Pet Peeve @ the Gym



  • QuestForFitness
    I was at the gym yesterday and a woman REALLY got to me. We normally have two fans, one on each side of the cardio room. One was broken yesterday (the one on her side of the room) so she went to the one working fan and picked it up and moved it so that it cooled ONLY her treadmill. WTF?
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    There was a woman at this gym that I went to who would position her mat right near the spray and papertowel area and would give you a dirty look and sometimes say something to you when you went to get a papertowel to spray if the mist from the spray went anywhere near her. She was in a totally unusual spot and it was like if the mist bothers you time after time, MOVE YOUR FRIGGIN MAT somewhere else.
  • lindsaylove07
    lindsaylove07 Posts: 444 Member
    The girls who carefully perfect their makeup and then very carefully work out so they don't sweat and ruin it.

    THIS! Why are you gonna get all cute to go to the GYM! I go to our university gym and this happens A LOT.

    Side note, I threw a hissy fit at the wellness center yesterday. So you have to pay if you aren't enrolled in summer classes, and it's not much, so I paid, took my receipt to the gym, they swiped my card and said that I didn't need the receipt anymore, so I threw it away. Well yesterday I went in and he said I didn't pay. Uhhh excuse me?! I said, very loudly, and very hissy-fit-y "WHY DO I PAY FOR THINGS AT THIS DAMN COLLEGE THAT I DON'T EVEN GET TO UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUSSSSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' It made me feel better at least :)
  • jamie78
    jamie78 Posts: 514 Member
  • lindsaylove07
    lindsaylove07 Posts: 444 Member
    the looks.... i work out on a base.. and fortunately there are two gyms. i prefer to go to the one that is older and the old people (the ones who migrate south for the winter) go to, this is because I know when i walk in and start to do something i'm not going to get that look from some chick like... wtf are you doing....

    It sounds like you're on my base!
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    My gym is relatively big, but they decided to pack as many cardio machines as they can into it so all of the machines are so close together that everyone is practically touching each other. My pet peeve is when someone HAS to workout on the treadmill right next to me when there are 20 other treadmills open. If the machines weren't so close together then it wouldn't bother me that much, but COME ON!! All they need to do is move ONE over and I would be happy with that.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I used to have to deal with a guy who'd drop a heavy weight at the end of his set and the chick wearing too much perfume but thankfully I mostly work out during the day now so I don't have to deal with either of these people anymore...

    My biggest pet peeves is probably going to sound really strange:

    People who won't empty the dehumidifiers but leave all the fans going. It's such a waste of electricity and really stupid! My gym is here at work and pretty small. For whatever reason, the humidity gets trapped in there and the machines only work so well anyway and it doesn't help that only a few of us pay attention to the dehumidifiers. Most of the year it's not a big deal but when we have these stretches of hot, humid weather, it gets pretty gross in there. Not only that but the cardio machines become unsafe due to moisture building up on the belts and surfaces. One of these days, someone's going to get seriously hurt trying to run on a slicked up treadmil...
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I think this is hilarious because it totally confirms the fact that I am a total *****. I don't put up with this **** and don't at all have an issue telling people (as nicely as I can figure out how to) about themselves. The cardio equipment people I will stand in front of them and stare at my watch and when their time is up tell them. The fan lady, I would have gone over and put it back, if she came to get it pointed at a closer place and said, first come first served, but I'll share. TV, "yeah, so you can go ahead and turn that back since I was watching it, thxK."
  • gatorgirl7
    gatorgirl7 Posts: 103 Member
    Pet peeves:
    1. The guys who are only there to pick up girls
    2. The guys who stare at me while my trainer and I are doing work outs (gross)
    3. The people who grunt during workouts---sooooo annoying!
    4. The people who have their sound on their HRM turned on--I don't want to hear it beeping. Turn that off!
    5. The people who don't check in at the front for spin class and take one of our 'regulars' spots. I was waiting to check in with another regular on Saturday morning--we were waiting to see if they had enough spots for us and this girl jumps ahead of us and says she just HAS to get into spin. First of all, what you need to do is get in line. And second of all, we've never seen you so no you don't. So annoying! I can't wait until they install the scanner in front of the classroom so you can't get in unless you scan first.
    6. Those girls that wear full makeup to the gym and then spend the entire time talking on their cell phone on the elliptical. Really?! You are taking up space when some of us are really hear to work out. I recently had a friend tell me she doesn't sweat that much when she works out and I looked at her and flatly said, "Then you're doing it wrong."
  • Annamotion
    Annamotion Posts: 16
    When the skinny person working out next to you keeps staring at how many calories you have burned, mind ya business!
  • velix
    velix Posts: 437 Member
    I think this is hilarious because it totally confirms the fact that I am a total *****. I don't put up with this **** and don't at all have an issue telling people (as nicely as I can figure out how to) about themselves. The cardio equipment people I will stand in front of them and stare at my watch and when their time is up tell them. The fan lady, I would have gone over and put it back, if she came to get it pointed at a closer place and said, first come first served, but I'll share. TV, "yeah, so you can go ahead and turn that back since I was watching it, thxK."

    lol - good point!

