What exercises get skinny legs, not muscular legs?



  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Maybe it's because I'm significantly older, and have been skinny in the past, and have been rather injury prone my whole life, but at this stage of the game, I'm all about function over form. I'd rather bigger arms and legs that are capable of performing whatever task I want to do, than look graceful and gazelle-like and not have the strength and endurance I have now.

    It's not that I want to be muscular... I just want to be strong and avoid injury. I lift heavy, but I'm not looking to get ripped. I used to hurt my back several times a year. And my knees. And wrists. I had a lovely collection of knee braces, wrist braces, ace bandages, etc. I haven't needed them since I've been exercising regularly, especially since strength training. As luck would have it, I've grown to prefer how I look with a little more muscle on me than I use to have. And I don't know if that's an aesthetic thing, or just knowing that what I have now is so much healthier than I used to be, and appreciating what I can do now that I couldn't do before.
  • Picola1984
    Picola1984 Posts: 1,133

    Nice rack :wink:

    Why thanks, it makes my legs super long
  • pinkcoconutz
    Yoga, Pilates, walking, running, jogging and swimming - and try this: http://www.livestrong.com/article/540418-how-to-get-slim-legs-without-bulking-up/ .
  • EatClenTrenHard
    EatClenTrenHard Posts: 339 Member
    Lack of excercise + caloric deficit will definately shape your legs the way you seem to want it
    but you will look nothing close to this


    but will look like this


    which is so disguisting imo
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    Since I was young, I've loved riding my bike. I used to go out on it for hours & hours a few times a week. My calves are quite big but not with fat, it's the only part of my body with proper muscle. Thing is, they're big, too big for my liking. I want thin legs, not muscular legs but I'm scared that if I keep riding my bike either outside or at the gym, my legs will just keep getting more muscular instead of slimming down.
    What are the best exercises to burn off the fat on my legs, but not build up too much muscle? I know it takes a long time for women to build up huge muscles but I really don't want big legs, I think that would be as upsetting as having fat legs for me & considering my calves are already too muscly for my liking, you can kind of understand why I'm worried..
    Any help would be awesome & greatly appreciated! :)

    You really don't have to worry about building too much muscle, it just doesn't happen to us girls, we don't have the hormones to get big. Losing fat makes you skinny = calories, nothing else matters. Seriously. Also, losing fat makes your muscles more defined. I've run and lifted weights for over 30 years while over weight. Most of the time I looked okay even over weight. I looked strong, big, kind of muscly but not very defined muscles, hefty and strong. When I lost more weight I had a softer toned look. When I got really lean last year for the first time ever I looked muscly because the fat was gone. I added just 1-2% more body fat and I look a bit more soft but still pretty muscly because I'm still really lean. If I wanted to look more soft and less muscle definition all I have to do is allow some more fat. You can have whatever you want but you are somewhat stuck with your genetics to some extent. I can't change the fact that I'm short or that my torso is thicker than I want it even while that section of my body is zero % body fat. It is what it is and I have to accept certain things.
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    Maybe it's because I'm significantly older, and have been skinny in the past, and have been rather injury prone my whole life, but at this stage of the game, I'm all about function over form. I'd rather bigger arms and legs that are capable of performing whatever task I want to do, than look graceful and gazelle-like and not have the strength and endurance I have now.

    It's not that I want to be muscular... I just want to be strong and avoid injury. I lift heavy, but I'm not looking to get ripped. I used to hurt my back several times a year. And my knees. And wrists. I had a lovely collection of knee braces, wrist braces, ace bandages, etc. I haven't needed them since I've been exercising regularly, especially since strength training. As luck would have it, I've grown to prefer how I look with a little more muscle on me than I use to have. And I don't know if that's an aesthetic thing, or just knowing that what I have now is so much healthier than I used to be, and appreciating what I can do now that I couldn't do before.

    Adding to this ^^^ Lifting weights will help keep your bones strong. Just 3 times a week (I am more of a fanatic and that is not necessary to get the health benefits).

    I recently had my DXA scan done and at 51.5 years of age I have the bone density of a super athletic 30 year old. That is a direct result of lifting for over 30 years. Now if that is not scientific proof that lifting weights keeps you younger I don't know what is! Also I believe it is why most people think I look much younger than I really am.

    Because of this I don't have to worry about osteoporosis. If you wait until you are older and your bones start to deteriorate it's a bit too late, you can't get back what you lost, and you can only start a resistance routine that will prevent further damage.

    I know plenty of older women right now who regret that they never started lifting sooner. Their bones are already deteriorating. This will happen.
  • martintanz
    That sucks so much of him to say that! I know the feeling though. I started feeling self conscious about my appearance when my first ever crush called me a man because I was taller than him. So unfair for people to say that kind of stuff.
    I hope you get the legs you're hoping for, pilates seems the way to go! :)

    A real man would never say something like that to a woman.]
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Elongated muscles have another name for them, torn muscles.

    Watch your diet to drop body fat and do some weight training and some cardio and you'll be fine.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    which is so disguisting imo

    Can we stop with the body shaming please?
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    which is so disguisting imo
    Can we stop with the body shaming please?

    Yes please. YOUR goals are not EVERYONE's goals so posting 'well I have this and so should you' is pointless and rude.
    However, you have to remember that you body does have a tendancy to do certain things just because of the way you are built - for me, my muscles bulk no matter what I do.

    I am exactly the same - I'm built like a man really.. :( so yeah..sorry. If someone does not like the look they just don't. Long distance running / marathon is the only thing I have seen where the participants get really lean.
  • wildapril
    wildapril Posts: 97 Member
    which is so disguisting imo

    Can we stop with the body shaming please?

    Thank you. Personally, my goal is to look how *I* want to look - not how the men of the world would like me to look! I may look good, but I am nobody's doll!
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Running has helped mine immensely! Long distance (like over a mile), not sprinting.
  • Colleen118
    Colleen118 Posts: 491 Member
    As I have lost and toned I have watched the scale do this roller coaster ride slide thing. I too am very strong leg department. Even when I wasn't working out at all and sit in an office job all day for 5 days a week, my legs are incredibly strong. I was concerned I would look bottom heavy. I don't. Have lost mass all over very evenly. My legs are toning very nicely, calves too and I have gained strength in both.

    Everyon'es body is different. IT very well could be something that is part of what makes you who you are and I'm sure you are a beautiful person. BUT I also know how it feels to have that "one problem area" that we want to change and can't. I would suggest reducing the strictly leg workouts, incorporate low imapct cardio (elliptical is my fav) and mix that with circuit/weight training intervals to sculpt and tone....
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    One thing I should have added, my mum & dad both have very muscular calves, my mum especially. Neither of them are exactly healthy, both over weight but they both have muscular legs. So I have a feeling it might just be in my genes for my legs to do as they please & bulk up more than I'd like them to, sadly. :/
    I wish I could be proud to have musclier legs rather than skinny but I can't. I don't know why but I feel really ashamed of them, they make me feel really masculine & considering I've been told by a lot of people for most of my teens i'm a man [I'm really tall & used to be quite chunky] it's just really depressing.. Hopefully I get used to it, that they do slim down when I drop these 30 pounds. God knows. Can only hope, really.

    My mom and sister have very muscular calves without even trying. That might be something you can't get rid of. On the plus side, people compliment them because they look awesome (but can be inconvenient when buying skinny jeans or boots).