taking weekends off



  • Jeneba
    Jeneba Posts: 699 Member
    I am always mindful of what I am putting into the Dear Little Body, although sometimes occasionally I will go over my calorie allowance. I have reached the stage where the food just can't taste good enough for me to risk getting angry at myself for forgetting my goals.
  • shanefg
    shanefg Posts: 29 Member
    I agree. To me i cant see a reason for a day off. If you want a little more of mums cooking factor it in. Hell if you have a craving for kfc factor that in. To me its more important to stick with it when your away. Even if you dont have the iphone app or internet access the more knowledge you have about foods the better you can log and work things out while your away. Thats why i think the weight watchers points system is no good . A lot of people dont know what to eat other than whats delivered to there door. I believe the key to my long term success will be dictated by how I handle myself in non controlled enviroments without any food scales, iphone apps or internet.
  • Bsp120167
    Bsp120167 Posts: 68 Member
    I have taken days off on the weekend in terms of restricting calories but still try to log what I eat. When I get to my maintenance phase I will most likely take Saturdays off, and try to go back to eating some of my favorite foods that I have cut out for now.
  • ACowboyKid
    ACowboyKid Posts: 142
    Kinda? There just kinda is that one day a week where I don't really want to look up something because either it has too many ingredients or I'm lazy. So then that becomes my special 'go over my calories day' otherwise I work everything into my diet through out the week. Occasionally I'll have some cookies, brownies, sweets and whatever as long as I can fit it in.

    I feel like you need to work this stuff into your daily life because it is a lifestyle change. If you just are so rigid on yourself and never allow yourself to enjoy life *cough*food*cough* when it happens or is there then its a program and not your life. I have ice cream a few times a week because I LOVE ICE CREAM and other sweets. I'd give up so fast if I didn't allow myself and I'd hate myself for messing up. So instead I just fit it into my schedule and give myself a slap on the wrist for it not being that healthy.
  • mea9
    mea9 Posts: 561 Member
    It's not so much quantity as trying to calculate what it is. It's going to be off. I know that going in. I accept it without agnst. I am not going to turn down a homemade brownie ever. I can snub the bought ones like there's no tomorrow. Doesn't mean I will eat the pan. I have two brothers who would control that. I am not going to fret about what was in the holondais sauce or the lemon meringue pie. I guess and I don't eat the entire thing but if I'm a little off or a little over, it's all good for me as long as it's real sugar and real butter. My thinking is, and science backs me up, your body handles real food diferently than the junk (hydrogonated veg oils, fake sugar, high fructose corn/glucose syrups). My Mom's cooking is not macdonalds, it's not prepackaged and it wasn't made last week. If you leave it on the counter for a day or two it goes bad. Real food. Good for you no matter the calories.
  • shanefg
    shanefg Posts: 29 Member
    It's not so much quantity as trying to calculate what it is. It's going to be off. I know that going in. I accept it without agnst. I am not going to turn down a homemade brownie ever. I can snub the bought ones like there's no tomorrow. Doesn't mean I will eat the pan. I have two brothers who would control that. I am not going to fret about what was in the holondais sauce or the lemon meringue pie. I guess and I don't eat the entire thing but if I'm a little off or a little over, it's all good for me as long as it's real sugar and real butter. My thinking is, and science backs me up, your body handles real food diferently than the junk (hydrogonated veg oils, fake sugar, high fructose corn/glucose syrups). My Mom's cooking is not macdonalds, it's not prepackaged and it wasn't made last week. If you leave it on the counter for a day or two it goes bad. Real food. Good for you no matter the calories.

    Yes in Australia we have become a nation of fatties. But we havent always been that way. Most of the generations before mine percentage wise were a lot thiner. My parents were thin and i never saw them counting calories. Procesed foods is the killer so your above facts ring true to me and make sense.
  • Tori_356
    Tori_356 Posts: 510 Member
    I still track but most weekends I go over my calories..sometimes a little...sometimes a lot. I try not to stress over it too much. It is what it is. I wanna live life just like everyone else. If its just once a week, I don't see the harm. Now if I were eating out and cheating everyday, yeah, i'm not gonna lose weight. But once a week is fine. Plus it keeps me feeling satisfied and motivated. Cuz I know I had my fun and it's right back to the diet the next day/week whatever
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    The thing about this MFP deal for me, at least, is that it's nearly effortless. I don't feel hungry nor do I feel the need to take breaks. Maybe I am lucky in that regard, but that's the reason I know that this is it for me, finally I will be a healthy weight. Eventually. :)

    So no, I don't take weekends off because I don't feel like I have to. I don't look at my watch and think "Am I thin yet"?
  • shanefg
    shanefg Posts: 29 Member
    The thing about this MFP deal for me, at least, is that it's nearly effortless. I don't feel hungry nor do I feel the need to take breaks. Maybe I am lucky in that regard, but that's the reason I know that this is it for me, finally I will be a healthy weight. Eventually. :)

    So no, I don't take weekends off because I don't feel like I have to. I don't look at my watch and think "Am I thin yet"?

  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I log even bad days because I keep track of weekly average and like to know if I've average too high. LIke for the last two weeks I've had some bad days (including a camping trip), average about 2000 calories (which is my maintenance level) therefore I'm not surprised that I haven't lost anything.
  • TTHdred
    TTHdred Posts: 380 Member
    I count calories all the time, weekends and even on vacation. My “breaks” are the days I chose not to beat myself up or make a deal if I go over. I think it is important to always know what I’m eating and what my weak points are. I feel I have a better handle on my overall eating that way. Plus I sometimes surprise myself by actually being under.
  • MsKeelah919
    MsKeelah919 Posts: 332 Member
    Yes, I take the weekends off. I log everything, but I'm just not very strict about my eating and my weight loss suffers! "Cheat" are a slipperly slope for me. What started as 'not depriving myself" of anything has ended up with two lbs gained, even though the foods were within my calorie goals. I still worked out just as hard as well...

    Taking weekends off is just not worth it to me. Walking the moderation tight rope is NOT the spot to be. I'd much rather be diligent with my eating than 'relax' into old habits. I see they truly die hard!!

    Good luck to you!
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    I log even bad days because I keep track of weekly average and like to know if I've average too high. LIke for the last two weeks I've had some bad days (including a camping trip), average about 2000 calories (which is my maintenance level) therefore I'm not surprised that I haven't lost anything.
    This is one of the many things I like about MFP. As long as you are honest with it, it tells you the truth. No lecturing or berating, just the truth. If I ate like this every day, I'd weigh this much in 5 weeks. Cannot get much clearer than that. It makes it pleasant to log food into, and it takes a lot of the pressure off. If it were really strict, I'd probably not stick with it.

    I allow myself to go over sometimes, once I got into weight gain territory when I was traveling on business. I love that it doesn't give you a hard time, so I always tell it the truth. And it's working for me.
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    i do record my calories but an off is an off. i eat whatever i feel like eating without caring about the number of calories it has.

    I do this as well. Not that I am eating whatever I feel like, but I log even a bad day / cheat day. You can't get better unless you know where you're going wrong.