taking weekends off

Does anyone take weekends off from counting our calories? I read somewhere that it would help in weight loss.


  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    I often take off just one day of the weekend, usually Saturdays. Often it's a big picnic day or dinner with friends and the calories are hard to calculate, or I just want to enjoy myself and not worry about it. I still try to eat fairly well....most of the time, but often go way over, and don't stress about it too much. I still manage to lose weight and it's nice to just have a "vacation" day :wink:
  • Amo_Angelus
    Amo_Angelus Posts: 604 Member
    I take the occassional day off as and when I need it. I don't do it regularly, and never more than one day at a time.
  • salmanajmal
    salmanajmal Posts: 93 Member
    i do record my calories but an off is an off. i eat whatever i feel like eating without caring about the number of calories it has.
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    I don't. Boyfriend still counts calories, but gives himself extra on the weekends.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I tend to take my weekends off as I'm busier during the weekends and find it harder to sit down and log. So far it hasn't really derailed me at all weightless wise.
  • sf08003
    sf08003 Posts: 30
    Like you, I try to be mindful of what I eat everyday even on the weekends.
  • Pinlovescake
    Pinlovescake Posts: 3 Member
    That would be nice! I've read that it supposedly helps your metabolism not go into starvation mode etc etc. But I'm pretty sure that's a load of crap. And it kind of goes against the whole 'changing your lifestyle' thing if you're only reinventing your weekday lifestyle ;)

    I think you will get 'evidence' and advice either way- just like some people swear the atkins diet is the best thing in the world and others will say it is from the devil.

    I'll be following this thread in the hope someone comes up with hard evidence that I can eat KFC, cake and drink loads of wine on a weekend and still lose weight ;)
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    I dont necessarily do weekends - but I do give my self days where I will knowledgably go over my calories
  • mea9
    mea9 Posts: 561 Member
    I still log as best I can but Sunday is family day and I'm not going to say no to what my mom has made. That would be cruel all around:frown:
  • Chowder_17
    Chowder_17 Posts: 141 Member
    I take Saturday off, since it's also my off day from Insanity.
  • curiousmissclay
    i have 1 meal a week (sunday evening meal) that i literally eat whatever i want and that suits me pretty well for the rest of the weekend i just eat like i normally do in the week.

    Its nice to have my evening meal for sunday as a end to the hard work iv done in the week then im ready to get back into the swing of things monday.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I do, but I'm not trying to lose weight anymore. However, I did lose about 5 pounds beyond my original goal since adopting that attitude, until I upped my Monday - Friday calories a little more. Was at 1500 + exercise calories, now 1600 + exercise calories. I haven't gained any, but haven't shown a loss either, since upping the calories. But Aunt Flo is in town, so that might be different by next week. And since 1600 calories puts me at a .2 pound loss per week, and my scale only shows .5 increments, I'm not expecting to see a loss yet anyway.

    I don't necessarily binge on weekends, but I'm not going to turn down any opportunities if I get invited to a party, go out to eat or want to have a few mixed drinks.

    Ideally, in the future, I will not have to log every morsel that goes into my mouth. Taking weekends off is a way for me to ease back into normal eating. Honestly, sometimes I need to log my food to make sure I'm eating ENOUGH, not too little.
  • JCPruitt
    JCPruitt Posts: 53
    I always count, but have had a few days when I exceeded my personal goal. Once I didn't exercise and exceeded calories and felt like garbage the next day. Of course I am in a plateau and have wondered if a day off wouldn't help. Don't see me doing it though.
  • DorkothyParker
    DorkothyParker Posts: 618 Member
    Hasn't hurt me none. Although, I continue to log and I think just seeing the numbers deters me from going too all-out. Been feeling a bit guilty about it, though, and I don't like that. :/
  • jazzminx
    jazzminx Posts: 242 Member
    I still log as best I can but Sunday is family day and I'm not going to say no to what my mom has made. That would be cruel all around:frown:

    I do the same thing. We take the kids to my parents every Sunday for family dinner. I don't want to not eat, or force my mom to make me something special when they have something a little unhealthier planned. I still try to log. I just try to make sure I don't completely over do it, even though it's hard because my mom is an amazing cook!
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    If I go away I don't log, I find it's too difficult, whether this is due to slow internet, calculating food size, wanting to be enjoying my time away and not being a slave to my iPhone!

    I try to be careful when I'm away, so I think I am making a lifestyle change in that respect. I like to think I've got enough self control to not think "Away from MFP and accountability....eat,eat, eat!"

    It seems to be working, the only time this year I have gained substantially when being away was when I was on a conference for the weekend. I got a 30 min swim in both mornings, but there was big evening meals, big breakfast and snacks with coffee breaks to counter all of that - and except for the swim, I was pretty sedentary. Even then, I only was up a couple of lb - it soon went!
  • Forensic
    Forensic Posts: 468 Member
    I don't mind giving myself a day where I go over on calories, but I think if I didn't log them as I went I would go much MORE into craving gorging land than I would with the calorie number staring me in the face.
  • shanefg
    shanefg Posts: 29 Member
    Im not ready to have a planed day off. I dont realy look at this calorie counting as a diet. I look at it as being aware what i put in my mouth and a lifestyle change. I have learnt so much about foods and portion sizes. For me to just stop even for a day wouldnt make sense for me but we are all different.
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    I haven't taken a day off in 145days. If I want a cookie or a piece of cake, hell even fast food, I work it in to my allotted calories. I can always get in a workout as well to gain excess calories if I need..I've only had fast food a couple times, I had fish and chips, so fish is healthy but the deepfrying isn't, just tried to not go over fat those days either...or sodium...u can work anything in.

    I've also logged everything I've ate to the best of my knowledge everyday since I've been here. When I went on vacation without cell service, I wrote down what I ate, and when I got home I entered it, and I had accidentally gone over while on vacation, but I was still in range to beable to loose weight and I didn't gain anything. If there's something that I don't know how many calories, I try to find a close match in system, or try to guess and add to quick add calories...or I add each ingredient individually to get a best guess. If its something I've created, I try to enter it on mfp as a recipe so that I can be exact with calories/fat/sodium/etc.
  • Angelabec
    Angelabec Posts: 505 Member
    I always try to log, although its difficult if I eat out, so half the time I am guessing really, but I don't worry overly if I go over, and I've carried on losing fairly steadily so far :smile: