so what was your OMG moment?? how did you end up on here?



  • CeejayGee
    CeejayGee Posts: 299 Member
    I was going to a gay lawyers event and NONE of my nice clothes fit me - NONE. I couldn't even lay on the bed and do them up! Right then, I just realized that I'm a professional and have succeeded in, I can succeed in this. I don't want to be ashamed and feel like the fat slobby lawyer in every picture and at every event.
  • SmartFunGorgeous
    SmartFunGorgeous Posts: 699 Member
    It was a Thursday. *shrugs* I don't really know. I was just ready.
  • pumpkinmoccasin
    I'm 21 and having trouble getting my blood pressure down... I on and off think that I'm pretty and I honestly want to quit having "pretty days" and just feel pretty. Also, I'm sick of shying away from cameras because of my fat, I used to be very photogenic and loved having my picture taken but in the last four years I've grown more and more bitter towards photos of myself because I just can't stand to look at how big I am.
  • Shrinking_Xtina
    Shrinking_Xtina Posts: 478 Member
    I have always been afraid of roller coasters and when I finally decided to try one out, the seat didn't close on me :embarassed: I never thought I'd be that roller coasters are a part of my motivation!
  • IDoIt73
    IDoIt73 Posts: 22 Member
    I went to go have a physical and the scale i got on stopped at 350lbs, the nurse thought something was wrong with the scale.. Bless her heart.. but later on finding out i weighed 360lbs..... 9797748.png
    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Erica_theRedhead
    Erica_theRedhead Posts: 724 Member
    I was slowly and steadily gaining a few pounds a year all through college/grad school. I thought that once I got out, it wouldn't be a problem. Everyone gains weight in college right? But in the very last year instead of a pound or two, I gained almost 30! 30 pounds in one year?! I was so stressed and lazy that whole year. Last september I had to start a new job in a new city, and I was so embarassed that this was my first impression. I'm a new person now that I'm on my own in the real world. Why not become a new person physically as well?
  • beachbodycoachsherry
    Seeing a picture of myself after Christmas. I was going through and editing them, and I had to edit myself all the way to my head so I didn't look laike a tub-o-lard. That is when I said, this is it. I am changing my life RIGHT NOW. I am now 26 pounds lighter, have alot more muscles thanks to P90X and Insanity. I just started using MFP a couple weeks ago and I love it!
  • Stumbleine
    Stumbleine Posts: 55 Member
    I didn't have one...I was looking for free apps on my blackberry and saw this one. Blackberry made me lose weight. There's a marketing campaign!

    This is pretty much exactly what happened with me. The day I got my new iPhone I heard someone mention an app for checking calories. So I think I just searched "calories" and MFP came up and my life changed forever. Haha!

    I've always wanted to lose weight but never, ever tried. I would never be able to do a traditional diet because I know that they are not a lifestyle change and I couldn't possibly go through the joy of losing weight only to reach even greater despair than before when I'd gain it all back. This is a lifestyle change, and that's why it will work!
  • sdgrindin
    sdgrindin Posts: 9
    For me it was the realization that my metabolishm isn't like it was in my 20s. For the longest time, I could eat what I wanted and I still looked pretty good. I'm still fairly lean but have packed on some pounds in my midsection. I'm now on a mission to rip through that midsection and reclaim my six pack!
  • sdgrindin
    sdgrindin Posts: 9
    I didn't have one...I was looking for free apps on my blackberry and saw this one. Blackberry made me lose weight. There's a marketing campaign!

    This is pretty much exactly what happened with me. The day I got my new iPhone I heard someone mention an app for checking calories. So I think I just searched "calories" and MFP came up and my life changed forever. Haha!

    I've always wanted to lose weight but never, ever tried. I would never be able to do a traditional diet because I know that they are not a lifestyle change and I couldn't possibly go through the joy of losing weight only to reach even greater despair than before when I'd gain it all back. This is a lifestyle change, and that's why it will work!
    Beautifully put.
  • healthyjen342
    healthyjen342 Posts: 1,435 Member
    There were quite a few red flags that got me thinking:

    --I sat on a picnic bench and it cracked (literally)..mortified
    --I caught myself eating an entire 1/2 gallon of Edy's Ice Cream in one day
    --I was running out of sizes at Avenue and was worried I would have to make my own clothes or order them out of a catalog
    --I went to a cookout with my husband and some old man just shouted out as we walked past, "My my..that sho' is a big ole' gal he got"...mortified again
    --I thought about my health and didnt want it to decline any more
    --Realizing I only had face shots on Facebook and was MORTIFIED when I was tagged in people's photos...

    --There's a few..

    I found MFP through a local guy's blog..He's lost about 144 lbs and we started around the same time..and they had an free app for my easy was that?!
  • jhs247
    jhs247 Posts: 2
    OMG, my fiance is doing this program and will weigh less than me soon! I CAN'T let him be thinner than me! lol:tongue:
  • Contrary03
    Contrary03 Posts: 289 Member
    Well, besides the fact that none of my shorts fit anymore... i was still in denial. In the same week, 2 different cashiers asked me when i was 'due'?!!! I carry weight around my mid-section mostly. I felt utterly disgusted. Aint nothin worse than someone assuming your pregnant when your NOT!:sad:
  • bluevwgurl
    bluevwgurl Posts: 220 Member
    The realization that i have not allowed any pics to be taken of me in 3 years due to my weight. 3 years/ 3 Vacations and 1 pic of me and i cried when i saw that pic. Started to think, if i die tomorrow, i will be easily forgotten because there arent any pictures of me (a bit much i know, but i was feeling ....down). Anyway, i want my son to remember me if something happens to me, so i have started the journey to becoming healthier and start being in the pictures again.
  • fourmenandalady
    My OMG moment happened one day when I took a good long look at myself in the mirror, when I was 240 pounds, and said to myself that it looks like you don't love yourself. Then another part of myself insisted that Ido (yes I talk to myself lol!) and that it is finally time that I ACT like it by putting most of my energy into myself as opposed to others.
  • operationskinnygirl
    operationskinnygirl Posts: 1 Member
    When I reached 302.5 pounds and my knees & feet were hurting. I was terrified to go to sleep at night because I was afraid i would die under my own weight because I couldn't breathe & I'm only in my twenties. That was my OMG moment and the fight for my life!
  • kysue1029
    kysue1029 Posts: 97 Member
    Mine happened on my daughter's second birthday. I was looking at pictures and got disgusted with myself. I started the next day!
  • rhodenizer
    rhodenizer Posts: 95 Member
    My OMG moment was when my grand daughter had to move away and I realized I would need to be in good shape to live to see her married one day. I knew I wanted to be a healthy NAN.
  • beachbodycoachsherry
    That happened to me too, at least once per week. I am a nurse and scrubs are not flattering to begin with. Add in a gain weight in my belly scenario..and well. I literally broke down and cried right in the middle of the hallway at work.
  • beachbodycoachsherry
    Well, besides the fact that none of my shorts fit anymore... i was still in denial. In the same week, 2 different cashiers asked me when i was 'due'?!!! I carry weight around my mid-section mostly. I felt utterly disgusted. Aint nothin worse than someone assuming your pregnant when your NOT!:sad:

    That happened to me too, at least once per week. I am a nurse and scrubs are not flattering to begin with. Add in a gain weight in my belly scenario..and well. I literally broke down and cried right in the middle of the hallway at work.