I have come to the conclusion



  • JenBrown0210
    JenBrown0210 Posts: 985 Member
    This was me about 4 months ago. I completely despised working out. I lost 20 pounds without exercising. Then I plateaued. I had to exercise. Fast forward to now. I am down a total of 42 pounds I am doing my first round of Insanity, so I am exercising 6 days a week!

    You just have to find something you like doing. For me, originally it was running. I started with the couch to 5k program(www.c25k.com) and went from there. It gave me a half hour to myself 3 days a week. Exercising doesn't have to be much at first. Just something to get you going!
  • bmmadden
    bmmadden Posts: 499 Member
    sometimes i have trouble getting motivated but then i just think to myself...i can sit here and do nothing and be fat and miserable or i can get off my *kitten* and do the workout and get the kind of body i want. I have no problem completing a workout once i get started but yes sometimes getting started is the hardest part..

    Exactly! Its hard you just gotta find something that you really like and do it at the time that works for you and do it at first will be hard but before long it will be habit and you will be proud of yourself for it, I used to use the excuse about no body to go to the gym with because everyone of my friends/family have memberships there too but never go and we'd make plans and they would fall through so finally I just started going by myself
  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    I would say to try Jillian Michaels dvds. 30 min shred to start. Early morning is good to get it over with and you don't have to think about it the rest of the day.
    She tells it like it is. I found that it motivates you to keep at it. At first you think it's not going to end. Each time you do it the dvd gets easier and seems shorter. Just press play and she does the rest to keep you with it. After you get used to the moves and are not needing her so much it is great to play your favorite music in the background.
    Her dvds are cheap too. I believe around $10.
    If you want to see what it's like, I believe level 2 is on youtube.
    Good luck! :)
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    I was the same way, Missy. I never would even get up off my behind and try. A friend talked me into joining a boot camp class that they started offering in my office building. That's the absolute best for me, because it's right there. She's had to drop out (hurt her knee) but I've kept going.

    I have to have classes or I won't do it. (I will occasionally play on my Kinect, but even that is rare.) I do go to a couple of classes at the gym now, too, but to make sure I go, I have to make a commitment to it. Usually, I tell the trainer that I'll see her next week or whatever. Or I get one of the girls in my boot camp class to say she'll go to CrossFit on Friday. She's said she'd be there twice. One of those days I really, really didn't want to go, but I went because she said she would. She didn't show, but it was one of my favorite WODs we've done in a while. (She didn't show the other day, either, but I did.)

    Once I can get to class, I'm fine, and I usually enjoy it. It's the making myself go. I also have started adding it to my Google calendar. It's written down that I'll be there, so I have to go, right?

    My suggestion is to figure out what you need to do to make yourself go to a class or workout on your own. Figure out how to make it a commitment that you can't break.

    Best of luck to you!
  • rschmmidt
    rschmmidt Posts: 296
    I have a little post-it on my desk that says,
    "I have never regretted a single workout, but I have regretted every single one I skipped."

    That helps me get going. I also hated exercise. Just go out for a walk for starters...it's free, and easy. That's how I got into the habit. Once the walking got boring, then I started a slow jog. From there it grew. It took time. You have already lost some weight, so congrats...you are doing well!
    Good luck :-)
  • missfittin_missy
    missfittin_missy Posts: 184 Member
    Thanks... I went for a walk tonight around the fancy neighborhood lol... I played the when I grow up I wanna live there game LOL!
  • janiecorona
    I don't like to exercise because of my size and my fitness or lackthereof, exercising is not fun, yet. I fight myself for each workout. I also want to be a runner and so I've started running in place. I started doing 10 minutes of running in place last week, every day. This week, I'm doing 15 minutes of running in place. One day, when I can last longer, I'm going to take that running outside. (:
  • earthnut
    earthnut Posts: 216 Member
    My child motivates me to exercise. I know getting outside is so good for her; I'll walk to the park with her for HER sake, but not my own. But it gets me to exercise anyway! Plus, yelling and roughhousing outdoors is a lot less stressful for me than when it's indoors.

    What can you do with your kids? What active games do they like to play?
  • missfittin_missy
    missfittin_missy Posts: 184 Member
    my kids are older so they no longer like to hang with mom LOL... however I did drag my 9 year old along with me on my walk which I regretted halfway through because she talked NONSTOP and included such lovely conversation as WOW old ladies sure do sweat when they cant breath!! I like the jogging in place idea I might hafta give that a whirl tomorrow as well!!
  • espinozAgal
    espinozAgal Posts: 160 Member
    OMG.. yes!! I thought I was just a lazy butt!!! I will go for a walk.. anytime. But when it's a thousand degrees here, which it is all summer, I don't go and I won't move!! I'll do housework, laundry and say to myself at least i'm up and off the couch, but then I tell myself to shut up. That's exactly what's happening right NOW!!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Thanks... I went for a walk tonight around the fancy neighborhood lol... I played the when I grow up I wanna live there game LOL!

    I play that game too! also the houses are pretty so its nicer scenery than the gym.

    I bet your big problem is not so much the 'working out alone' vs ' with other people' as the fact that when you worked out with other people you were ALSO paying money AND scheduling yourself to go work out. I mean you paid for the boot camp,and it was a "get here at this time on this day" type of thing. So you couldn't be lazy because you felt like you HAD to get up and go or you felt like "on Monday at 8 am this is the thing I am doing".

    You probably need to do that for the videos - schedule your time, tell your kids to go away and leave you alone (They're old enough to do stuff on their own right?) and work out during that scheduled time. And add a punishment -- presumably you have some discretionary fund of money you can spend just on stuff YOU want - makeup or a fancier brand of shampoo or a new shirt every month or something. Take that money, take how many workouts per month you expect to do (4 per week = about 16/month?) and divide it up. You can either subtract from that fund when you DON'T workout (stick that amount in an envelope) or you can "pay" yourself wehn you do. Some people do better with rewards, some people do better with punishment. At the end of the month, take all the money you didn't earn or that you "lost" by not working out and give it to something you don't like. Donate it to a cause you don't support, hand it to your kid and let them buy that loud obnoxious toy you refused to get them, whatever. Make it something where you will say "I have to work out today, I do NOT want my 3 dollars going to the North American Man/Boy Love Association".
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Check out your local library. Here, they have a good selection of exercise videos. You can check it out for a week for FREE. Love it, you can get it again later. Hate it, you're out no money at all. It's great, because you can always be trying something new. Boredom could be the issue, as much as (or more than) laziness -- especially since the one you stuck with the longest was the hardest.

    Also, if you have Netflix, they have a pretty good selection too, both DVD and instant watch.