Pet Peeve @ the Gym



  • KBomar2
    KBomar2 Posts: 157 Member
    The amazingly in shape lady at our gym that struts around in front of you and checks to see if you are looking at her. It gets really annoying when she does it in front of my 15 year old son. Of course yesterday he asked if saw that OLD lady who kept flipping her hair and walking in front of him. HA HA!
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    My pet peeves are the ones that effect me personally.....other than that I could care less what anyone does in the gym. Not cleaning your nasty sweat off the machines is BIG with me or changing the ONLY TV in the room without asking me if I was watching it first....had this happen several times and it still amazes me how rude people can be. :flowerforyou:

    Same here. I dont watch the tv but I find it amusing that people change the environment (opening and closing shades or turning up the dang tv so loud that you can't hear your own music, etc) without consideration of those around them. Cell phones are fine as long as you can talk normally. If you have to yell into your phone, go somewhere else. I want to work out without hearing all the details of your conversation. I also hate when there are 7 open treadmills and they saddle right up to you. Like really? I just ran in a hot gym for 45 minutes... You really dont want to get too close, dude. Apparently I have "personal space issues" as in mine is about a mile wide.
  • BigDaddyRonnie
    BigDaddyRonnie Posts: 506 Member
    All of these reasons are exactly why I go to the gym! It's amazing isn't it?

    While working out, it gives me something to focus on or something to allow my mind to wander when needed. Nothing has hindered my workout as I won't let it. And when someone does something that makes me laugh, they know I am laughing at them. Try will be amazed how fast their behavior changes.
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    I cannot stand when people think the rules don't apply to them. grrr.

    My biggest pet peeve at the gym are naked ladies in the locker room. The ones who just stroll through the locker room, buck naked, not trying to cover up at all. ick.

    Same deal in the guys locker room. It's a locker room, I get it, people are going to be naked. But some guys (usually seniors) will walk up to you buck-naked and start up a conversation. I wouldn't describe myself as being insecure or shy, but a little discretion in the locker room never hurts. If you really want people to see you naked join a nudist colony.

    LOL, Ok, this is just too dang funny!!
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    I pretty much try to ignore everyone and get into my music or the TV when I'm on the machines.... I always wipe them off before I start so I don't worry about that. I have my headphones on so I have no clue if someone is grunting or talking on their cell phone --- Ii'm in my own world :)

    So my biggest pet peeve has to be group fitness classes (like zumba -- which is my favorite)
    I HATE the chicks who are constantly 5 minutes late for class, come running in and stand right in front of me or practically on top of me. There is a TON of movement in these class and I get there early to get my spot in front -- so if you're late, get your butt to the back of the room! I also can't stand that the people who are completely clueless and barely move even when the whole room moves stand right in front too --- I am definitely turning into a zumba snob.
  • MissyFit08
    MissyFit08 Posts: 274 Member
    There's a row of treadmills then a row of ellipticals behind it. I absolutely can't stand it when I'm the only one on the treadmill and someone gets on the elliptical directly behind me. Like seriously?!?
  • NatalieWiley
    NatalieWiley Posts: 147 Member
    I was at the gym yesterday and a woman REALLY got to me. We normally have two fans, one on each side of the cardio room. One was broken yesterday (the one on her side of the room) so she went to the one working fan and picked it up and moved it so that it cooled ONLY her treadmill. WTF?

    haha! Ive wanted to do that but never had the guts :-P
  • HappyathomeMN
    HappyathomeMN Posts: 498 Member
    My biggest pet peeve at the gym are naked ladies in the locker room. The ones who just stroll through the locker room, buck naked, not trying to cover up at all. ick.

    SERIOUSLY!! This is my biggest annoyance with the gym!!! There are piles of towels accessable to everyone - use them! If I want to see naked boobs - I have my own set, thank you very much.
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    There was a woman at this gym that I went to who would position her mat right near the spray and papertowel area and would give you a dirty look and sometimes say something to you when you went to get a papertowel to spray if the mist from the spray went anywhere near her. She was in a totally unusual spot and it was like if the mist bothers you time after time, MOVE YOUR FRIGGIN MAT somewhere else.

    hahaha, on a really bad mood day, I would dump the entire spray bottle ON her and her mat if she glared at or said something to me about it misting her.... hahaha :laugh:
  • MisScorpio
    MisScorpio Posts: 39
    1. ppl who stink!! Either BO, no deoderant or to much perfume! REALLY?? *GAG*
    2. Dont compliment me when you are naked / Dont bend over in front of strangers when your naked...*ouch, my eyes*
    3. Creepers!!
    4. People who use the machines wrong on purpuse to look cool
    5. ppl who :"workout" but chat on the phone or sing to their music
    6. women who's mail goal at the gym is to look cute. (One woman had to get removed off the trwadmil bc she was wearing hooker heels!!)
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member

    One woman had to get removed off the trwadmil bc she was wearing hooker heels!!

