What to do with Hummus????



  • mistyb47711
    mistyb47711 Posts: 861 Member
    tanks everyone! Im taking a journey of less meat more veggies and stuff. I got Tofu also and Im hoping to find some really good recipes for that also....Ive never had it and my hubby told me its doesnt taste good...so when I get over him telling me that Im gonna eat some...lol
  • shevanity
    shevanity Posts: 33 Member
    Great with carrots.
    JUDGEDBY1 Posts: 115
    yeh sure.
    Depends how much u wanna make, good thing about hummus is that if u make alot, u pop et in the fridge keep et there for a while and still tastes fresh.,

    400g cooked chickpeas (I normally use canned chickpeas)
    3 tablespoons tahini sesame paste
    1/2 cup of olive oil
    1 garlic clove

    1. Put the boiled chickpeas together with the tahini into a pot
    2. Squeeze the lemon, add the juice, the garlic clove and the olive oil to the mixture
    3. add about half a spoon of cumin and salt to taste
    4. Use a hand blender to bring it all together. Blend until very smooth.
    5. Add a bit of water if the consistency is too thick.
    6. Sprinkle a bit of paprika powder on top
    7. Serve cold.

  • spaingirl2011
    spaingirl2011 Posts: 763 Member
    I like to dip green beans in hummus. Pureeing white beans into hummus is also tasty!
  • So versatile.
    I like to add a little black and cayenne pepper and perhaps a drop or two of olive oil then eat with sticks of carrot or warm pitta bread. Sadly it's a little calorific like that but better than many snacks.