    I have confronted people in the past - perhaps I was too nice as it has gotten pretty nasty a few times - telling me to use the elliptical or a bike or something, and while that is a valid point, it's still rude... and the time I went and got an employee to make my point - I admit, I felt like a 5 year old tattling ;-)
  • BlueAventer
    BlueAventer Posts: 129
    I actually have a good story about the gym. I've been working out (mostly walking or running) at my apartment gym. When I first started going, there were these two guys who were always there together. One was younger really quiet, the other a bit older and ridiculously talkative. As I couldn't deal with him talking to me constantly, and had a hard time actually being rude, I started talking to him. Now we berate each other if we don't run into each other there. And he teases me for taking "his treadmill." A negative has been turned into a positive, because now I sort of look forward to seeing them because he usually makes me smile. :smile:
  • margieward82
    margieward82 Posts: 406 Member
    I saw this all the time: People who don't re-rack their weights! I am a mother but I'm not your mother so I shouldn't have to pick up your toys when you are done!

    I can (and do) rerack them for them so I can use the equipment, but it wastes my time and my HR drops. Not fair! I am on a tight tight schedule when I get to the gym and I dont have time to clean up after you! (this includes my hubby when he doesn't re-rack in our home gym and I go in to use it! he too gets an earful!)
  • Humphrizzle
    Humphrizzle Posts: 60 Member
    I just dont like it when people dont wipe off their station.

    If someone is on the machine I planned on using, I find something else to do. There are most likely plenty of other things you can do in your gym while you wait for your time slot to open.
  • jagfan
    jagfan Posts: 255 Member
    I agree with the weight thing! And why do the guys have to be so loud with their conversations??? Like, really?

    The cell phone doesn't bother me as long as people keep moving along...and the conversation isn't loud! I heard one guy having a whole conversation with someone that I guess he was in a relationship with...

    Another thing that bothers me is hovering around a specific machine...keep moving!! I just try to take a deep breath and wait it out!
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I cannot stand when people think the rules don't apply to them. grrr.

    My biggest pet peeve at the gym are naked ladies in the locker room. The ones who just stroll through the locker room, buck naked, not trying to cover up at all. ick.
  • Fochizzy
    Fochizzy Posts: 505 Member
    People who use the space in front of the bars to do things that don't use the bar. I NEED the bar to stablize some of my exercises and I use the bottom bar to hold my feet when doing sit-ups
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    my biggest pet peeve is the cell phone conversations (only if so loud you can hear every single detail).

    Also when I couldn't work out with my original trainer anymore, because they are trasitioning him to a manager, yet he was training someone the other day when I was there and the twit was on the phone DURING their session. I heard him ask her 5 times to get OFF the phone. Really?!? You are PAYING for that session and he is IRRITATED and having to TELL you to hang up your phone, and I can't have him train me, why?!?

    Oh, sorry, but yea, that's my pet peeve. I mean, I live on my phone too, texting, facebooking, logging in meals, workouts, etc., but I can put it down for an hour while at the gym and not bother everyone else.
  • SirBen81
    SirBen81 Posts: 396 Member
    I cannot stand when people think the rules don't apply to them. grrr.

    My biggest pet peeve at the gym are naked ladies in the locker room. The ones who just stroll through the locker room, buck naked, not trying to cover up at all. ick.

    Same deal in the guys locker room. It's a locker room, I get it, people are going to be naked. But some guys (usually seniors) will walk up to you buck-naked and start up a conversation. I wouldn't describe myself as being insecure or shy, but a little discretion in the locker room never hurts. If you really want people to see you naked join a nudist colony.
  • Fochizzy
    Fochizzy Posts: 505 Member
    There was a woman at this gym that I went to who would position her mat right near the spray and papertowel area and would give you a dirty look and sometimes say something to you when you went to get a papertowel to spray if the mist from the spray went anywhere near her. She was in a totally unusual spot and it was like if the mist bothers you time after time, MOVE YOUR FRIGGIN MAT somewhere else.

    I would smack a b*#$ seriously though, no freaking way!