Swat Walking Group - August - New Members welcome!



  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Farmer's market this morning and just got done making mini egg crustless quiches in a muffin tin. 103 calories each. I froze 8 and put 4 in the fridge so we can each try one with toast and fruit tomorrow. Now out to weed my gardens and grate the Irish Spring Soap on top:o)
    Jenny--I make those egg 'muffins' a lot! They make a quick breakfast that we can just grab and go. I've even eaten them cold from the fridge and they are good that way, too!
    Kathy, do you have a small farmer's market near you? We've found that produce locally grown and not sprayed with all the bad stuff lasts so much longer. We just buy a few things each week (broccoli, onions, carrots, spinach, peppers, etc.) We try to meal plan and then we know what to buy and try to use it up before we go again...

    Going to put on the HRM for weeding...

    Usually I do buy from the Farmer's market but this year has been SO bad, weather-wise, that the local pickings are slim and VERY expensive. (Gov. Gregoire has ask the federal government to declare the entire state of Washington a farming disaster area because of the cold, wet weather we had for most of the growing season. My own garden is producing very little--a few tomatoes and strawberries, possibly a couple of peppers but no squash at all so far--all the blooms rotted before the veggies could form. It's really bad and food prices are already climbing.)

    Ah well, we all just do our best with what we have, right?

    Got in the 3Mile Walk off 10 Pounds this morning. Felt good!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Kathy sorry to hear your weather never improved and your garden didn't yield some good stuff to eat:( It's been soooo hot and humid here but with the right amount of rain so I guess I shouldn't complain too much because the veggies at the markets look great! I gave up on a veggie garden years ago. I liked planting it and picking the veggies but hated the weeding. The bugs got so bad and with the humidity I would give up. Now I just focus on my few perennial gardens which don't always look so good either:( We bought mulch today (replacing the old) and that will help finish off the bushes and flowers and keep the weeds to a minimum I hope.

    Lots of gardening today and burned 734 calories! Burned off my breakfast of eggs benedict florentine (spinach and tomato in place of the canadian bacon).

    Well time to relax while doing some laundry.

  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Only 257 minutes this week mostly walking and gardening. Also did a Latin Core workout. Ouch, found some forgotten muscles.
    I think I am over the worst of this bug and ready to get on the move again.

    Sorry to hear of the garden problems. Food is so expensive. It is so dry here and after our really wet summer the plants are struggling. Some of the bushes in our nursery beds are drying out right before my eyes. Quite hot and windy no rain in sight. I have been walking up and down the hill moving water lines and hoses. Then I go back to the house and switch the irrigation on the nursery beds for the flowering plants. They all get 1 hour and then I make the trip again. 1004 calories so far today. Good for the body hard on the plants.

    Time to make the trip again. Alice
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Today I walked with a friend around a city lake 1.5 miles and then went to lunch. Hot out but sunny and beautiful...

    Tired from the heat so now time for a nap!

  • Redneckgirl924
    Good evening, Everyone!

    I love going to our farmers market, they usually have lots to pick from, but this year, the fruits and veggies have been scarce here because of the heat or I just pick the wrong time to go and it's all picked over. I'm going again Wednesday and hopes to find some good food.

    Jenny - the egg quiche's sound great. Do you have a recipe? I have never made quiches before are they simple to make?

    Alice - Great job on the core exercise and glad your feeling better. It's always good to work those muscles you didn't know you had.

    I hope everyone has a great evening and a wonderful Tuesday!

  • AZChatterB
    AZChatterB Posts: 248 Member
    Hello, Fellow Walkers.

    August is winding down. Thank goodness for the five mile walk tapes so I can catch up on missed days to stay on target. :laugh:

    I know what you mean, Sandy, about having more energy when the weather is cooler. It seems like the heat just zaps us, especially here in Phoenix. We are in another excessive heat warning week; each day we've been setting new records. Thursday is supposed to be 116 degrees! :glasses: I did go up to Flagstaff for the weekend. It was nice to get out of the heat.

