Would you eat a sentient animal?



  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,307 Member
    Grew up on a farm so have eaten everything from critters to livestock and have done the butchering...it is no big deal to me but understand why it would be to some.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I would still eat them and enjoy it.
  • Kolohe71
    Kolohe71 Posts: 613 Member
    PETA = People Eating Tasty Animals

    - or -

    I love Animals.... They're Delicious!
  • 2Heavy2Long
    2Heavy2Long Posts: 315 Member
    It depends it they taste like chicken :tongue:
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member

    'Or the rump is very good,' murmured the animal. 'I've been
    exercising it and eating plenty of grain, so there's a lot
    of good meat there.'

    Those of us who know beef, know that's not good meat! Grass fed ftw! Grain, bad. ;)
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member

    'Or the rump is very good,' murmured the animal. 'I've been
    exercising it and eating plenty of grain, so there's a lot
    of good meat there.'

    Those of us who know beef, know that's not good meat! Grass fed ftw! Grain, bad. ;)

    not here in Iowa chica - corn fed beef all the way baby!

    Yeah, that's how it is most places. But it's not healthy for them. They produce bad fats when eating the grain diets, instead of the better omega 3s when on grass. Plus, the meat from grass fed is so much more tender.

    The grain fed thing is just another one of those fun advertising (and corn lobbying?) tricks to make us think that's how it should be.

  • DorkothyParker
    DorkothyParker Posts: 618 Member
    I suppose I don't care what the cow eats as long as I am eating the cow.
  • txmike64
    txmike64 Posts: 57 Member
    Happily.....if they're tasty, that's a bonus!