I eat, so I've only barely maintained weight, instead of continuing to lose it.

    The other day I found a little chart I had made back in September when I was on MFP, showing how much weight I would lose with the .9lb a week plan, each week. I would have been at my goal weight on my birthday, Dec. 9th. And by now I would be very close to that goal, with only about 3-4 pounds to go. :(

    It just showed me that while not even a pound a week seemed like such a small amount to lose, if I had stuck with it, it would have added up! Instead, I did *nothing*, which is much worse than just a little bit a week. I am almost as far away from my goal as I was in September!

    So I've decided to start over. I just feel depressed at myself, like, why can't I be consistent when it comes to my health? This is not even about weight loss anymore-- in September I had been getting up to run with my dog or go to the gym every day at 6am, I was feeling refreshed. Now I wake up cranky, almost late for work, I don't work out and I feel fat. I just want to be overall healthy and always have a good balance. I am so busy with my job, and it seems there's not nearly enough day light, but, I know these are just excuses. I know I have to stick with it no matter what the circumstance.

    Was there a certain point when it just "clicked" for you? When you stopped yo-yoing and now you can say you always live an overall healthy, balanced life, which happens to include the weight loss goal you were aiming for? Or are some people on yo-yo's their whole life... I don't want to be one of those people...

    This is absolutely me! I started in May 08 and now I'm not even close to my goal yet! I'd fall off for a month or two and start over again. But anyways, I'm determined to make this work now because of what others say about my body (e.g. "big stomach", huge butt, etc.). Good luck to you though!