    WOW!! I didn't know you SAW me! hahahaha :laugh:
  • sharonsjones
    sharonsjones Posts: 574 Member
    My gym has a Zumba class and the music is lound and they "ooo ooo" during the workout and they also have different lound music playing overhead then there are TVs turned up loud. I can hear all of this over my ipod that I have playing.
  • Fochizzy
    Fochizzy Posts: 505 Member
    1. ppl who stink!! Either BO, no deoderant or to much perfume! REALLY?? *GAG*
    2. Dont compliment me when you are naked / Dont bend over in front of strangers when your naked...*ouch, my eyes*
    3. Creepers!!
    4. People who use the machines wrong on purpuse to look cool
    5. ppl who :"workout" but chat on the phone or sing to their music
    6. women who's mail goal at the gym is to look cute. (One woman had to get removed off the trwadmil bc she was wearing hooker heels!!)

    I am one of those GLORIOUS body odor people. I am wearing deoderant, I just work my *kitten* off, and clean my gym clothing once a week, and not going to lie I smell pretty bad at the end of the week. But I can neither afford to buy nor wash 5 sets of gym clothing a week. If I smell, at least I know I kicked my *kitten* sufficiently. Sorry.

    Oooh I have another one, there is this very large woman who comes to my gym. First time I see her I think "awesome rock it girl" but she doesn't actually work out. She comes to the gym sits taking up the bench I need to sit on reading for about an hour. Takes a shower and goes home. Sorry Lady whoever you are trying to convince that you work out doesn't believe you.
  • lildevil968
    lildevil968 Posts: 152 Member
    I work out at our faculty gym, and we have one guy who sings very loud. I wouldn't really mind it if he was a good singer, but he sucks balls at singing.

    The dropping of the weights is another.

    I have heard conversations between males about their girlfriends in the sack. Not something I want to hear, and they look extremely douchey.

    I also hate the lady who checks out her bits in the mirror everytime I go in to change.

    Not cleaning your make up off the counter, hair out of the drain, and sink. Disgusting!
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    I cannot stand when people think the rules don't apply to them. grrr.

    My biggest pet peeve at the gym are naked ladies in the locker room. The ones who just stroll through the locker room, buck naked, not trying to cover up at all. ick.

    Same deal in the guys locker room. It's a locker room, I get it, people are going to be naked. But some guys (usually seniors) will walk up to you buck-naked and start up a conversation. I wouldn't describe myself as being insecure or shy, but a little discretion in the locker room never hurts. If you really want people to see you naked join a nudist colony.

    SO true at my gym. The older the lady is, the more chance she's gonna walk around naked, or mostly naked. And I'm not that young anymore, but would never think of walking out of the shower area without my clothes on!
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    My number one pet peeve at the gym is when groups of high school or college age kids "work out" on one machine for an hour at a time. "work out" is in quotes because they are flirting/texting/talking to each other and I want to use the equipment. And the girls who "lift" 20 pounds like it's doing anything for them. Nothing against young people, but for some reason SOME of them are not confident enough to go to the gym to work out hard all by themself.
  • theflyingartist
    theflyingartist Posts: 385 Member
    I KNOW they are doing it because in order to burn more calories you must use weight training in this fashion...
    But when you are in a small gym (3 ellipticals, 3 treadmills, three bikes, and extensive number of weight machines), do NOT walk on and off of treadmills every 15 minutes.. only to walk on the damn thing for 10 minutes at a time! It's so confusing when I time my workout on the bike in an attempt to move on to the treadmill when I expect you to not need it!
    -sigh- :grumble:
  • clw_888
    clw_888 Posts: 157 Member
  • Soccer_Chick
    Soccer_Chick Posts: 204 Member
    This is so funny...I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets irritated. I cannot stand the woman who feels the need to do her running inside the gym! Seriously, this woman runs/jogs from one end of the gym to the other, swerving in and out of the machines and the cardio area. She is a complete nutball. I just know that one day she is going to plow into someone and perhaps kill them. Dude, did you ever hear of a treadmill? Or the fricking outdoors for Christ's sake? Don't race through the gym like you cannot bear the idea of standing still for a single second in between your weight sets. Calm the hell down!

    Thanks, I feel much better. :)
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    1. ppl who stink!! Either BO, no deoderant or to much perfume! REALLY?? *GAG*
    2. Dont compliment me when you are naked / Dont bend over in front of strangers when your naked...*ouch, my eyes*
    3. Creepers!!
    4. People who use the machines wrong on purpuse to look cool
    5. ppl who :"workout" but chat on the phone or sing to their music
    6. women who's mail goal at the gym is to look cute. (One woman had to get removed off the trwadmil bc she was wearing hooker heels!!)

    I am one of those GLORIOUS body odor people. I am wearing deoderant, I just work my *kitten* off, and clean my gym clothing once a week, and not going to lie I smell pretty bad at the end of the week. But I can neither afford to buy nor wash 5 sets of gym clothing a week. If I smell, at least I know I kicked my *kitten* sufficiently. Sorry.

    If you're not sweating, you're doing it wrong.