tv dinners for weight loss



  • tsmith6569
    they may be high in sodium but with some planning they can be the difference in success or frustration. That was the case for me anyway. And it helps so much to teach your body and your mind PORTION CONTROL. I still have a few a week but eating them in the beginning was such a wonderful kick start to motivation and control. I hate cooking and my husband can eat whatever he wants in whatever quantities he wants and it doesnt affect him. Lean cuisines are just a smart alternative at certain times. I will say nothing is as good as "clean eating" however,,,it just isnt always that simple or easy. Best of luck!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I wanted to touch base here before another week began.
    My daughter was out and wwe went out to eat. I enoy a nice veggie plate and a salas Bought 1/2 of it home and it fill my portions control plate Will nice. I tink that will be my chice of resturant to eat at. It was Chredards Hope I spell that right. My daughter ate the same thing. I like that too. Will be working on onother good week.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    have good news The doctor took me off of my fast acting insulin today still on Lantus at night But that is three injections I do not have to take. So this portion control has really paid off for me. So Happy
  • marzahl68
    marzahl68 Posts: 201
    I simply don't have the time to cook. I work 7 days a week, my schedule is always irregular. I never know when I will have time. Frozen calorie/portion controlled meals are the best I can do. I buy Michelinas Lean Gourmet for $1 per meal, very wallet friendly. The portions are very small and yes the sodium is somewhat high. At my current stage, I'm working on portion control and to me it's a mind over body exercise to accept these "small" portions as regular sized portions. Even though high in sodium, I know they are a lot healthier for me than a BigMac! I eat Michelinas at least once a day, sometimes twice! They taste good and they are convenient.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi Idon't cook either. I bought some food containers at Walmart that has a vent on the top and they are just just great. They have 2 sizes the larger one i put a bag of frozen veggies and steam then for 5 to 6 minutes in microwave. Tonight is did 2 pieces of corn on the cob in a smaller one add just a tiny bit of water. They were so good. put salt and pepper and butter spray on them, I take 2 cans of beans and docter them up , tonight I made pinto beans with some toco seadings can of tomatoes the spicy one Cook them in in a wok pan My faverite pan to do my beans in. Anyway I always have some kind of beans 3 or 4 veggies in the fridge at all times. and some rice to go with my beans to make them a complete protein. What could be easier han that. When I emppy one container i fix up another one, I also buy can sweet potatos and keep in a container. When I put them in my portion control plate i might add a couple mimi mardmellos some spleder and cinamon. They stack so well just love them What ever i HAVE I JUST HAVE 1/2 C SERVING NO MORE NO LESS. working great for me. The hardest part is taking them out of the fridge and putting them back up. No kidding. I may make pickle beets I also buy a big bag of baby carrots Steam them for 56 minutes with just a tiny amount of water. Squash is great too cook in them with just a tab of water. They all have such a good taste
    My husband does not eat veggies He make him a TV dinner I try to cook him something on Sunday and if its some I like I will have a 1/2 c. like one Sunday i made chicken and dumplings for him and I had 1/2 c. the rest of plate was veggies.

    But everybody has to find what work for them Oh And I do have a TV dinner once in a while as long as it is 450 calori eor less.
    No I wonder how I can 1.2 pizza. I guess if I ever decide to have one i just have 350 calories one if they make one.
    So that is my lifestyle.I have never had it so good fixing my meals.
  • Chunkabutt83
    i eat them when im busy or lazy lol, saves so much time and they are cheap. I just try to drink a lot of water to flush out how much sodium they have
  • Chunkabutt83
    calie, smart ones has a great pizza, i actually had one today and its pretty low cal.
  • seal57
    seal57 Posts: 1,259 Member
    I've looked at Lean Cuisine but there no meal that I fancy...........
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    will check the pizza out in the diet section tomorrow. I havent check then yet i get 1- 100 calorie treat like icecream but I usally just make it an yogurt yoplait with fruit. to night I had a chcolate black something cake It was pretty good. I also used greek yogurt and some canned fruit in their own juice. have cherry pie mix without sugar. I am not sure on the calories for that but
    I really don't eat a lot of frozen meals [TV} maybe once a week under 350 caalories.
    i like my stash of veggies and beans in the fridge much better. I am looking forward to fall for some nice soup.
    I will be back tomorrow.
    not a lot of posters here but a lot of lookers. Thanks for dropping by

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    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello all,