    Thanks for all the support on my 100 lb milestone. I will admit that I gained a pound last week, not terrible, but still. :sad: Wednesday is my weigh in day, and I'm not sure how I did this past week, either. Although I'm eating healthy, I think I'm eating too much fruit. It is just so refreshing in the summer. :ohwell: Also, today I had lunch at Hillstone with work colleagues. I had the Seasonal Vegetable Platter (which was DELICIOUS and filling), but I'm not so sure it was really as healthy as you would think a vegetable platter would be. I think the corn was cooked in butter, the California rolls were wrapped in avocado (healthy fat, I know!), and the couscous was with lemon vinaigrette. I usually try to look up the nutrition before I go to a restaurant, but I didn't know where we were going. And, when I looked it up after lunch, the Google search brought up the controversy with this restaurant posting it's nutritional values: reports said that the law requires chains of 20+ restaurants are required to post, so the parent company, Houston's, kept 19 Houston's restaurants and reopened the others under the name Hillstone with some minor menu changes. I think if I had known that, I wouldn't have wanted to go and/or suggested a different place. I will say the food was amazingly delicious. My boss had a prime rib sandwich that he said was so tender it melted in your mouth; it came on their own freshly baked bread. Two others had the grilled chicken salad, which I found online for over 400 calories and 30+ grams of fat, :sad: but they both raved about its taste. One had the Thai noodle salad with steak, which she did say was too many competing flavors. And the last had rotisserie chicken and broccoli from the gluten free menu, which he said was juicy but bland, but did say he was so sick of salads that it was a good lunch. All in all, a great atmosphere and good food, just wish the restaurant was more up front about the nutritional values.

    Anyone have similar challenges with restaurants?

  • Lesliet05
    Lesliet05 Posts: 148
    so glad that the first day of school is over with..... She was driving me nuts :bigsmile:
    got 2 miles in this morning.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    I'm trying hot yoga today for the first time. I have a Groupon to use so I will try a class today. A little nervous...hope I don't pass out! I'll update you later on what I thought of it.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Back from hot yoga! Wow!!!!!! 108 degrees in the room. I suppose working in an office this summer in this heat wave with no AC has conditioned me to tolerate hot yoga! I'm beet red but feel great. I drank lots of water before, during and after. Dripped sweat and constantly needed to towel off but the stretches and relaxation felt so good. I'm going back on Thursday. My Groupon gives me until 9/30 before I have to pay for any more classes...

    Beautiful day out here today. Time for a shower and lunch.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    It's been a few days since I have had the time to post. I am giving up on my exercise ticker for this month (and maybe for good) because I keep forgetting to update it and now I have NO idea how many minutes I have exercised this n=month. It's not a bad number, thou, I don't think, as I have been trying to get in between 20 and 45 minutes everyday.
    I have today off so I took my grandson in the stroller and walked to Safeway to pick up some light salld dressing for our salad tonight. They had cole slaw mix on sale, as well as eggs (repacked large ones for $1.39 a dozen) so I picked some of those up, too. 2.63 miles walked, including the shopping. Not too bad for a day off!

    Ann--here's the recipe I use for the mini quiches (we call them egg muffins):

    Egg Muffins
    (Makes 12 muffins)

    12 eggs
    1-2 tsp. Spike Seasoning*
    1-2 cups grated low fat cheese (I like sharp cheddar or a blend of cheddar/Jack cheese, use less cheese if using meat)
    Optional, but highly recommended, 3 green onions diced small.
    Optional: chopped veggies such as blanched broccoli, red pepper, zucchini, mushrooms, etc. (Using veggies will reduce the fat content)
    Optional: diced Canadian bacon, lean ham, or crumbled cooked turkey sausage
    Preheat oven to 375 F.

    Lightly oil muffin pan(s).

    In the bottom of the muffin cups layer diced meat, if using, vegetables, if using, cheese and green onions. You want the muffin cups to be about 2/3 full, with just enough room to pour a little egg around the other ingredients. Break eggs into large measuring bowl with pour spout, add Spike, and beat well. (I used to add a bit of half and half or milk, but lately I like the way they turn out without it.) Pour egg into each muffin cup until it is 3/4 full. I like to stir slightly with a fork. Bake 25-35 minutes until muffins have risen and are slightly browned and set.

    Muffins will keep at least a week in the refrigerator without freezing. Egg muffins can be frozen and reheated. For best results, thaw in refrigerator before reheating.

    * I don't know what Spike Seasonong is, I just use salt and pepper and whatever else I want!

    I also use whatever veggies and meat I have on hand. This is just a basic recipe and can be adjusted easily to your own taste!
  • Redneckgirl924
    Good Evening, Everyone!

    I'm so excited I have walked everyday this week for about 2-3 miles each day. I know that's not a big deal for most, but it feels so wonderful to be able to exercise even if it is just walking. Seven weeks of doing hardly anything but sitting on my big butt was so hard. I feel like I have a new leash on life. :smile: I was so out of practice with exercising that I forgot to use my HRM monitor & pedemoter on Monday, so I didn't record it, but at least I walked. YAY!

    Kathy - thanks so much for the recipe. I will have to make them this weekend. My mouth is drooling now, can't wait to make them! :tongue: I'm not the best cook so I hope they come out.

    Everyone keep up the great work!

    Ann :smile:
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Walked for 51 minutes at a brisk pace this evening. So far I've met my goal to be active every day this week. Hopefully getting back on track!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    73 minutes of hot yoga today. Whew! I'm going to aim for 2 times per week for my groupon month. I'll see how my arthritis feels at the end of September to determine if I will pay for some classes or not.

    Need to shower and go to the store.
    Catch you all later,
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Hello all!

    I am still kicking, can not wait to be done with this Doxycycline, it is eating my stomach up.

    Love the mini quiche recipe, can't wait to try it.

    This weeks exercise.

    Monday~52 minutes Agricise 449
    Tuesday~42/425 Pwalk with weight and intervals
    Thursday~73/706 Latin Core

    I am so glad you are all here, miss Teresa. Thank you ladies!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Hey Everybody! I'm back. We all had a great time. I'll catch up with you all later, I've got an appt this morning.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Welcome back Sandy. Hope your vacation was fun!

    Well I'm back on track! Re-entered my weight to reflect my gain over the summer and started over. Lost 2 pounds this week! There may be something to this hot yoga. Takes away the appetite and all you want is fluids and protein afterwards.

    More later,
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Bike riding on the regional park trails for an hour. Beautiful day!

  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Long day at work another tomorrow. Just in and it's 8:30p.m. I think I am all worked out!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Russ and I walked trails at a park in St. Paul up and down hill. We looked for a geo cache but someone had removed it from its location:( Beautiful sunny day with a nice breeze so the walk felt good and burned almost 300 calories to boot!

    Burger and a beer at a favorite neighborhood bar and then icecream later on. No dinner needed tonight!'

    Have a nice evening ladies! I surpassed my exercise minutes for the month so I feel good about that. I had a slow start but got the momentum going!

  • AZChatterB
    AZChatterB Posts: 248 Member
    Hello, Fellow Walkers.

    Can you believe that August is winding down!!! Jenny, congrats on making your goal. :drinker: I'm pushing it close to the wire, but should be able to make it. Ann, it is a big deal to walk EVERY day; congrats on your hard work. :flowerforyou: I set my goal for 60 miles each month intending to walk two miles each day, but I find that I have to use the five mile walks to catch up on the weekends. There's always next month...

    Today, I used the Walk Strong walk for the first time. It said 33 minutes, so I figured it would be a two mile walk, but it is a short walk, then a few minutes with weights, then back to walking -- alternating walking and weights three times. I tracked the walking only and it was about 15 minutes, so I figured that was one mile, and I logged the strength training for the weight workout.

    Sandy, welcome back from your vacation. Hope it gave you great rest and relaxation. :smile:

    Have a good week, everyone.
